Category Archives: Austria

Press Releases & News from Austria distributed via EuropaWire

Hydro to expand aluminium extrusion capacity at its plant in Rackwitz, Germany

The Rackwitz plant is one of four in the company’s DACH organization, which serves extrusion customers in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. (PRESS RELEASE) OSLO, 22-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Norsk Hydro ASA (OTCMKTS: NHYDY), a Norwegian aluminium and renewable energy company … Read the full press release

Hydro erweitert die Aluminium-Strangpresskapazität in seinem Werk in Rackwitz, Deutschland

Das Werk Rackwitz ist eines von vier in der DACH-Organisation des Unternehmens, das Extrusionskunden in Österreich, Deutschland und der Schweiz beliefert. (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) OSLO, 22-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Norsk Hydro ASA (OTCMKTS: NHYDY), ein norwegisches Unternehmen für Aluminium und erneuerbare Energien … Read the full press release

Das österreichische Mobilitätstechnologieunternehmen AVL erweitert seine globale Testinfrastruktur für Brennstoffzellen- und Wasserstofftechnologie mit einem neuen hochmodernen Testzentrum in Graz, Österreich

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) GRAZ, Österreich, 20-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — AVL, eines der weltweit führenden Mobilitätstechnologieunternehmen für Entwicklung, Simulation und Erprobung in der Automobilindustrie, hat den substanziellen Ausbau seiner globalen Testinfrastruktur für Brennstoffzellen- und Wasserstofftechnologie angekündigt. Das Unternehmen hat gerade ein neues, hochmodernes … Read the full press release

Austrian mobility technology company AVL expands its global test infrastructure for fuel cell and hydrogen technology with new state-of-the-art test center in Graz, Austria

(PRESS RELEASE) GRAZ, Austria, 20-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — AVL, one of the world’s leading mobility technology companies for development, simulation and testing in the automotive industry, has announced the substantial expansion of its global test infrastructure for fuel cell and … Read the full press release

L’entreprise autrichienne de technologie de la mobilité AVL étend son infrastructure de test mondiale pour la technologie des piles à combustible et de l’hydrogène avec un nouveau centre de test de pointe à Graz, en Autriche

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) GRAZ, Autriche, 20-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — AVL, l’un des leaders mondiaux des technologies de mobilité pour le développement, la simulation et les tests dans l’industrie automobile, a annoncé l’expansion substantielle de son infrastructure de test mondiale pour … Read the full press release

AWS: Österreich gewann den ersten Preis und einen Sonderpreis beim 33. European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS)

Jugend Innovativ-Projekte siegen bei der EM der Nachwuchsforscher*innen Österreich war beim 33. 33. European Union Contest for Young Scientists in Leiden mit zwei Jugend Innovativ Sieger-Projekten vertreten und holte den ersten Preis (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) Leiden/Wien, 20-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Austria Wirtschaftsservice … Read the full press release

Vienna Stock Exchange: ATX Global Players index will be updated to include PIERER Mobility AG and exclude AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG

(PRESS RELEASE) VIENNA, 16-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Wiener Börse AG, the operator of the stock exchanges in Vienna and Prague, has announced that PIERER Mobility AG, Europe’s leading manufacturer of “powered two-wheelers”, will be joining the ATX Global Players Index. … Read the full press release

Bourse de Vienne : l’indice ATX Global Players sera mis à jour pour inclure PIERER Mobility AG et exclure AGRANA Beteiligungs-AG

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) VIENNA, 16-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Wiener Börse AG, l’opérateur des bourses de Vienne et de Prague, a a annoncé que PIERER Mobility AG , premier constructeur européen de « deux-roues motorisés », rejoindra l’ATX Global Players Index. … Read the full press release

Borealis’ new Super Low Sag (SLS) black polyethylene PE100-RC pressure pipe material will be used in a major pipeline project in Spain

Tailored polymer architecture and low melt flow rate of newly launched BorSafe™ HE3490-SLS-H prevents sagging and offers very high Slow Crack Growth (SCG) resistance Borealis selected for major pipeline project on basis of proven track record of professional execution, focus … Read the full press release

