Bechtle Secures Framework Agreement with IT.Niedersachsen to Drive Digitalization in Lower Saxony

Bechtle Secures Framework Agreement with IT.Niedersachsen to Drive Digitalization in Lower Saxony

(IN BRIEF) Bechtle secures a new framework agreement with IT.Niedersachsen to drive digitalization in Lower Saxony, emphasizing project management and IT consultation services. The agreement spans two years with the potential for extensions, signaling Bechtle’s pivotal role in supporting the state and local administrations in their digital transformation efforts. This partnership underscores Bechtle’s commitment to fostering digital innovation and expanding its support to include local authorities in Lower Saxony.

(PRESS RELEASE) NECKARSULM/HANOVER, 13-Jun-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — Bechtle has been awarded a new framework agreement aimed at accelerating digitalization efforts across Lower Saxony in partnership with IT.Niedersachsen. The agreement, spanning two years with the option for two additional one-year extensions, underscores Bechtle’s pivotal role in providing project management and independent IT consultation services. With a focus on strategic consulting, program and project management, and architecture services, Bechtle will support the configuration and expansion of secure, future-proof IT infrastructures for state and local administrations.

This renewed collaboration between Bechtle and IT.Niedersachsen signals a continued commitment to driving the digital transformation of public authorities in Lower Saxony. Through the framework agreement, Bechtle’s IT System House in Hanover will play a key role in advancing the state’s Digital Strategy 2030, which aims to enhance online service offerings and harness digital innovations across the public sector.

Holger Meyer, Managing Director of Bechtle IT System House in Hanover, expresses confidence in the partnership’s ability to foster digital innovation, stating, “Receiving the commission once again is testament to the excellent collaboration with IT.Niedersachsen over the last few years and ensures the necessary continuity and breadth of capabilities as we strive to digitalise public administration.”

Under the expanded framework, local authorities in Lower Saxony will also benefit from Bechtle’s expertise, fostering greater synergies in the implementation of digital standards statewide.

*The accompanying image features the contract signing between Holger Meyer, Managing Director of Bechtle IT System House Hanover (left), and Axel Beims, Managing Director of IT.Niedersachsen.

Media Contact:

Sabine Brand
Phone: +49 (0)71 32/ 981-4115

SOURCE: Bechtle AG

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