HYBRIT Initiative Achieves Breakthrough in Fossil-Free Steel Production, Paving the Way for Industrialization

HYBRIT Initiative Achieves Breakthrough in Fossil-Free Steel Production, Paving the Way for Industrialization

(IN BRIEF) The HYBRIT initiative, a collaboration between SSAB, LKAB, and Vattenfall, has reported successful results from six years of research aimed at creating fossil-free iron and steel production. The project has demonstrated that using fossil-free hydrogen and electricity to produce direct reduced iron (DRI) is not only feasible but also offers improved properties compared to traditional methods using fossil fuels. The initiative marks a significant step toward reducing Sweden’s carbon dioxide emissions by over 10%. With multiple patents secured, the project is now moving into the industrialization phase, with plans to further develop and implement the technology on a larger scale.

(PRESS RELEASE) STOCKHOLM, 27-Aug-2024 — /EuropaWire/ — The HYBRIT initiative, a groundbreaking collaboration between SSAB, LKAB, and Vattenfall, has reached a significant milestone, showcasing the results of six years of intensive research. The project, which aims to revolutionize the iron and steel industry by eliminating carbon dioxide emissions, has successfully demonstrated that fossil-free hydrogen and electricity can replace traditional coal and coke in steel production.

Launched in 2016, HYBRIT’s mission is to transform the steelmaking process, significantly reducing Sweden’s carbon dioxide emissions by over 10%. The latest findings confirm that direct reduced iron (DRI) produced through the HYBRIT process not only matches but exceeds the quality of iron produced using fossil fuels, paving the way for a fully sustainable value chain from ore to steel.

The initiative, which has garnered several patents, is now transitioning from research to industrial-scale implementation. The next phase involves scaling up the technology, leveraging fossil-free electricity and hydrogen to create a future where sustainable production becomes the norm.

Andreas Regnell, Head of Strategic Development at Vattenfall and a board member of Hybrit Development AB, expressed his optimism: “The success of this initiative is a testament to the power of collaboration. As we move forward, scaling up to industrial levels, we are making it possible for industries to operate entirely fossil-free.”

Ulf Spolander, General Manager of Hybrit Development AB, added: “Our team’s efforts have not only met but exceeded our project goals. The knowledge and expertise we’ve developed will now focus on supporting the industrialization of this technology, particularly in LKAB’s upcoming demonstration plant in Gällivare.”

HYBRIT’s achievements have been recognized with support from the EU’s Innovation Fund and are part of the broader European IPCEI Hy2Use project, which includes 35 projects across 12 countries, all aimed at driving the rapid adoption of hydrogen technologies in industry.

Klara Helstad, Head of the Sustainable Industry Unit at the Swedish Energy Agency, emphasized the broader impact: “Investments in innovative, technology-driven solutions are essential for achieving net-zero emissions in industry. HYBRIT exemplifies how industry leaders can accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.”

As HYBRIT continues its journey, it stands as a beacon of innovation, setting a new standard for the global steel industry and beyond.

Read more about the HYBRIT results in a longer version of the press release.

Media Contacts:

Anna Molin
Press Officer,
+46 76 110 46 76, anna.molin@ssab.com

Anders Lindberg
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+46 72 717 83 55

Magnus Kryssare
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+46 76 769 56 07

SOURCE: Vattenfall AB

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