Category Archives: Austria

Press Releases & News from Austria distributed via EuropaWire

Sustainable Interior Fit-Out at High Tech Campus Villach Thanks to Lindner Group

(IN BRIEF) The High Tech Campus Villach, a new research and development complex in Austria, is being fitted out with recycled raised floor panels and heated/chilled ceilings from Lindner Group. The campus focuses on microelectronics, mechatronics, sensor tech, and renewable … Read the full press release

Werner Rainer, CEO of XSpline comments on the first patient enrolling in the International Clinical Trial for the company’s Non-Invasive Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

Werner Rainer, CEO of XSpline comments on the first patient enrolling in the International Clinical Trial for the company's Non-Invasive Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy

(IN BRIEF) I am excited to share that XSpline SPA and Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen Hospital have enrolled the first patient in the CRT-DRIVE clinical trial. Our cloud-based XSpline Cloud technology offers non-invasive cardiac panoramic mapping to select individual CRT treatment … Read the full press release

Dr. Georgios Kollias, M.D., comments on the enrollment of the first patient in the Clinical Study for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Using XSpline Cloud’s Non-Invasive Technology

Dr. Georgios Kollias, M.D. comments on the enrollment of the first patient in the Clinical Study for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy Using XSpline Cloud's Non-Invasive Technology

(IN BRIEF) Dr. Georgios Kollias, the principal investigator for the clinical trial in Austria, expressed great satisfaction with the XSpline Cloud software, a non-invasive cardiac panoramic mapping technology designed to select individual CRT treatment strategies and predict outcomes. As the … Read the full press release

PrimeDry Hood E di ANDRITZ offre scelte di riscaldamento flessibili per una produzione sostenibile di tessuti

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il gruppo tecnologico internazionale ANDRITZ ha lanciato una nuova cappa di asciugatura, chiamata PrimeDry Hood E, dotata di elementi riscaldanti elettrici per sostituire i sistemi basati su combustibili fossili utilizzati nelle macchine tissue. La nuova cappa offre … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ’s PrimeDry Hood E Offers Flexible Heating Choices for Sustainable Tissue Production

(IN BRIEF) International technology group ANDRITZ has launched a new drying hood, called the PrimeDry Hood E, that features electric heating elements to replace fossil fuel-based systems used in tissue machines. The new hood offers up to a 70% reduction … Read the full press release

XSpline SPA / University of Linz (Austria): the first patient has been enrolled in the international multicenter clinical study for the Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy DeliveRy guided by non-Invasive electrical and VEnous anatomy assessment (CRT-DRIVE)

XSpline Cloud: First-in-class cloud platform for personalized cardiac resynchronization therapy evaluated in International Clinical Trial; first procedure performed at the Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen Hospital (Austria). (IN BRIEF) XSpline SPA, an Italian start-up company, and the Ordensklinikum Linz Elisabethinen Hospital in … Read the full press release

Maggiore spazio, comfort e praticità promessi con i nuovi convogli ÖBB Siemens Desiro ML

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Siemens Mobility Austria si è assicurata un ordine da ÖBB per ulteriori 27 convogli elettrici della serie Siemens Desiro ML, come parte degli sforzi di ÖBB per rinnovare la propria flotta e investire in treni moderni per … Read the full press release

Increased space, comfort and convenience promised with new ÖBB Siemens Desiro ML trainsets

(IN BRIEF) Siemens Mobility Austria has secured an order from ÖBB for an additional 27 electric trainsets from the Siemens Desiro ML series, as part of ÖBB’s efforts to renew its fleet and invest in modern trains for inner-Alpine transport. … Read the full press release

Voith Hydro y STRUCINSPECT colaboran para maximizar el potencial de las centrales hidroeléctricas

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) El proveedor de equipos hidroeléctricos, Voith Hydro, se ha asociado con la empresa emergente austriaca STRUCINSPECT para mejorar la inspección y gestión digital de las centrales hidroeléctricas. El centro de ciclo de vida de la infraestructura de … Read the full press release