Das neue PE100-RC-Druckrohrmaterial aus schwarzem PE100-RC-Polyethylen von Borealis (Super Low Sag) wird bei einem großen Pipeline-Projekt in Spanien zum Einsatz kommen

Maßgeschneiderte Polymerarchitektur und niedrige Schmelzflussrate des neu eingeführten BorSafe™ HE3490-SLS-H verhindern „Sagging“ und bieten äußerst hohe Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen langsames Risswachstum (SCG) Borealis wurde aufgrund seiner Bilanz von erfolgreich ausgeführten Projekten, dem Fokus auf höchste Qualität und die effiziente Prozessausrichtung für … Read the full press release

El nuevo material de tubería de presión PE100-RC de polietileno negro Super Low Sag (SLS) de Borealis se utilizará en un importante proyecto de tubería en España

La arquitectura de polímeros a medida y el bajo índice de fluidez del nuevo BorSafe™ HE3490-SLS-H evitan la flacidez y ofrecen una resistencia muy alta al crecimiento lento de grietas (SCG). Borealis seleccionado para un importante proyecto de tubería sobre … Read the full press release

The Ialy hydropower plant in Vietnam to scale up with electro-mechanical equipment and technical services from Austrian group ANDRITZ

(PRESS RELEASE) GRAZ, 7-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, Austria-based international technology group active in the supplies of plants, has announced it will deliver complete electro-mechanical equipment and technical services for the Ialy hydropower plant extension project located in Sa … Read the full press release

La centrale hydroélectrique d’Ialy au Vietnam s’agrandit avec les équipements électromécaniques et les services techniques du groupe autrichien ANDRITZ

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) GRAZ, 7-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, groupe technologique international basé en Autriche et actif dans la fourniture de plantes, a annoncé qu’il fournira des équipements électromécaniques complets et des services techniques pour le projet d’extension de … Read the full press release

ÖBB and Siemens Mobility at the introduction of their next-generation Nightjet: Night trains are around 50 times more climate-friendly than an airplane

World premiere of the interior of the new sleeping and couchette car Modern design, greater comfort and privacy for travelers Total of 33 next-generation Nightjets on the rails by 2025 (PRESS RELEASE) MUNICH, 6-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Siemens Mobility, redefining … Read the full press release

ÖBB e Siemens Mobility al lancio del loro Nightjet di nuova generazione: i treni notturni sono circa 50 volte più rispettosi del clima di un aereo

Anteprima mondiale degli interni della nuova carrozza letto e cuccetta Design moderno, maggiore comfort e privacy per i viaggiatori Totale di 33 Nightjet di nuova generazione sui binari entro il 2025 (COMUNICATO STAMPA) MUNICH, 6-Sep-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Siemens Mobility, … Read the full press release

Wienerberger secured natural gas capacity of 25 gigawatt hours (GWh) at the Haidach storage facility in Salzburg

(PRESS RELEASE) VIENNA, 30-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Wienerberger Group, the world’s largest producer of bricks and the market leader in clay roof tiles, has announced that the company took the opportunity to secure natural gas capacity of 25 gigawatt hours … Read the full press release

Wienerberger si è assicurata una capacità di gas naturale di 25 gigawattora (GWh) presso l’impianto di stoccaggio di Haidach a Salisburgo

(COMUNICATO STAMPA) VIENNA, 30-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Gruppo Wienerberger, il più grande produttore mondiale di mattoni e leader di mercato nei tetti in argilla piastrelle, ha annunciato che la società ha colto l’occasione per assicurarsi una capacità di gas naturale … Read the full press release

The ANDRITZ Biomass Handling Plant at Eldorado’s Onça Pintada site in Três Lagoas, Brazil receives the Final Acceptance Certificate

(PRESS RELEASE) GRAZ, 10-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, Austria-based international technology group active in the supplies of plants, has announced that the company received the Final Acceptance Certificate for its Biomass Handling Plant at Eldorado’s Onça Pintada site in … Read the full press release

La Planta de Manejo de Biomasa de ANDRITZ en el sitio Onça Pintada de Eldorado en Três Lagoas, Brasil, recibe el Certificado de Aceptación Final

