Category Archives: Denmark

Press Releases & News from Denmark distributed via EuropaWire

Maersk Leases New Sustainable Facility in the UK to Enhance Logistics Services

(IN BRIEF) Maersk, a global logistics company, has leased a 685,000 sq ft facility at SEGRO Logistics Park East Midlands Gateway in the UK, which is set to be completed by June 2023. The facility is constructed with low GHG … Read the full press release

Ørsted secures long-term revenues for Taiwan offshore wind farms with corporate power purchase agreement

(IN BRIEF) Ørsted has announced the final investment decision (FID) for its Greater Changhua 2b and 4 offshore wind farms in Taiwan, with a completion timeline set for the end of 2025. The 920 MW grid capacity of the wind … Read the full press release

NORDEN and Spar Shipping take step towards greener shipping with biofuel bunkering

(IN BRIEF) Shipping company NORDEN has bunkered approximately 1,100 tonnes of biofuel in Rotterdam for two voyages to Asia and Africa, in partnership with shipowner Spar Shipping. This marks the first biofuel bunkering for NORDEN on chartered vessels and demonstrates … Read the full press release

STARK erweitert das 24/7-Konzept auf Aalborg, Jütland

(IN KÜRZE) Der Baustoffhändler STARK hat seine zweite 24/7-Filiale in Aalborg, Jütland, eröffnet. Dieser neue Standort wird es den Kunden ermöglichen, jederzeit auf Baumaterialien und Werkzeuge zuzugreifen, was eine größere Flexibilität und Bequemlichkeit für Handwerker bietet, die an engen Bauterminen … Read the full press release

STARK Expands 24/7 Concept to Aalborg, Jutland

(IN BRIEF) Builders’ merchant STARK has launched its second 24/7 branch, located in Aalborg, Jutland. This new location will allow customers to access building materials and tools at any time, providing greater flexibility and convenience for craftsmen working on tight … Read the full press release

Maersk étend ses services de fret aérien avec des vols réguliers entre Billund et Hangzhou

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) A.P. Moller – Maersk a lancé un nouveau service de fret aérien avec des vols réguliers entre Billund, au Danemark et Hangzhou, en Chine, en réponse à la demande croissante des clients. Le service devrait accroître l’accès … Read the full press release

Maersk Expands Air Freight Services with Scheduled Flights Between Billund and Hangzhou

(IN BRIEF) A.P. Moller – Maersk has launched a new air freight service with scheduled flights between Billund, Denmark and Hangzhou, China in response to increasing customer demand. The service is expected to increase access for high-value and time-sensitive cargo … Read the full press release

Die Veräußerung von Maersk Supply Service durch Maersk markiert den Abschluss der neuen Strategie rund um integrierte Logistik

(IN KÜRZE) A.P. Moller – Maersk hat zugestimmt, seinen Maersk Supply Service für einen Wert von 685 Millionen US-Dollar an die A.P. Moller Holding, die Muttergesellschaft der A.P. Moller Group, zu veräußern. Die Veräußerung stellt den letzten Schritt bei der … Read the full press release

Maersk’s Divestment of Maersk Supply Service Marks Completion of New Strategy Around Integrated Logistics

(IN BRIEF) A.P. Moller – Maersk has agreed to divest its Maersk Supply Service to A.P. Moller Holding, the parent company of the A.P. Moller Group, for a value of $685m. The divestment represents the final step in the separation … Read the full press release

LEGO launches classic Land Rover Defender set to mark 75th anniversary

(IN BRIEF) LEGO has launched a new set inspired by the classic design of the Land Rover Defender from 1983 to 2016, complete with all the accessories needed for an off-road adventure. The 2,336 piece set has been launched to … Read the full press release

Ørsted fortalece su presencia en Irlanda con la adquisición del proyecto solar Garrenleen

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Ørsted, una empresa líder en energía sostenible, ha adquirido el proyecto solar Garrenleen de 160 MW del desarrollador de energía renovable Terra Solar. Este es el segundo proyecto solar de Ørsted en Irlanda y refuerza su compromiso … Read the full press release

Ørsted Strengthens Presence in Ireland with Acquisition of Garrenleen Solar Project

(IN BRIEF) Ørsted, a leading sustainable energy company, has acquired the 160 MW Garrenleen solar project from renewable energy developer Terra Solar. This is Ørsted’s second solar project in Ireland and reinforces its commitment to reaching 17.5 GW of onshore … Read the full press release

Beosound A9 und Beosound 2: Die neueste Generation zukunftssicherer Lautsprecher von Bang & Olufsen

(IN KÜRZE) Bang & Olufsen hat neue Generationen seiner Lautsprecher Beosound A9 und Beosound 2 auf den Markt gebracht. Beide Lautsprecher verfügen über austauschbare Module, die mit der neuesten Rechenleistung und Software aktualisiert werden können, was Langlebigkeit und Zukunftssicherheit bietet. Der … Read the full press release

Beosound A9 and Beosound 2: Bang & Olufsen’s Latest Generation of Future-Proof Speakers