Voith Hydro and STRUCINSPECT collaborate to maximize potential of hydropower stations

(IN BRIEF) Hydroelectric equipment supplier, Voith Hydro, has partnered with Austrian start-up STRUCINSPECT to improve the digital inspection and management of hydropower stations. STRUCINSPECT’s Infrastructure Lifecycle Hub is being used to maintain dams, bridges, and tunnels in a safe, sustainable, … Read the full press release

Asia Honor Paper Industries améliore ses capacités de fabrication de papier à base de fibres recyclées avec la mise à niveau d’ANDRITZ

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) ANDRITZ a terminé la mise en service d’un système de réduction en pâte à tambour FibreFlow et d’un équipement de traitement des rejets chez Asia Honor Paper en Malaisie. La mise à niveau a été effectuée sur … Read the full press release

Asia Honour Paper Industries enhances recycled fiber-based paper manufacturing capabilities with ANDRITZ upgrade

(IN BRIEF) ANDRITZ has completed the commissioning of a FibreFlow drum pulping system and reject handling equipment at Asia Honour Paper in Malaysia. The upgrade was made to production line PM21, which processes a mixture of recycled fiber grades for … Read the full press release

UniCredit Bank Austria to Focus on Direct Sales of Securities, Integrates Financing Business of Bank Austria Finanzservice

(IN BRIEF) UniCredit Bank Austria has announced that the financing business of its third-party sales partner, Bank Austria Finanzservice, will be integrated into the bank from 1st April 2023. Bank Austria Finanzservice is the leading broker in Austria’s financing market, … Read the full press release

Alstoms Kompetenzzentrum in Wien markiert die Produktion der 1000. modernen Straßenbahn

(IN KÜRZE) Alstom hat die Produktion seiner 1000. Straßenbahn in Wien gefeiert. Seit 1990 fertigt Alstom moderne Straßenbahnen für globale Kunden von Österreich bis Australien. Die 1000. Straßenbahn ist ein Flexity Vienna für die Wiener Linien und wird bald für … Read the full press release

Alstom’s competence center in Vienna marks production of 1000th modern tram

(IN BRIEF) Alstom has celebrated the production of its 1000th tram in Vienna. Since 1990, Alstom has manufactured modern trams for global customers from Austria to Australia. The 1000th tram is a Flexity Vienna for Wiener Linien and will soon … Read the full press release

Voestalpine Railway Systems reçoit une commande de 237 millions d’euros pour un réseau ferroviaire à grande vitesse 2 au Royaume-Uni

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) La société autrichienne voestalpine Railway Systems a obtenu sa plus importante commande jamais réalisée, d’une valeur d’environ 237 millions d’euros, pour la conception, la fourniture et l’entretien d’aiguillages, d’entraînements et de joints de dilatation ferroviaire, y compris … Read the full press release

Voestalpine Railway Systems Receives €237m Order for High-Speed 2 Rail Network in UK

(IN BRIEF) Austrian company, voestalpine Railway Systems, has secured its largest ever order worth around EUR 237 million for the design, supply, and servicing of turnouts, drives, and rail expansion joints including diagnostic systems for Great Britain’s new High Speed … Read the full press release

DB Schenker prende in consegna il primo camion elettrico Volta Zero per il test europeo

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) DB Schenker, uno dei principali fornitori di servizi logistici, ha ricevuto il primo camion pilota Volta Zero per un test sul campo europeo. L’azienda ha visitato lo stabilimento di produzione di Volta Trucks in Austria per assistere … Read the full press release

DB Schenker Takes Delivery of First Volta Zero Electric Truck for European Test

(IN BRIEF) DB Schenker, a leading logistics service provider, has received the first pilot Volta Zero truck for a European field test. The company visited the Volta Trucks manufacturing facility in Austria to witness the final prototype of the all-electric … Read the full press release

Das LimeCool-System von ANDRITZ verhilft Stora Enso Imatra zu einer höheren Energieeffizienz