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) GRAZ, 10-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, grupo tecnológico internacional con sede en Austria activo en el suministro de plantas, ha anunciado que la compañía recibió el Certificado de Recepción Final para su Biomasa Planta de Manejo … Read the full press release

Mit Intelligenz geladen

Mit seiner MaxiCharger AC-Wallbox bringt die Autel Automotive Intelligence Group eine durchdachte, komfortable und langlebige Ladelösung für Elektroautos auf den Markt (PRESSEMITTEILUNG) MÜNCHEN, 10-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Autel ist heute die weltweite Nummer 1 in den Bereichen Kfz-Diagnose, Batterie-Analyse-Systeme und … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ to supply a 50-MW PowerFluid circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boiler to Toyo Engineering Corporation in Japan, the company’s 15th order

(PRESS RELEASE) GRAZ, 8-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, Austria-based international technology group active in the supplies of plants, has announced yet another order from Toyo Engineering Corporation, a Japanese engineering, procurement and construction company, for the delivery of a … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ suministrará una caldera de lecho fluidizado circulante (CFB) PowerFluid de 50 MW a Toyo Engineering Corporation en Japón, el pedido número 15 de la compañía

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) GRAZ, 8-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, grupo tecnológico internacional con sede en Austria activo en el suministro de plantas, ha anunciado otro pedido de Toyo Engineering Corporation, una empresa japonesa de ingeniería, adquisición y construcción, para … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ receives the acceptance certificate of the upgrade of its P-RC APMP fiberlines at Guangxi Jingui Pulp and Paper, China, part of Asia Pulp and Paper

(PRESS RELEASE) GRAZ, 3-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, Austria-based international technology group active in the supplies of plants, has announced the receival of the Final Acceptance Certificate for the upgrade of two of its P-RC APMP (Pre-Conditioning Refiner Chemical … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ reçoit le certificat d’acceptation de la mise à niveau de ses lignes de fibre P-RC APMP à Guangxi Jingui Pulp and Paper, Chine, faisant partie d’Asia Pulp and Paper

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) GRAZ, 3-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, groupe technologique international basé en Autriche et actif dans la fourniture de plantes, a annoncé la réception du certificat d’acceptation finale pour la mise à niveau de deux de ses … Read the full press release

Borealis to introduce additional social controls and measures before the start of its mega Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) plant project in Kallo, Belgium

(PRESS RELEASE) VIENNA, 1-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Borealis, an Austrian chemical company active in the fields of polyolefins, base chemicals and fertilizers, has announced the postponement the start of its mega Propane Dehydrogenation (PDH) plant project in Kallo, Belgium in … Read the full press release

Borealis va introduire des contrôles et des mesures sociales supplémentaires avant le démarrage de son méga projet d’usine de déshydrogénation du propane (PDH) à Kallo, en Belgique

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) VIENNA, 1-Aug-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Borealis, une entreprise chimique autrichienne active dans les domaines des polyoléfines, des produits chimiques de base et fertilisants, a annoncé le report du démarrage de son méga projet d’usine de déshydrogénation du … Read the full press release

Austrian and Spanish government debt securities now available for settlement through Clearstream Banking AG

(PRESS RELEASE) FRANKFURT, 26-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Börse Group (ETR: DB1), an international exchange organisation and innovative market infrastructure provider, has announced that its post-trade service provider Clearstream (Clearstream Banking AG) will now provide settlement for all Austrian and … Read the full press release

Títulos de deuda pública de Austria y España ahora disponibles para su liquidación a través de Clearstream Banking AG

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) FRANKFURT, 26-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Deutsche Börse Group (ETR: DB1), una organización de intercambio internacional y innovador proveedor de infraestructura de mercado, ha anunciado que su proveedor de servicios post-negociación Clearstream (Clearstream Banking AG) ahora se encargará … Read the full press release

Four ANDRITZ shredders for processing kitchen waste are put into operation across China

(PRESS RELEASE) GRAZ, 21-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, Austria-based international technology group active in the supplies of plants, has announced that two of its ADuro QZ1600-BIO shredders have been successfully put into operation at Grandblue Bioenvironment Co., Ltd.’s mills … Read the full press release

Quattro trituratori ANDRITZ per il trattamento dei rifiuti di cucina vengono messi in funzione in tutta la Cina

