FMO: The Electrification Financing Initiative (ElectriFI) now accepts project proposals through

THE HAGUE, 15-Apr-2016 — /EuropaWire/ — The Electrification Financing Initiative, ElectriFI opens its doors on 15 April and interested parties can submit their project proposals through ElectriFI is an innovative mechanism to unlock, accelerate and leverage investments providing access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy.

The initiative was launched by the European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Mr Neven Mimica, at the 21st Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and was also acknowledged by the G7 Leaders’ Declaration.

The implementation of the initial € 75 million allocation to ElectriFI was entrusted to the European Development Finance Institutions led by FMO, the Dutch development bank. This first EU contribution to ElectriFI will support investments that can improve the lives of more than six million people living principally in rural, underserved areas, promote rational use of energy for productive uses and social services benefiting the bottom of the pyramid.

For further information
More information on ElectriFI can be found on – download here the application form. This is the first round of Invitation to submit project proposals for ElectriFI and will be followed by another round in the last quarter of 2016. More information on the EU development cooperation in sustainable energy.


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