Category Archives: Ireland

Press Releases & News from Ireland distributed via EuropaWire

Cornell University, INSEAD and WIPO released the Global Innovation Index 2013 as Switzerland ranks #1

Geneva, 25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The United States rejoined the five most-innovative nations and the United Kingdom moved up to the third spot while Switzerland retained its place atop the rankings in the Global Innovation Index 2013, published by Cornell University, … Read the full press release

The EU 95g CO2/km target for car CO2 emissions by 2020 agreed between MEPs and Irish Presidency of the Council

26-6-2013 — / — The 95g CO2/km by 2020 reduction target for average car emissions was retained in a deal agreed by negotiators for Parliament and the Irish Presidency of the Council late yesterday evening. “I am happy that we could … Read the full press release

Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN Healthy Brain Speech at Healthy Europe Conference in Dublin

Month of the Brain/Dublin, 28-5-2013 — / — Minister Reilly, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to thank the Irish Presidency of the European Council for co-organising this conference on brain research and healthcare. As you know, we are currently … Read the full press release

EU, US, Canada agreed to join forces on Atlantic Ocean research

Brussels, 27-5-2013 — / — The European Union, the United States and Canada today agreed to join forces on Atlantic Ocean research. The agreement focuses on aligning the ocean observation efforts of the three partners. The goals are to better understand the Atlantic … Read the full press release

Ryanair welcomed EU Court Confirmation That European Commission Failed To Investigate “State Aid” granted to Alitalia

16-5-2013 — / — Ryanair, Europe’s only ultra-low cost carrier (ULCC), today (16 May) welcomed the EU Court’s ruling which confirmed that the European Commission has failed to investigate “State Aid” granted to Alitalia. Ryanair had initially notified the European Commission … Read the full press release

EC rolls out Action Plan to revitalise the marine and maritime economy in the Atlantic Ocean Area

Brussels, 13-5-2013 — / — The European Commission has today adopted an Action Plan to revitalise the marine and maritime economy in the Atlantic Ocean Area. The Action Plan follows from the Atlantic Strategy the Commission adopted in 2011 (see IP/11/1456). It aims … Read the full press release

EC, ECB and IMF on the Tenth Review Mission to Ireland

Brussels, 9-5-2013 — / — Staff teams from the European Commission (EC), European Central Bank (ECB), and International Monetary Fund (IMF) visited Dublin during April 23rd – May 2nd, 2013 for the tenth review of the government’s economic programme and met with … Read the full press release

László Andor at Leuven Conference: We can restore and maintain prosperity in Europe if we invest in our human capital, from cradle to old age

Brussels, 6-5-2013 — / — The key role of social investment for the modernisation of national welfare systems and for overcoming Europe’s employment and social crisis was underlined by László Andor, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion at the conference … Read the full press release

Induction programmes for new teachers in the EU are now mandatory in 15 EU Member States

Brussels, 29-4-2013 — / — Induction programmes designed to offer personalised support and advice for new teachers are now mandatory in 15 EU Member States (Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and the UK) … Read the full press release

Janez Potočnik: Towards Green Growth: Seizing Business Opportunities

Janez Potočnik – European Commissioner for Environment Green Economy Forum (Dublin Chamber of Commerce) Dublin, 25-4-2013 — / — Ladies and Gentlemen, People in Europe are looking for ways to recover from the devastation of the economic and financial crisis. Governments are searching … Read the full press release

United Kingdom and Ireland decided to join EU Insolvency Rules

Brussels, 24-4-2013 — / — Both the United Kingdom and Ireland have announced their decision to join the Commission’s proposal to modernise current EU rules on cross border insolvency, which date from 2000. The new rules aim to shift focus away from … Read the full press release

Karel De Gucht: The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Global Impacts

Institute for International and European Affairs/ Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland, 23-4-2013 — / — Ladies and Gentlemen, As you may know we’ve just had two days of discussions with European Union trade ministers here in Dublin, under the able chairmanship of Minister … Read the full press release

Remarques du Commissaire Michel Barnier lors de la conférence de presse de la réunion informelle du Conseil ECOFIN

Dublin, 16-4-2013 — / — Remarques du Commissaire Michel Barnier lors de la conférence de presse de la réunion informelle du Conseil ECOFIN Depuis trois ans, semaine après semaine, nous tirons les leçons de la crise, nous le devons aux citoyens et aux … Read the full press release