(COMUNICATO STAMPA) GRAZ, 21-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, gruppo tecnologico internazionale con sede in Austria attivo nella fornitura di impianti, ha annunciato che due dei suoi trituratori ADuro QZ1600-BIO sono stati messi in funzione con successo negli stabilimenti di … Read the full press release

Deutsche Telekom sells majority of its tower portfolio in Germany and Austria for EUR 17.5 billion; eyes majority stake in T-Mobile US

Sale of 51 percent stake in GD Towers at 17.5 billion euros enterprise value DigitalBridge and Brookfield to bring both towers expertise and capital to evolve and accelerate GD Towers strategic plans for enhanced value creation Deutsche Telekom to retain … Read the full press release

Deutsche Telekom vend la majorité de son portefeuille de tours en Allemagne et en Autriche pour 17,5 milliards d’euros ; envisage une participation majoritaire dans T-Mobile US

Vente d’une participation de 51 % dans GD Towers pour une valeur d’entreprise de 17,5 milliards d’euros DigitalBridge et Brookfield apporteront à la fois l’expertise et le capital des tours pour faire évoluer et accélérer les plans stratégiques de GD Towers pour … Read the full press release

Voestalpine Railway Systems to produce high-performance turnouts in Egypt as part of a new joint venture

(PRESS RELEASE) LINZ, 5-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Voestalpine AG (VIE: VOE), an Austria-based leading steel and technology group with a unique combination of materials and processing expertise, has announced that its Railway Systems business unit part of the Group’s Metal … Read the full press release

Voestalpine Railway Systems produrrà scambi ad alte prestazioni in Egitto come parte di una nuova joint venture

(COMUNICATO STAMPA) LINZ, 5-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Voestalpine AG (VIE: VOE), un gruppo siderurgico e tecnologico leader in Austria con una combinazione unica di materiali ed esperienza di lavorazione, ha annunciato che la sua business unit Railway Systems facente parte … Read the full press release

World’s largest pressurized refining system by ANDRITZ put in production at Guangxi Chongzuo Lelin Forestry Development in China

(PRESS RELEASE) GRAZ, 4-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, Austria-based international technology group active in the supplies of plants, has announced that a high-capacity pressurized refining system delivered by the company has now started producing the first fibers at Guangxi … Read the full press release

Le plus grand système de raffinage sous pression au monde par ANDRITZ mis en production à Guangxi Chongzuo Lelin Forestry Development en Chine

(COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE) GRAZ, 4-Jul-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, groupe technologique international basé en Autriche et actif dans la fourniture de plantes, a annoncé qu’un système de raffinage sous pression de grande capacité fourni par la société a maintenant … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ receives its third order from one of the main suppliers of filtration and separation materials in China

(PRESS RELEASE) GRAZ, 27-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, Austria-based international technology group active in the supplies of plants, has announced its third order from Yanpai Filtration Technology Co., Ltd., one of the main suppliers of filtration and separation materials … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ recibe su tercer pedido de uno de los principales proveedores de materiales de filtración y separación en China

(COMUNICADO DE PRENSA) GRAZ, 27-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, grupo tecnológico internacional con sede en Austria activo en el suministro de plantas, ha anunciado su tercer pedido de Yanpai Filtration Technology Co., Ltd ., uno de los principales proveedores … Read the full press release

New shredder machine from ANDRITZ successfully started at the RDF plant of Energie AG Südtirol in Italy

(PRESS RELEASE) GRAZ, 20-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, Austria-based international technology group active in the supplies of plants, has announced the successful start of a new ADuro P-3000F shredder machine at Energie AG Südtirol Umwelt Service S.r.l., Italy. The … Read the full press release

Avviata con successo la nuova macchina trituratrice ANDRITZ nello stabilimento CDR di Energie AG Südtirol in Italia

(COMUNICATO STAMPA) GRAZ, 20-Jun-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — ANDRITZ GROUP, gruppo tecnologico internazionale con sede in Austria attivo nella fornitura di impianti, ha annunciato l’avvio con successo di un nuovo trituratore ADuro P-3000F presso Energie AG Südtirol Umwelt Service S.r.l., Italia. … Read the full press release