(IN BRIEF) Bang & Olufsen has launched new generations of its Beosound A9 and Beosound 2 speakers. Both speakers feature replaceable modules that can be updated with the latest processing power and software, providing longevity and future-proofing. The Beosound A9 … Read the full press release

Anders Runevad sucederá a Bert Nordberg como presidente de la junta de Vestas Wind Systems

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Bert Nordberg, presidente de la junta directiva de Vestas Wind Systems A/S, no buscará la reelección como miembro de la junta durante la reunión general anual programada para el 12 de abril de 2023. Nordberg ha sido … Read the full press release

Anders Runevad to Succeed Bert Nordberg as Chair of Vestas Wind Systems Board

(IN BRIEF) Bert Nordberg, the Chair of the Board of Directors at Vestas Wind Systems A/S, will not be seeking re-election as a board member during the Annual General Meeting scheduled for April 12, 2023. Nordberg has been the Chair … Read the full press release

Novo Nordisk renforce son équipe de direction avec de nouvelles nominations

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Novo Nordisk a annoncé des changements dans son équipe de direction. Monique Carter, l’actuelle vice-présidente exécutive de Global People & Organisation, quitte l’entreprise pour poursuivre une opportunité externe et sera remplacé par Tania Sabroe, qui a été … Read the full press release

Novo Nordisk strengthens executive team with new appointments

(IN BRIEF) Novo Nordisk has announced changes to its executive management team. Monique Carter, the current EVP of Global People & Organisation, is leaving the company to pursue an external opportunity and will be succeeded by Tania Sabroe, who has … Read the full press release

Società danese di turbine eoliche ottiene un prestito di 67 milioni di euro da NIB

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) La Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) ha firmato un contratto di prestito settennale di 500 milioni di corone danesi (circa 67 milioni di euro) con la società danese KK Wind Solutions Holding A/S per sostenere l’espansione dell’azienda nel … Read the full press release

Danish Wind Turbine Company Secures EUR 67 Million Loan from NIB

(IN BRIEF) The Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) has signed a seven-year DKK 500 million (approximately EUR 67 million) loan agreement with Danish firm KK Wind Solutions Holding A/S to support the company’s expansion in the wind turbine industry. The loan … Read the full press release

Stark Group entre sur le marché britannique avec une acquisition accélérée de Saint-Gobain Building Distribution UK Ltd.

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) STARK GROUP A / S a terminé la séparation accélérée de Saint-Gobain Building Distribution UK Ltd., acquérant plus de 600 succursales de marchands, spécialistes et de distribution de constructeurs de constructeurs, ainsi qu’un important importateur et distributeur … Read the full press release

STARK Group Enters UK Market with Accelerated Acquisition of Saint-Gobain Building Distribution UK Ltd.

(IN BRIEF) STARK Group A/S has completed the accelerated separation of Saint-Gobain Building Distribution UK Ltd., acquiring more than 600 builders’ merchant, specialist, and distribution branches, and a major timber importer and distributor. The acquisition was initially planned to close … Read the full press release

Der EIF und der dänische Export- und Investitionsfonds garantieren 30,9 Millionen Euro an neuen Krediten für dänische Unternehmen

(IN KÜRZE) Der Europäische Investitionsfonds (EIF) und der dänische Export- und Investitionsfonds haben eine Vereinbarung zur Bereitstellung einer Nachhaltigkeitsgarantie für neue Darlehen zur Unterstützung dänischer Unternehmen unterzeichnet. Die durch das InvestEU-Programm abgesicherte Garantie wird es dem dänischen Staatsfonds ermöglichen, Darlehen … Read the full press release

EIF and Denmark’s Export and Investment Fund Guarantee €30.9m in New Loans for Danish Businesses

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Denmark’s Export and Investment Fund have signed an agreement to provide a sustainability guarantee for new loans to support Danish businesses. The guarantee, backed by the InvestEU program, will enable the Danish … Read the full press release

Maersk verkauft Standorte in St. Petersburg und Novorossiysk an IG Finance Development

(IN KÜRZE) Maersk hat eine Vereinbarung getroffen, seine Logistikstandorte in St. Petersburg und Novorossiysk an IG Finance Development Limited zu verkaufen. Der Verkauf erfolgt im Rahmen der Entscheidung von Maersk im März 2022, seine Aktivitäten in Russland einzustellen. Die beiden … Read the full press release

Maersk Sells St. Petersburg and Novorossiysk Sites to IG Finance Development

(IN BRIEF) Maersk has reached an agreement to sell its logistics sites in St. Petersburg and Novorossiysk to IG Finance Development Limited. The sale comes as part of Maersk’s decision in March 2022 to discontinue its operations in Russia. The … Read the full press release

Merkur Andelskasse proposera un financement abordable pour des initiatives durables au Danemark avec la garantie du FEI

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Merkur Andelskasse, l’une des principales institutions financières du Danemark, a signé un accord de garantie avec le Fonds européen d’investissement (FEI) dans le cadre du programme InvestEU. Cet accord permettra à Merkur d’offrir une gamme de solutions … Read the full press release