(IN KÜRZE) ANDRITZ, ein internationaler Technologiekonzern, hat erfolgreich ein energieeffizientes LimeCool-System im Zellstoffwerk von Stora Enso in Imatra, Finnland, installiert. Das LimeCool-System nutzt die Wärme des verarbeiteten heißen Kalks im Kalkofen und erreicht so eine höhere Energieeffizienz und eine gesteigerte … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ’s LimeCool System Helps Stora Enso Imatra Achieve Higher Energy Efficiency

(IN BRIEF) ANDRITZ, an international technology group, has successfully installed an energy-efficient LimeCool system at Stora Enso’s pulp mill in Imatra, Finland. The LimeCool system uses the heat of the processed hot lime in the lime kiln, achieving higher energy … Read the full press release

Smurfit Kappa migliora gli sforzi per la sostenibilità con l’ordine di una linea di scortecciatura ANDRITZ per la cartiera colombiana

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Smurfit Kappa, fornitore leader di imballaggi a base di carta, ha ordinato ad ANDRITZ una linea di scortecciatura ad alta efficienza energetica per la sua cartiera di Yumbo, in Colombia. Il nuovo impianto, il cui avvio è … Read the full press release

Smurfit Kappa Advances Sustainability Efforts with ANDRITZ Debarking Line Order for Colombian Paper Mill

(IN BRIEF) Smurfit Kappa, a leading provider of paper-based packaging, has ordered an energy-efficient debarking line from ANDRITZ for its paper mill in Yumbo, Colombia. The new installation, which is scheduled to start up in the fourth quarter of 2024, … Read the full press release

U.S. Army Corps vergibt Auftrag an ANDRITZ für Sanierung des Kraftwerks Tennessee

(IN KÜRZE) Das U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Nashville District hat den internationalen Technologiekonzern ANDRITZ mit der Sanierung von Turbinen und Generatoren im Wasserkraftwerk Old Hickory am Cumberland River in Tennessee beauftragt. Nach Fertigstellung wird die Anlage voraussichtlich etwa 565 … Read the full press release

U.S. Army Corps Awards Contract to ANDRITZ for Tennessee Power Plant Rehabilitation

(IN BRIEF) The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Nashville District has awarded international technology group ANDRITZ a contract to rehabilitate turbines and generators at the Old Hickory hydroelectric power plant located on the Cumberland River in Tennessee. Once completed, the … Read the full press release

La caldera EcoFluid de ANDRITZ reducirá sustancialmente el consumo de gas y las emisiones para los proyectos de energía EON

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) El grupo tecnológico internacional ANDRITZ ha obtenido un contrato de EON Energy Projects GmbH para suministrar una caldera EcoFluid de alta eficiencia con una capacidad de 30 MW de potencia térmica, que se espera que esté operativa … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ’s EcoFluid boiler to substantially reduce gas consumption and emissions for EON Energy Projects

(IN BRIEF) International technology group ANDRITZ has been awarded a contract by EON Energy Projects GmbH to supply a highly efficient EcoFluid boiler with a capacity of 30 MW thermal power, which is expected to be operational in 2025. The … Read the full press release

Lenzing e la saldatura delle fibre naturali si uniscono per creare un sostituto ecologico della pelle

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Lenzing e Natural Fiber Welding Inc. (NFW) hanno annunciato una partnership per offrire fibre a marchio TENCEL™ come ulteriore opzione di supporto per il materiale vegetale brevettato da NFW, MIRUM®. Il nuovo materiale sarà presentato per la … Read the full press release

Lenzing and Natural Fiber Welding Team Up to Create Environmentally Friendly Leather Substitute

(IN BRIEF) Lenzing and Natural Fiber Welding Inc. (NFW) have announced a partnership to offer TENCEL™ branded fibers as an additional backer option for NFW’s patented plant-based material, MIRUM®. The new material will be showcased for the first time in … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ e Lee & Man Paper collaborano per migliorare le capacità produttive in Malesia

