EU Auditors: Genuine Economic and Monetary Union and enhanced economic governance need strong audit

Luxembourg, 13-6-2013 — / — EU and Member State Auditors to European Council President: “Genuine Economic and Monetary Union and enhanced economic governance need strong audit”

Addressing European Council President Van Rompuy today, the heads of the European Court of Auditors and European Union (EU) Member State Audit Institutions have called on the upcoming European Council to enact legislative measures that strengthen audit and accountability within EU economic governance.

The Heads of Supreme Audit Institutions of the EU Member States and the European Court of Auditors (the Contact Committee) have been closely following developments connected with the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and EU economic governance, with particular attention given to the associated audit and accountability arrangements.

During a recent meeting in Luxembourg, the Contact Committee acknowledged the previous efforts of the European Council in developing measures and tools to bring stability, coordination and good governance to the management of public funds and welcomed the importance assigned to the principles of democratic legitimacy and accountability in the roadmap for the achievement of a genuine EMU.

The Contact Committee called for policy and legislative measures that strengthen audit and accountability when completing the Economic and Monetary Union, the banking union, and the strengthened coordination of EU economic policy. In particular, the auditors emphasised the need to:

• build a coherent accountability and audit framework;

• recognise the importance of public external audit in EU legislation;

• strengthen audit arrangements in respect of the banking union;

• give careful attention to the role of public audit in the area of fiscal discipline; and

• ensure audit coherence in financial stabilisation instruments.

The Contact Committee considered that the upcoming meeting of the European Council will be an important opportunity to take these principles into consideration and strengthen the role of external public audit when public finances are at stake.

The statement by the EU and Member State Auditors is available here:


Aidas Palubinskas

Press Officer European Court of Auditors

Desk: +352 4398 45410 Mobile: +352 621 552224 Twitter: @EUAuditorsECA

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