Andris Piebalgs: 1,000 days to step-up our efforts towards the MDGs

Andris Piebalgs  – European Commissioner for Development  Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, Climate Justice ‘A New Dialogue: Putting People at the Heart of Global Development’ / Dublin, Ireland Dublin, Ireland, 15-4-2013 — / —  Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, We have just under … Read the full press release

Commissioner Šemeta: The surge in Member States’ appetite for progress and action in the fight against evasion is extremely welcome

Dublin, 15-4-2013 — / — It’s a bit of a surprise – but a very nice one – to be here in Dublin today, and to be able to share with you the outcome of a highly engaging discussion we had on … Read the full press release

The acquisition of UK cable operator Virgin Media by Liberty Global of the US has been cleared by the European Commission

Brussels, 15-4-2013 — / — The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of UK cable operator Virgin Media Inc., registered in the US, by the US-based company Liberty Global, Inc. The transaction, with a value of … Read the full press release

Maritime Security: an EU approach – Maria Damanaki, European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Seminar “Challenges and opportunities in maritime security and surveillance for effective governance and innovation in the EU’s maritime domain” at Dublin Castle, Ireland Ireland, 9-4-2013 — / — Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is a great honour for me to take part … Read the full press release

Europe’s roads considerably safer during the last decade: between 2001 and 2011, road deaths fell by 43% says Siim Kallas, Vice-President and Commissioner for Transport

Reducing serious injuries: the way forward to make Europe’s roads safer Road Transport Safety Conference on Serious Injuries/Dublin Dublin, 29-3-2013 — / — Minister, ladies and gentlemen Thank you for inviting me to Dublin to speak at today’s conference. I would like … Read the full press release

The Irish Presidency: Single Supervisor is first big step towards banking union

19-3-2013 — / — The Irish Presidency has today (Tuesday 19th March) reached provisional agreement with the European Parliament on the single EU bank supervisor. The creation of this supervisor is a major step towards banking union, restoring confidence in the European … Read the full press release

The Eurogroup ministers determined to support Ireland’s and Portugal’s efforts to regain full market access

Eurogroup statement on Portugal and Ireland 19-3-2013 — / — The Eurogroup ministers are determined to support Ireland’s and Portugal’s efforts to regain full market access and successfully exit their well-performing programmes, in the context of continued strong programme implementation and compliance. They … Read the full press release

Irish Presidency concludes negotiations with European Parliament on ‘Stop the Clock’ proposal in relation to aviation emissions

14-3-2013 — / — Ireland’s Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government, Phil Hogan, TD, has welcomed agreement reached between the Council and European Parliament on the proposed ‘stop the clock’ decision in relation to greenhouse gas emissions from the … Read the full press release

Minister Bruton: Agreement of draft mandate for EU-US trade talks will be a key step

New study says EU-US deal could boost EU exports by €220bn 14-3-2013 — / — The agreement today of the European Commission’s draft mandate for the new trade talks with the US is a significant development, according to Minister for Jobs, … Read the full press release

Multiannual Financial Framework: Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore commits to working with EP for agreement in first half of 2013, in the interests of jobs and growth

13-3-2013 — / — Following today’s resolution by the European Parliament on the 2014-2020 Multiannual Financial Framework, the Irish Presidency acknowledged the Parliament’s views and committed to step up negotiations in the weeks ahead. Tánaiste – Another step has now been … Read the full press release

Richard Bruton on EU-US Free Trade Agreement: potential for over €100 billion in additional economic activity

12-3-2013 — / — Minister Bruton will today meet senior figures from President Obama’s administration in Washington DC as part of a drive to achieve progress on a new EU-US Free Trade Agreement during the Irish Presidency of the EU Council. … Read the full press release

Leo Varadkar chaired the EU Transport Council in Brussels which discussed new European Commission proposals for a clean power transport revolution across Europe

11-3-2013 — / — Transport Ministers from across the EU supported in principle the Commission’s very ambitious proposals to break the transport sector’s dependency on oil and promote market take-up of clean power fuelling points across the EU. There was a … Read the full press release

Androulla VASSILIOU: Protecting young people in the crisis

EU Youth Conference-Opening Ceremony / Dublin Dublin, 11-3-2013 — / — Dear Minister Fitzgerald, Dear Minister O’Dowd, Dear youth delegates, Dear friends, I’m delighted we have this opportunity to come together today in Dublin for the EU Youth Conference on Social Inclusion. … Read the full press release

EU Justice and Home Affairs Ministers approved proposals on the mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters at a Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Brussels

Irish Justice Minister secures agreement on European Protection Order 8-3-2013 — / — EU Justice and Home Affairs Ministers approved proposals on the mutual recognition of protection measures in civil matters at a Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting in Brussels … Read the full press release

