Category Archives: Ireland

Press Releases & News from Ireland distributed via EuropaWire

EU Employment and Social Affairs Council to focus on Youth Guarantee and Employment

28-2-2013 — / —  On Thursday February 28th the EU EPSCO Council meeting (EU Employment and Social Affairs Ministers) will be jointly chaired by Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton TD and Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Richard Bruton … Read the full press release

Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt discuss trade and EU budget in Dublin

26-2-2013 — / — Taoiseach (Prime Minister of Ireland) Enda Kenny today met with the Prime Minister of Sweden, Mr Fredrik Reinfeldt in Dublin for a meeting dominated by Presidency matters. At the centre of the discussion was the contribution which … Read the full press release

Simon Coveney TD, The Irish Minister for Agriculture calls for significant progress on key CAP reform issues

26-2-2013 — / — The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, will chair the second meeting of the Agrifish Council under the Irish Presidency on Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th February. In the agriculture area, Ministers will … Read the full press release

Minister for Agriculture determined to achieve collective agreement for the early introduction of effective discards ban under reformed CFP

25-2-2013 — / — Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine, Simon Coveney TD, will be seeking agreement from his European colleagues at next week’s Fisheries Council on when and how introduce an effective discards ban in the context of the reform … Read the full press release

Irish Presidency intensifies negotiations with European Institutions on future EU budget

President Schulz to join President Barroso in Dublin next week for key meetings with Irish Presidency 25-2-2013 — / — The Irish Presidency has this week intensified discussions on the future seven-year budget, the Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF). The Irish Presidency … Read the full press release

Speech: The future evolution of the Economic and Monetary Union

Olli REHN – Vice-President of the European Commission and member of the Commission responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Euro Interparliamentary Meeting/Dublin, 25-2-2013 — / — Honourable Minister, Members of Parliament, Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for the invitation to … Read the full press release

Irish Minister for Agriculture discusses today’s Agrifish Council in Brussels

25-2-2013 — / — Irish Minister for Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine, Simon Coveney TD, is chairing today’s meeting of the Agrifish Council in Brussels. He gave a doorstep interview as he arrived at the meeting.  The Irish Presidency’s approach to this … Read the full press release

Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore speaks with EP Budget Committee Chair Lamassoure on MFF

25-2-2013 — / — The Tánaiste (Irish Deputy Prime Minister) and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Eamon Gilmore TD, met Mr Alain Lamassoure, Chair of the European Parliament’s Budgetary Committee, in Dublin today to discuss the future of the EU’s … Read the full press release

How new trade deals can boost jobs and growth in the EU – Irish Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

25-2-2013 — / — Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union can give a major boost at EU level to the kind of progress that the Government is already making in Ireland on job market reform and job … Read the full press release

Minister Sherlock: Science a core part of employment creation and retention

25-2-2013 — / — At Trinity College Dublin today, Minister Sean Sherlock gave an opening address to the European Intersectoral Summit on Research and Innovation (EISRI) at Trinity College Dublin. Minister Sherlock , who chairs EU Research Ministers within the Competitiveness … Read the full press release

Energy Council meeting in Brussels to discuss Internal Energy Market

22-2-2013 — / — Irish Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte TD, will chair a one day meeting of the TTE Council (Energy) in Brussels tomorrow, during which EU Ministers for Energy will discuss a range of issues … Read the full press release

Irish Energy Minister discusses today’s TTE Council in Brussels

22-2-2013 — / — Irish Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabbitte TD, is chairing today’s meeting of the TTE (Energy) Council in Brussels. He gave a doorstep interview as he arrived at the meeting.  The Irish Presidency’s approach to this … Read the full press release

The Central Bank of Ireland: Research highlights positive experience of borrowers engaged in the mortgage arrears resolution process

Central Bank continues to urge for early engagement 21-2-2013 — / — As it prepares to seek views on the Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears (CCMA), the Central Bank of Ireland today (21 February 2013) released results of its independent … Read the full press release

