Empa’s ‘Beyond Zero’ Initiative Paves the Way for CO2-Negative Buildings in the Construction Industry

Empa’s ‘Beyond Zero’ Initiative Paves the Way for CO2-Negative Buildings in the Construction Industry

(IN BRIEF) Empa has launched the “Mining the Atmosphere” initiative, aiming to transform buildings from CO2 emitters into carbon sinks. Through the NEST unit “Beyond Zero,” the project develops and tests innovative materials, such as carbon-based aggregates in concrete, that can reduce or absorb CO2. In collaboration with industry partners, Empa seeks to revolutionize the construction industry by integrating these materials into building designs. The initiative also focuses on creating supportive market conditions and regulatory frameworks to enable the widespread adoption of CO2-negative buildings.

(PRESS RELEASE) DÜBENDORF, 23-Aug-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — Empa, the Swiss research institute, has launched a groundbreaking initiative called “Mining the Atmosphere,” which seeks to revolutionize the construction industry by transforming buildings from CO2 emitters into carbon sinks. This initiative is part of a broader research effort centered around the NEST unit “Beyond Zero,” where innovative materials that can reduce or even absorb CO2 are being developed and tested.

The initiative proposes a paradigm shift in how society approaches carbon emissions, aiming to use CO2 as a valuable resource rather than a harmful waste product. Empa, in collaboration with industry partners like Implenia and OOS, is exploring the use of carbon-based aggregates in concrete and other building materials that can store CO2 long-term. The goal is to create buildings that not only have a minimal carbon footprint but actively contribute to reducing atmospheric CO2 levels.

The project highlights the importance of early involvement from planners and architects to ensure that these new materials are integrated effectively into building designs. The economic potential of these technologies is significant, but challenges remain, particularly in terms of cost-effectiveness and widespread adoption.

Empa’s initiative is not only focused on developing the technology but also on creating the necessary market conditions and regulatory frameworks to support this transformation. By showcasing the feasibility of CO2-negative buildings, Empa aims to lead the construction industry toward a more sustainable future.

NEST-Unit “Beyond Zero”

The NEST unit Beyond Zero promotes promising CO2-reduced and CO2-negative innovations in the building sector and shows whether and how buildings can act as carbon sinks. The unit uses innovative building materials developed at Empa, such as concrete or insulation material, which can bind carbon. The project also analyzes the global feasibility of such technologies and shows how the transformation of the construction industry could be achieved. Beyond Zero is currently in the planning stage. More information on nest.empa.ch/beyondzero

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Annina Schneider
Phone +41 58 765 4107



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