9th ASEM Summit ASEM partners accounted for 43% of EU27 imports and 31% of exports in the first half of 2012

29-10-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Between 2000 and 2011, the share in EU27 international trade in goods of the 19 partner countries1 taking part in the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) increased steadily. From 2000 to 2011, the share of the ASEM partners in EU27 exports rose from 22% to 30%, and in imports from 36% to 44%. The EU27 registered a trade deficit with the ASEM partners during the whole period, growing from 174 billion euro in 2000 to a peak of 300 bn in 2008, before falling to 280 bn in 2011.

On the occasion of the 9th ASEM Summit, which will take place on 5 and 6 November 2012 in Laos, Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, issues data on international trade in goods between the 27 Member States of the EU and the 19 partner countries taking part in ASEM.

There was continued growth in international trade in goods between the EU27 and the ASEM partners in the first half of 2012, with exports rising from 226 bn euro in the first half of 2011 to 255 bn in the first half of 2012, and imports up from 373 bn to 379 bn. The trade deficit continued to decrease in this period, from 146 bn to 124 bn. In the first half of 2012, the ASEM partners accounted for 31% of EU27 exports of goods and 43% of imports in the EU27.

Between 2000 and 2011, EU27 trade increased with most of the individual ASEM partners. Among the largest ASEM trading partners, the highest growth in this period was registered with China, Russia and India and the largest decrease with Japan.

Germany: more than one third of exports to ASEM partners and one fifth of imports

Among the EU27 Member States, Germany (88 bn euro or 35% of the total) was by far the largest exporter to the ASEM partners in the first half of 2012, followed by France (28 bn or 11%), the United Kingdom (26 bn or 10%) and Italy (20 bn or 8%). Germany (77 bn or 20%) was also by far the largest importer from the ASEM partners, followed by the Netherlands2 (63 bn or 17%), the United Kingdom (45 bn or 12%), France (32 bn or 8%) and Italy (31 bn or 8%). The largest deficits in the first half of 2012 were registered by the Netherlands2 (-45 bn), the United Kingdom (-19 bn), Austria (-12 bn), Italy (-11 bn) and Spain (-10 bn). The highest surpluses in trade with the ASEM partners were recorded by Germany (+11 bn) and Ireland (+1 bn).

China and Russia: half of EU27 exports to ASEM and two thirds of imports

Among the ASEM partners, China (73 bn euro or 29% of the total) was the leading destination for EU27 exports in the first half of 2012, followed byRussia (59 bn or 23%), Japan (27 bn or 11%), India (19 bn or 8%) and South Korea (18 bn or 7%). The leading source of EU27 imports from theASEM partners was also China (140 bn or 37%), followed by Russia (107 bn or 28%) and Japan (33 bn or 9%). The highest EU27 deficits in trade with the ASEM partners in the first half of 2012 were recorded with China (-68 bn), Russia (-48 bn), Japan and Vietnam (both -6 bn) and the largest surpluses with Australia (+8 bn) and Singapore (+5 bn).

EU27 Member States’ international trade in goods with the ASEM partners

million euro

Jan-Jun 2011Jan-Jun 2012Jan-Jun 2011Jan-Jun 2012Jan-Jun 2011Jan-Jun 2012
EU27226 410255 104372 583379 064-146 172-123 961
Belgium215 31016 58122 95922 521-7 650-5 940
Bulgaria5686952 4973 216-1 929-2 521
Czech Republic3 2794 3059 4279 234-6 148-4 929
Denmark4 3004 2384 3504 061-49177
Germany79 29788 48776 59377 1292 70411 358
Estonia6758301 025844-350-14
Ireland3 1373 2762 0542 0301 0831 246
Greece7231 0085 4144 886-4 691-3 878
Spain6 4857 48119 25017 493-12 766-10 011
France23 82727 67630 96931 984-7 142-4 308
Italy19 28720 12835 34831 152-16 060-11 024
Lithuania1 6472 0623 7523 920-2 105-1 857
Hungary3 0452 8148 1717 515-5 126-4 702
Netherlands214 66117 90658 14462 919-43 483-45 013
Austria5 6625 9415 0125 732650209
Poland4 5935 47614 77617 755-10 182-12 279
Portugal4908221 9751 685-1 485-863
Romania1 0361 1553 2622 999-2 227-1 844
Slovenia6838081 3391 358-656-550
Slovakia1 7822 2615 9936 236-4 211-3 976
Finland5 6705 8767 9207 659-2 250-1 783
Sweden8 5918 0739 1019 540-510-1 467
United Kingdom20 30525 61541 23844 887-20 933-19 271
Total extra-EU27755 821829 173851 186890 936-95 365-61 763
ASEM / Total30%31%44%43%