Irish Presidency secures agreement on eurozone stability measures

21-2-2013 — / — The Irish Presidency has this morning helped broker an agreement on behalf of EU member states on new rules to stabilise eurozone economies. The new rules, the ‘Two Pack’, will improve budgetary and economic coordination among eurozone … Read the full press release

The Central Bank of Ireland: Launch of SEPA Information Campaign

21-2-2013 — / — The Central Bank of Ireland today announced the start of an information campaign counting down to the full implementation of the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) initiative on 1 February 2014.  SEPA will standardise credit transfer and … Read the full press release

First-ever EU Presidency related education event to address lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues

21-2-2013 — / — The Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn, T.D., today (Wednesday 20th February) opened a conference on homophobic and transphobic bullying, in association with Ireland’s presidency of the EU Council. Held by the European region of the … Read the full press release

Irish Presidency secures agreement on EU-wide civil protection order

21-2-2013 — / — The Irish Presidency today secured agreement with the European Parliament, on behalf of EU member states, on improving the protection of victims of domestic violence across Europe. Under Ireland’s Presidency, final discussions were held between the European … Read the full press release

State Aid: Commission approves new Irish Risk Equalisation Scheme

Brussels, 21-2-2013 — / — The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules the state compensations to be granted through the new risk equalisation scheme (RES) for the provision of private medical insurance in Ireland for the period 2013 to … Read the full press release

The Central Bank of Ireland Conference on Distressed Property Markets

20-2-2013 — / — The Central Bank of Ireland today (13 February 2013) hosts a conference at the Institute of Bankers in Dublin focusing on distressed property markets. Two papers ‘On the hook for impaired bank lending: Do sovereign-bank inter-linkages affect the … Read the full press release

OECD announces details of 9th Annual Meeting in Ireland – 26th and 27th March, 2013

20-2-2013 — / — The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) today announced details of the 9th Annual Meeting of the OECD LEED Forum – “Implementing change: A new local agenda for jobs and growth”. The event will take place … Read the full press release

Statistics on securities issues of Irish financial and non-financial firms: December 2012

20-2-2013 — / — At end-December 2012, the outstanding amount of debt securities issued by Irish financial and non-financial firms, and the Government was €1 trillion (or a reduction of approximately 2 per cent since December 2011). This contrasts with a … Read the full press release

Irish President addresses audience at Sorbonne University on European citizenship

20-2-2013 — / — As part of an official trip to Paris, President Michael D. Higgins yesterday delivered a lecture at the Paris-Sorbonne University. The lecture, entitled ‘Defining Europe in the Year of the European Citizen’, was delivered to an audience … Read the full press release

The Central Bank of Ireland Publishes Programme of Themed Reviews for 2013

19-2-2013 — / — The Central Bank of Ireland today published its planned series of themed reviews and inspections for 2013. The main themes include examinations of the following areas: Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears – Review of various elements of … Read the full press release

The Central Bank of Ireland Enforcement Priorities in 2013

19-2-2013 — / — The Central Bank of Ireland today published its Enforcement Priorities for 2013 highlighting the importance of enforcement within its risk-based regulatory framework (PRISM). The Central Bank shall pursue enforcement actions across a number of topics, including non-compliance … Read the full press release

Explained – A Unitary Patent System for Europe

19-2-2013 — / — The Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement will be signed by participating member states on 19 February 2013. This is one of the final major steps towards the establishment of a unitary patent system for Europe. The Agreement … Read the full press release

EU2013IE – The First 50 Days

Policy highlights from the Presidency’s first 50 days 19-2-2013 — / — Today is the 50th day of our Presidency of the Council of the EU, which in practical terms involves the chairing of at least 1600 meetings, 180 of which … Read the full press release

Minister Sherlock puts innovation centre stage in Brussels to boost jobs and growth

Minister Sherlock puts innovation centre stage in Brussels to boost jobs and growth 18-2-2013 — / — Boosting the research and innovation capacity of Irish business, especially those in the SME sector, will be central to job creation and economic growth … Read the full press release

Ministers Bruton and Sherlock to chair Competitiveness Council debates on the Single Market, entrepreneurship and research

