COVID-19: Vattenfall donates emergency stockpiles to reduce protective equipment shortage of health care providers

The 400,000 face masks were retrieved by Bring, whose driver was surrounded by Kristian Karns (left) and Charles Bernhard Eriksson (right) of Vattenfall Services.

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 1-Apr-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Vattenfall in Norrköping sent approximately 200 cartons within the stocked van, each one holding 2,000 face masks, which totals over 400,000 pieces to the National Board of Health and Welfare’s central emergency stockpiles on Friday.

“The face masks were purchased a couple years ago after the outbreak of the avian flu, and have since been stored in our stockpiles here in Norrköping. The immense amount of discussion surrounding the scarcity of medical supplies led us to feel the face masks would be put to better use elsewhere. Thus, my manager contacted the authorities to inquire about whether they were interested,” said Kristian Karn, Maintenance Manager at Vattenfall Services.

Due to the tremendous amount of face masks, it took a couple of phone calls and trips before the logistics could be implemented. The search for the appropriate recipient was mainly carried out by Peter Ekvall, Business Area Head of Vattenfall Services.

With the support of the Red Cross, the stockpile was ready to be retrieved on the morning of March 27. From there, the face masks would be distributed throughout the health care regions most in need.

Ringhals donated hand sanitiser and transparency film to the municipality

There are additional examples of how Vattenfall’s operations have contributed. In Ringhals, 5,000 sheets of transparency film were found in caches, which have been donated to the Hospital in Varberg. The sheets will be used to manufacture face mask visors for hospital staff. In addition, Ringhals has donated 60 packages of hand sanitiser to the municipalities’ care units. Furthermore, the power plant’s chemical lab has taken over self-manufacturing hand sanitiser, which the municipality can refill with as needed.

“We are using denatured ethanol, which is diluted to 70 percent, as well as a little glycerine, to act as a moisturising agent, and a few drops of dish soap. It’s that simple,” says Rikard Hellström, Chemistry Group Manager at Ringhals 1 and 2, who, together with Glenn Svärd, Planning Engineer of Chemistry Work Management at Ringhals 2, received the task of manufacturing their own hand sanitiser. The hand sanitiser is also being used internally, by the personnel at Ringhals.

For more information, please contact:

Lars-Magnus Kihlström

Press office
+46 8 739 50 10

SOURCE: Vattenfall AB


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