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il gruppo tecnologico ANDRITZ ha ricevuto un ordine da Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. fornirà una pressa a scarpa PrimePress X per il suo stabilimento di Banting, in Malesia. La pressa a scarpa sostituirà la prima … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ and Lee & Man Paper Partner to Enhance Production Capabilities in Malaysia

(IN BRIEF) Technology group ANDRITZ has received an order from Lee & Man Paper Manufacturing Ltd. to supply a PrimePress X shoe press for their mill in Banting, Malaysia. The shoe press will replace the conventional first press, delivering improved … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ seleccionado por Visy Paper para ofrecer una solución desafiante de pulpa de materia prima

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Visy Paper, una subsidiaria de Visy Group, eligió a ANDRITZ para instalar un sistema de pulpa FibreFlow Drum de última generación en su planta de papel reciclado en Coolaroo, Victoria, Australia. El sistema permitirá a Visy Paper … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ selected by Visy Paper to deliver challenging raw material pulping solution

(IN BRIEF) Visy Paper, a subsidiary of the Visy Group, has chosen ANDRITZ to install a state-of-the-art FibreFlow Drum pulping system at its recycled paper mill in Coolaroo, Victoria, Australia. The system will enable Visy Paper to process a challenging … Read the full press release

Lenzing, Södra e Riopele levam a moda sustentável para o próximo nível com fibras de liocel TENCEL™ x REFIBRA™

(NOTÍCIA EM BREVE) Uma parceria estratégica entre o Grupo Lenzing, fornecedor líder de fibras especiais, e a produtora de celulose sueca Södra, juntamente com a fabricante portuguesa de tecidos Riopele, produziu uma coleção de moda sustentável para Filippa K. A … Read the full press release

Lenzing, Södra, and Riopele take sustainable fashion to the next level with TENCEL™ x REFIBRA™ lyocell fibers

(IN BRIEF) A strategic partnership between the Lenzing Group, a leading supplier of specialty fibers, and Swedish pulp producer Södra, along with Portuguese fabric manufacturer Riopele, has produced a sustainable fashion collection for Filippa K. The spring/summer collection features TENCEL™ … Read the full press release

Fusión de soluciones digitales y estado de las máquinas: Asociación global de ANDRITZ y KCF Technologies

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) El grupo tecnológico internacional ANDRITZ y KCF Technologies, un proveedor de soluciones para el estado de las máquinas, se han asociado para ofrecer soluciones integrales a los complejos desafíos de fabricación en la industria de la pulpa … Read the full press release

Merging Digital Solutions and Machine Health: ANDRITZ and KCF Technologies Global Partnership

(IN BRIEF) International technology group ANDRITZ and KCF Technologies, a provider of machine health solutions, have partnered to offer comprehensive solutions to complex manufacturing challenges in the pulp and paper industry. The collaboration merges ANDRITZ’s digital solution platform and KCF’s … Read the full press release

Sistemas automatizados de rosqueamento da ANDRITZ para revolucionar a indústria de embalagens de papel no Brasil

(NOTÍCIA EM BREVE) A ANDRITZ garante o pedido da Klingele Paper & Packaging Group no Brasil para fornecer sistemas automatizados de rosqueamento para máquinas de papel PM1 e PM3. Os sistemas, que visam aumentar a segurança e reduzir o tempo … Read the full press release

Automated Threading Systems from ANDRITZ to Revolutionize Paper Packaging Industry in Brazil

(IN BRIEF) ANDRITZ secures order from Klingele Paper & Packaging Group in Brazil to supply automated threading systems for PM1 and PM3 paper machines. The systems, aimed at increasing safety and reducing paper break time, will be installed in 2023. … Read the full press release

Österreichische Tourismuswirtschaft erhält Schub mit 150 Mio. Euro Kredit für nachhaltige Projekte

(IN KÜRZE) Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) hat der Österreichischen Hotel- und Tourismusbank (ÖHT) ein Darlehen in Höhe von 150 Millionen Euro gewährt, um kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU) der Freizeit- und Tourismusbranche in Österreich zu unterstützen. Das Darlehen soll es … Read the full press release