Ministers Richard Bruton and Sean Sherlock will chair a two-day meeting of the Competitiveness Council that will see EU Ministers for Industry and Research discuss a range of important issues including Single Market legislation, the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan and … Read the full press release

EU Education Ministers adopt conclusions on rethinking education

BRUSSELS, 18-2-2013 — / — The Irish Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn TD, chaired the EU Council of Education Ministers in Brussels today. In response to the European Commission’s recent communication on ‘Rethinking Education’, European Education Ministers adopted Conclusions … Read the full press release

Ministers for Education in Ireland & Northern Ireland seek to strengthen and reform role of teacher educator

Second major Education Event of the Irish Presidency takes place in Dublin Castle on Feb 18th/19th 18-2-2013 — / — The Minister for Education & Skills, Ruairí Quinn T.D. and his Northern Ireland counterpart, Minister John O’Dowd M.L.A will open a … Read the full press release

Innovation set for centre stage to boost growth

15-2-2013 — / — Irish Minister for Research and Innovation, Sean Sherlock TD, will chair the first meeting of Europe’s Research Ministers under Ireland’s EU Presidency on Monday 18th February. The Council will focus on a number of important areas designed … Read the full press release

Minister Coveney Welcomes Latest Steps to Address Mislabelling of Meat

The Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, welcomed the outcome of today’s meeting of the EU Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCOFCAH), which further discussed the ongoing issue of the mislabelling … Read the full press release

Education Council to debate Education and Skills for Jobs, Stability and Growth, with presentation by Digital Champion for Ireland Lord David Puttnam

15-2-2013 — / — EU Ministers for Education will discuss “Education and Skills for Jobs, Stability and Growth” at the first Education Council of the Irish Presidencyin Brussels tomorrow. Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn TD, will chair the meeting. … Read the full press release

Minister Coveney opens major BioEconomy Stakeholders Conference at Dublin Castle

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Simon Coveney TD, today opened a major Stakeholder Conference on the Bioeconomy in Dublin Castle. The conference – “Bioeconomy in the EU: Achievements and Directions for the Future” was jointly organised by … Read the full press release

Taoiseach Enda Kenny meets with Serbian Prime Minister Ivica Dačić to discuss Serbian EU accession

15-2-2013 — / — Taoiseach (Prime Minister of Ireland) Enda Kenny today met with the Prime Minister of Serbia, Mr Ivica Dačić, to discuss Ireland’s EU Presidency priorities and Serbia’s ambitions to receive a date for opening accession negotiations during the … Read the full press release

Minister for European Affairs presents Presidency priorities to EESC

Minister of State for European Affairs, Lucinda Creighton TD, today presented the Irish Presidency priorities to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) plenary meeting in Brussels. 15-2-2013 — / — In her remarks, Minister Creighton highlighted the Irish Presidency’s focus … Read the full press release

Remarks by Maciej Popowski, Deputy Secretary General for the European External Action Service following the Informal meeting of Ministers for Defence

Dublin, 15-2-2013 — / — Thank you, Minister, for hosting us! Going back to the discussion on the wider picture – defence, the future of the European Defence – one of the ministers has captured it very well by saying that defence … Read the full press release

Irish Defence Forces personnel to deploy to Mali as part of joint infantry training team with UK Armed Forces

The Minister for Defence, Alan Shatter TD, announced today that he proposes to seek the approval of the Government for participation by the Defence Forces in the planned EU Training Mission in Mali (EUTM Mali) as part of a joint … Read the full press release

EU Defence Ministers renew their commitment to support UN Peacekeeping

DUBLIN, 14-2-2013 — / — Following the Informal meeting of Defence Ministers which concluded this afternoon in Dublin Castle, Chairman and Irish Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter has stated, ““I consider the discussions that took place over the … Read the full press release

Samaritans: Relationships top poll for Feel Good Factor at work

14-2-2013 — / — Getting on well with the people you work with is the most fulfilling part of a job, according to a survey published by Samaritans and Simplyhealth today. When asked to select their top two factors, 42% of … Read the full press release