EU27, Russia trade reached record levels in 2012

EU-Russia summit

An EU27 deficit of 90 bn euro with Russia in 2012

3-6-2013 — / — Following a sharp fall in 2009, EU27 international trade in goods with Russia has grown strongly since then to reach record levels in 2012. After falling from 105 billion euro in 2008 to 66 bn in 2009, EU27 exports to Russia have risen continuously to a peak of 123 bn in 2012. Imports followed the same pattern: a fall from 178 bn in 2008 to 118 bn in 2009, then continuous growth to a record level of 213 bn in 2012. As a result, the EU27 trade deficit with Russia rose from 52 bn in 2009 to 90 bn in 2012. The deficit in 2012 is primarily due to EU27 imports of energy from Russia (163 bn), partially offset by EU27 exports of manufactured goods (108 bn). In 2012, Russia was the EU27’s third most important trading partner after the USA and China, accounting for 7% of EU27 exports and 12% of EU27 imports.

On the occasion of the 31st European Union – Russia summit, which will take place on 3 and 4 June in Yekaterinburg in Russia, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, issues the latest data on trade and investments between Russia and the EU.

Germany, Italy and France main EU27 exporters to Russia

Among the EU27 Member States, Germany (37.9 bn euro or 31% of EU exports) was by far the largest exporter to Russia in 2012, followed by Italy(10.0 bn or 8%) and France (9.1 bn or 7%). Germany (39.8 bn or 19% of EU imports) was also the largest importer, followed by the Netherlands1(29.4 bn or 14%), Poland (21.6 bn or 10%) and Italy (18.3 bn or 9%).

Most Member States recorded deficits in trade with Russia in 2012, the largest being observed in the Netherlands1 (-21.1 bn euro), Poland (-13.8 bn), Italy (-8.3 bn), the United Kingdom (-5.9 bn), Greece (-5.5 bn) and Spain (-5.0 bn). The highest surpluses were recorded in Denmark (+0.9 bn) and Slovenia (+0.8 bn).

Just over 85% of EU27 exports to Russia in 2012 were manufactured goods, while energy accounted for more than three quarters of imports.

EU27 international trade in goods with Russia

EU27 Member States’ international trade in goods with Russia

million euro

EU27108 355123 262199 922213 212-91 567-89 951
Belgium14 6865 4108 9018 510-4 216-3 100
Bulgaria5425624 1275 300-3 585-4 738
Czech Republic3 7584 7965 2355 820-1 476-1 024
Denmark1 5161 5771 032706484871
Germany34 37837 92838 30939 781-3 931-1 853
Estonia1 3131 5151 031924282591
Greece4124644 8925 967-4 480-5 504
Spain2 5262 9308 3297 979-5 802-5 049
France7 4849 14513 30511 017-5 821-1 872
Italy9 3059 99316 90418 331-7 599-8 338
Latvia1 6431 9729751 226668746
Lithuania3 3404 3557 3168 085-3 976-3 730
Hungary2 5862 5666 3796 447-3 793-3 880
Netherlands17 0988 36025 95629 438-18 859-21 078
Austria3 5594 1093 0933 734466375
Poland6 0807 73118 07821 558-11 998-13 827
Romania1 0181 0492 0932 387-1 075-1 338
Slovenia9691 151408379562772
Slovakia2 0902 6386 2125 884-4 122-3 245
Finland5 3375 68811 07210 535-5 736-4 847
Sweden3 0582 7207 1817 071-4 123-4 350
United Kingdom4 7785 5748 39011 516-3 612-5 941
Total extra-EU271 559 3391 686 7741 724 2071 791 726-164 868-104 953
Russia / Total6.9%7.3%11.6%11.9%

