EMPA Introduces Innovative Dark-Field X-Ray Imaging to Revolutionize Kidney Stone Diagnosis

EMPA Introduces Innovative Dark-Field X-Ray Imaging to Revolutionize Kidney Stone Diagnosis

(IN BRIEF) EMPA researchers are developing a new diagnostic procedure using dark-field X-ray imaging to determine the structure and composition of kidney stones, potentially reducing the need for invasive surgeries. Supported by the Maiores Foundation, this technology aims to provide a painless, precise, and cost-effective method. Kidney stones affect over five percent of the population and often cause severe pain. The goal is to adapt standard X-ray machines to this new technology in GP offices and hospitals. For more information, visit Empa Zukunftsfonds.

(PRESS RELEASE) DÜBENDORF, 22-Jun-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — Researchers at Empa are developing a groundbreaking diagnostic procedure to treat kidney stones using dark-field X-ray imaging. This innovative technology can determine the structure and composition of kidney stones for each patient, potentially eliminating the need for invasive surgeries. The project, recently launched with support from the Maiores Foundation and another foundation, aims to provide a painless, precise, and cost-effective diagnostic method.

Kidney stones, affecting over five percent of the population, often cause severe pain. The most effective treatment depends on the stones’ shapes and chemical compositions. Currently, identifying the type of stone often requires surgical removal. Robert Zboray from Empa’s Center for X-ray Analytics highlights that such operations are costly and not always necessary, as dietary changes may suffice in some cases.

Empa’s researchers are focusing on dark-field X-ray imaging, a multimodal technology that uses both scattered and direct radiation to create detailed images of kidney stones. This method allows for the visualization of nearly transparent objects and fine microstructural details. The goal is to adapt standard X-ray machines in GP offices and hospitals to this new technology cost-effectively.

The “Empa Zukunftsfonds” seeks private funding to support pioneering research projects like this one. For more information, visit Empa Zukunftsfonds.

Media Contact:

Loris Pandiani
Empa Zukunftsfonds
Phone +41 58 765 47 03



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