Merkur Andelskasse to offer affordable financing for sustainable initiatives in Denmark with EIF guarantee

(IN BRIEF) Merkur Andelskasse, one of the leading financial institutions in Denmark, has signed a guarantee agreement with the European Investment Fund (EIF) under the InvestEU programme. This agreement will allow Merkur to offer a range of lending solutions to … Read the full press release

Il gruppo Viaplay assume la leadership nello streaming di sport motoristici di livello mondiale nella regione nordica

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Viaplay Group ha esteso i suoi diritti di streaming esclusivi per le corse motociclistiche MotoGP™ in cinque paesi nordici (Svezia, Norvegia, Danimarca, Finlandia e Islanda) fino al 2028. Viaplay fornirà fino a 400 ore in diretta del … Read the full press release

Viaplay Group Takes the Lead in Streaming World-Class Motorsports in the Nordic Region

(IN BRIEF) Viaplay Group has extended its exclusive streaming rights to MotoGP™ motorcycle racing in five Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland) until 2028. Viaplay will provide up to 400 live hours of the world’s leading motorcycle racing … Read the full press release

Die STARK-Gruppe gehört zu den besten 1 % der Unternehmen in der globalen Bewertung von EcoVadis

(IN KÜRZE) Die STARK Group wurde von EcoVadis für ihre nachhaltigen Geschäftspraktiken mit Platin ausgezeichnet und gehört damit zu den besten 1 % aller bewerteten Unternehmen. Die Platin-Bewertung basierte auf einer umfassenden Bewertung der Leistung der STARK-Gruppe in Bereichen wie … Read the full press release

STARK Group Ranks Among Top 1% of Companies in EcoVadis’ Global Assessment

(IN BRIEF) STARK Group has received a platinum rating from EcoVadis for its sustainable business practices, ranking it in the top 1% of all companies assessed. The platinum rating was based on a comprehensive evaluation of STARK Group’s performance in … Read the full press release

FLSmidth Announces ‘GREEN’26’ Cement Strategy for Green Transition and Growth in Service Business

(PRESS RELEASE) COPENHAGEN, 18-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — FLSmidth (CPH: FLS), a Danish multinational engineering company, announced today at its Capital Markets Day the introduction of new pure play strategies for mining and cement and new long-term financial targets for the … Read the full press release

FLSmidth gibt „GREEN’26“-Zementstrategie für grünen Wandel und Wachstum im Dienstleistungsgeschäft bekannt

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) KOPENHAGEN, 18-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — FLSmidth (CPH: FLS), ein dänisches multinationales Maschinenbauunternehmen, gab heute auf seinem Capital Markets Day die Einführung neuer Pure-Play-Strategien für Bergbau und Zement sowie neue langfristige Finanzziele für das Geschäftsjahr 2026 bekannt. Das Unternehmen hat … Read the full press release

ISS Guckenheimer joins Beans is How Coalition to promote sustainable food choices

(PRESS RELEASE) COPENHAGEN, 18-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — ISS (CPH: ISS), a leading workplace experience and facility management company, has announced that its subsidiary ISS Guckenheimer, a premier on-site corporate restaurant management and catering company, has joined the Beans is How Coalition … Read the full press release

ISS Guckenheimer se une a Beans is How Coalition para promover elecciones alimentarias sostenibles

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) COPENHAGUE, 18-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — ISS (CPH: ISS), una empresa líder en administración de instalaciones y experiencia en el lugar de trabajo, ha anunciado que su subsidiaria ISS Guckenheimer, una empresa líder en el sitio empresa de gestión … Read the full press release

New York City invests $400 million in cloudburst program following collaboration with Copenhagen

(PRESS RELEASE) COPENHAGEN, 17-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — New York City is making a historic investment of nearly $400 million in its cloudburst program, thanks to a seven-year collaboration with the City of Copenhagen. The partnership has led to the creation of … Read the full press release

La ciudad de Nueva York invierte $ 400 millones en un programa de tormentas luego de la colaboración con Copenhague

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) COPENHAGUE, 17-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — La Ciudad de Nueva York está realizando una inversión histórica de casi $400 millones en su programa de tormentas, gracias a una colaboración de siete años con la Ciudad de Copenhague. La asociación … Read the full press release

Italian LEGO Fan Designer Unveils Cozy A-Frame Cabin Set for LEGO® Ideas Line

(PRESS RELEASE) BILLUND, 17-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — The LEGO Group, a Danish privately held toy production company founded in 1932, has announced the launch of its latest addition to the LEGO® Ideas line: the A-Frame Cabin set. Designed by Italian … Read the full press release

Il fan designer italiano di LEGO svela un accogliente set di cabine A-Frame per la linea LEGO® Ideas

(COMUNICATO STAMPA) BILLUND, 17-Jan-2023 — /EuropaWire/ — The LEGO Group, una società danese privata di produzione di giocattoli fondata nel 1932, ha annunciato il lancio della sua ultima aggiunta alla linea LEGO® Ideas: il set A-Frame Cabin. Progettato dal fan … Read the full press release