EU27 international trade in goods with Russia by product

million euro

Total108 355123 262199 922213 212-91 567-89 951
Primary goods:12 14013 557157 658168 557-145 518-155 001
Food & drink9 0919 9069991 4278 0938 478
Raw materials1 9812 2564 4664 469-2 485-2 213
Energy1 0681 395152 193162 661-151 125-161 267
Manufactured goods:94 688108 05522 75922 38371 92985 671
Chemicals17 83019 4435 7166 26212 11313 181
Machinery & vehicles252 21961 2121 6852 08950 53459 122
Other manuf’d goods224 63927 40015 35714 0329 28213 368
Other1 5271 65019 50522 272-17 978-20 621

EU27 surplus of 13 bn in international trade in services with Russia in 2012

In 2012, the EU27 exported 28.3 bn euro of services to Russia, while imports amounted to 15.3 bn, meaning that the EU27 had a surplus of 13.1 bn in trade in services with Russia, compared with +9.8 bn in 2010 and +9.6 bn in 2011. The surplus in 2012 was mainly due to surpluses for travel (+7.9 bn), computer & information services (+2.0 bn), other business services3 (+1.2 bn), financial services (+1.0 bn) and royalties and licence fees (+0.9 bn). Russia accounted for almost 4% of total extra-EU27 trade in services.

EU27 international trade in services with Russia

million euro

Total23 44423 78028 31213 67114 19415 2529 7739 58613 060
of which:
Transportation4 7695 4636 2316 7376 8526 754-1 967-1 389-524
Travel5 5887 5239 9931 7901 8702 0943 7985 6537 899
Other services13 08910 78512 0795 1315 4546 3867 9585 3315 693
of which:
Communications services555571646365363437190208209
Construction services1 6961 2821 069725897787971385281
Insurance services102247300222220327-12027-27
Financial services2 3751 8181 5244374705471 9381 349977
Computer and information services1 5851 6112 1461461351901 4391 4761 956
Royalties and license fees640868911354252605826859
Other business services35 8303 9835 1243 0403 1733 8812 7918101 243
Personal cultural and recreational services14622820360658386163120
Government services n.i.e.1591781561018982588975
Total extra-EU27561 033607 363657 387461 834481 220510 64199 199126 143146 746
Russia / total extra-EU274.2%3.9%4.3%3.0%2.9%3.0%

Large fluctuations in EU27 FDI flows with Russia

EU27 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into Russia rose from 8.8 bn euro in 2009 to 27.6 bn in 2010, fell to 8.2 bn in 2011, then increased to 9.4 bn in 2012, while Russian direct investment into the EU27 decreased from 12.5 bn in 2009 to 7.0 bn in 2010 and 1.8 bn in 2011 and then rose to 7.4 bn in 2012.

EU27 FDI flows with Russia

(million euro)

EU27 FDI in Russia8 79027 6338 1779 418
Russian FDI in the EU2712 4967 0221 8277 415

* Provisional

  1. Dutch imports and therefore the trade deficit are over-estimated because of the “Rotterdam effect” where goods destined for the rest of the EU arrive, and are therefore recorded in harmonised EU external trade statistics, in Dutch ports. This then has a positive effect on the external trade balances with Russia of those Member States to which the goods are re-exported as these shipments would be recorded as intra-EU trade with the Netherlands rather than extra-EU trade with Russia. To a lesser extent, Belgian trade figures are similarly over-estimated.
  2. Machinery and vehicles includes power generating and industrial machinery, computers, electric and electronic parts and equipment, road vehicles and parts, ships, airplanes and railway equipment.

Other manufactured goods include leather, rubber, wood, paper, textiles, metals, building fixtures and fittings, furniture, clothes, shoes and accessories, scientific instruments, clocks, watches and cameras.

  1. Other business services comprise merchanting and other trade-related services, operational leasing services and miscellaneous business, professional and technical services.
Published by:Eurostat Press OfficeLouise CORSELLI-NORDBLAD

Tel: +352-4301-33 444


Eurostat News Releases on the internet:

For further information oninternational trade in goods data:Gilberto GAMBINI

Tel: +352-4301-35 806

For further information on

international trade in services data:


Tel: +352-4301-33 478

For further information on FDI data:


Tel: +352-4301-30 101

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