The European Space Agency (ESA) to present at the 50th Paris Air & Space Show at Le Bourget


13-6-2013 — / —  ESA will be present at the 50th Paris Air & Space Show at Le Bourget with a pavilion at its traditional and central place, near the full-size Ariane 5 and Ariane 1 mockups.

The ESA pavilion will highlight the importance of the space sector for economic growth, contributing to innovation through technology development and the creation of new services for European citizens.

Media are invited to attend the following events:

Monday, 17 June

15:30–16:30: ESA DG press conference

Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA Director General, will provide an overview of ESA programmes and answer questions from media.

16:45: Signature of ExoMars industrial contract

ExoMars will probe Mars, search for traces of past and present life, and demonstrate new technologies to pave the way for a future Mars sample-return mission in the 2020s. Two ExoMars missions are planned: an Orbiter plus an Entry, Descent and Landing Demonstrator Module to be launched in 2016, followed by a rover and a surface platform in 2018. Both missions will be carried out in cooperation with Russia’s Roscosmos space agency.

During the event, ESA will sign the industrial contract with Thales Alenia Space for the 2016 mission and the preparations for the 2018 mission.

Tuesday, 18 June

14:30–15:30:Alphasat: fostering competitiveness through partnership

Roundtable information event

Scheduled for launch in July, Alphasat is Europe’s largest telecommunications satellite, developed through a public–private partnership between ESA and Inmarsat.

It has been built by a European industrial consortium, under prime contractorship of Astrium.

Alphasat is the first satellite to use Alphabus, the new high-power telecommunications platform developed by Astrium and Thales Alenia Space within ESA’s Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems programme and under a joint contract with ESA and France’s CNES space agency.

Speakers include ESA’s DG and the partners’ chief executives.

Wednesday, 19 June

11:00–12:30:Presentation of ESA’s newly selected Biomass scientific Earth observation satellite and results from the flying Earth Explorers

In May, the Biomass mission was selected to become the next in the series of satellites developed to further our understanding of Earth. The upcoming mission will be presented, together with an overview and scientific results from the Earth Explorer series of satellites.

Thursday, 20 June

10:45:Signature of ESA Business Incubation Centre Sud France

A partnership between regional, national and multinational players, ESA’s first Business Incubation Centre (BIC) in France will join eight ESA BICs across Europe, aiming to create 75 new space-connected start-ups by the end of 2018 in southern France, creating jobs and boosting the economy. The centres will be located in Biarritz, Bordeaux, Toulouse, Toulon and Sophia Antipolis, and managed by Aerospace Valley together with the support of CNES and Pole Pegase.

Friday 21 June – Sunday 23 June

During the public days, media and the general public will have the opportunity to learn more about human spaceflight and operations activities. Of special interest will be the presence of ESA astronauts Jean-François Clervoy and Léopold Eyharts, who will talk about their spaceflight experience.

All times are provisional. Follow the ESA website for the latest updates.

About the European Space Agency

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. It is an intergovernmental organisation, created in 1975, with the mission to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space delivers benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.

ESA has 20 Member States: Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, of whom 18 are Member States of the EU.

ESA has Cooperation Agreements with eight other Member States of the EU and is discussing an Agreement with the one remaining (Bulgaria). Canada takes part in some ESA programmes under a Cooperation Agreement.

ESA is also working actively with the EU on implementing the Galileo and Copernicus programmes.

By coordinating the financial and intellectual resources of its members, ESA can undertake programmes and activities far beyond the scope of any single European country.

ESA develops the launchers, spacecraft and ground facilities needed to keep Europe at the forefront of global space activities.

Today, it launches satellites for Earth observation, navigation, telecommunications and astronomy, sends probes to the far reaches of the Solar System and cooperates in the human exploration of space.

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For further information:

ESA Media Relations Office
Tel: +33 1 53 69 72 99

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