Minister for Health, James Reilly TD, concluded a successful meeting of EU Health Ministers as part of Ireland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union

Packed agenda also focused on childhood obesity, smoke-free environment & children with complex developmental needs 6-3-2013 — / — The Minister and his European counterparts dealt with a range of important health issues.  In particular, they discussed the impact of the … Read the full press release

Energy researchers at Trinity College have just completed an Irish Aid, Intel and IRCSET funded research project that generates electricity from cooking stoves to Homes in Rural Malawi

6-3-2013 — / — Energy researchers at the School of Engineering at Trinity College Dublin have just completed an Irish Aid, Intel and IRCSET funded research project that generates electricity from cooking stoves, providing lighting and phone charging in  Malawi, one of the … Read the full press release

Broad political support at today’s ECOFIN Council on the Capital Requirements Directive IV compromise package

6-3-2013 — / — The Irish Presidency hopes to make progress on outstanding technical issues in discussions with the Parliament over the coming weeks. Agreement also reached on the “Two Pack” of economic surveillance measures for the Eurozone. There was broad … Read the full press release

Alan Shatter TD: Victims of domestic violence and other vulnerable people at risk of violence will gain an additional layer of protection following agreement in Brussels this week

6-3-2013 — / — At the Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting on Friday, 8 March, 2013 Ministers are expected to formally approve a deal reached with the European Parliament on the European Protection Order.  This new EU Regulation will mean … Read the full press release

Trinity College: Countering Workplace Bullying for People with an Intellectual Disability

Let me be ME! 5-3-2013 — / — The Anti-Bullying Centre (ABC) at Trinity College has found there is a lack of knowledge and procedure for professionals in managing cases of bullying involving people with an intellectual disability in the workplace. … Read the full press release

Irish Presidency signs EU customs agreement with Canada

4-3-2013 — / — In Brussels this afternoon (Monday 4 March), the Irish Presidency has, on behalf of the EU, signed a Customs Agreement with Canada. Ambassador Rory Montgomery, Ireland’s Permanent Representative to the EU, signed the agreement along with Heinz … Read the full press release

Roundtable meeting on homelessness agrees six principles to inform EU policy

4-3-2013 — / — Minister for Housing and Planning Jan O’Sullivan, TD, today welcomed the positive outcomes of the EU roundtable meeting on homelessness. Minister O’Sullivan co-chaired the meeting of EU ministers with responsibility for homelessness policy with Commissioner for Employment, … Read the full press release is looking for two teams of two people to take on the Eurotrip Citizen X challenge and race across 5 EU countries over just 6 days

4-3-2013 — / — With Ireland celebrating 40 years membership of the EU, as well as the European Year of Citizens 2013, want to put the EU rights Irish people have as EU citizens to the test. Both teams will … Read the full press release

EU Health Ministers to tackle childhood obesity and smoke-free environments

Agenda also includes discussions on patient safety and the impact of the economic crisis on health systems 4-3-2013 — / — The Irish Minister for Health Dr. James Reilly will host an Informal Meeting of European Health Ministers at Dublin Castle … Read the full press release

EU Ministers meet in Leuven to discuss the EU’s involvement in the area of homelessness

4-3-2013 — / — Minister of State for Housing and Planning Jan O’Sullivan, TD, will co-chair a meeting of EU ministers with responsibility for homelessness policy with Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, László Andor at the Irish College in … Read the full press release

Minister for Education and Skills underlines Irish Presidency priority of strengthening Economic and Monetary Union for key EU policy makers

28-2-2013 — / — Minister for Education and Skills, Ruairí Quinn TD, is this evening (Wednesday 27th February) addressing top EU policy makers in Brussels on the Irish Presidency priorities of stability, jobs and growth and the theme of “The Three … Read the full press release

Irish Presidency reaches breakthrough on new rules for stronger EU banks

28-2-2013 — / — The Irish Presidency has tonight reached a breakthrough in talks with the European Parliament on an overhaul of banking rules increasing EU financial stability. The Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan TD, welcomed the news: “I am very proud … Read the full press release

Mergers: Commission prohibits Ryanair’s proposed takeover of Aer Lingus – frequently asked questions

Brussels, 28-2-2013 — / — Mergers: Commission prohibits Ryanair’s proposed takeover of Aer Lingus – frequently asked questions See also IP/13/167 1. What is the Commission’s approach with respect to consolidation in the European air transport sector? Is the decision in this case in … Read the full press release