EU27 international trade in goods with the ASEM partners by product

million euro

Jan-Jun 2011Jan-Jun 2012Jan-Jun 2011Jan-Jun 2012Jan-Jun 2011Jan-Jun 2012
Total226 410255 104372 583379 064-146 172-123 961
Primary goods:24 07629 775104 467109 436-80 390-79 660
Food & drink11 72913 6109 2099 7722 5203 838
Raw materials9 75010 46112 27912 243-2 529-1 782
Energy2 5985 70482 97987 420-80 381-81 716
Manufactured goods:196 741219 633254 719255 173-57 979-35 540
Chemicals35 70938 38522 50224 12913 20714 256
Machinery & vehicles3111 905127 490129 231130 431-17 326-2 941
Other manuf’d goods349 12653 758102 986100 613-53 860-46 855
Other5 5945 69613 39714 456-7 803-8 760

EU27 international trade in goods with the ASEM partners

million euro

EU27 exports to:EU27 imports from:EU27 balance
20002011Jan-Jun 201220002011Jan-Jun 201220002011Jan-Jun 2012
Total186 449474 372255 104360 050754 588379 064-173 601-280 216-123 961
China*25 863136 24572 73974 632292 509140 434-48 768-156 264-67 695
Russia22 738108 39158 83563 777199 834107 047-41 039-91 443-48 212
Japan45 49749 01326 94092 09169 14433 079-46 594-20 130-6 139
South Korea16 74232 47518 37226 95536 06119 676-10 213-3 586-1 304
India13 67840 51119 29312 84639 49518 3928321 016902
Singapore15 80027 17715 29117 39019 04410 785-1 5908 1334 506
Australia15 85331 07916 0039 14714 8967 5076 70616 1848 495
Malaysia8 52611 9157 04218 32621 14510 242-9 800-9 229-3 201
Thailand6 62812 2986 62413 54517 5758 520-6 917-5 278-1 896
Indonesia4 5517 3654 32411 54716 1287 757-6 996-8 762-3 433
Vietnam1 2915 2092 3234 29012 8558 217-3 000-7 646-5 894
Philippines4 5093 9752 3079 2016 3412 653-4 693-2 366-346
Pakistan1 9903 7412 0712 7114 5842 014-722-84357
New Zealand2 1513 4641 6542 4513 2061 758-299258-104
Cambodia1171931163611 301766-245-1 108-650

* Excluding Hong Kong

EU27 international trade in goods with ASEM partners

billion euro

Total extra-EU27
Exports849.7884.7891.9869.2953.01 057.61 161.91 242.91 317.51 099.21 356.71 557.6
Imports992.7979.1937.0935.21 027.51 183.21 363.91 445.01 582.91 233.11 530.81 714.4
ASEM / Total
  • The countries covered in this news release are the 19 partner countries which were members of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) at the time of this release: China, India, Japan, Mongolia, Pakistan, South Korea, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and the 10 members of ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations): Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Data for China presented in this news release exclude Hong Kong.
  • Dutch imports and therefore the trade deficit are over-estimated because of the “Rotterdam effect” where goods destined for the rest of the EU arrive, and are therefore recorded in harmonised EU external trade statistics, in Dutch ports. This then has a positive effect on the external trade balances with the ASEM partners of those Member States to which the goods are re-exported as these shipments would be recorded as intra-EU trade with the Netherlands rather than extra-EU trade with the ASEM partners. To a lesser extent, Belgian trade figures are similarly over-estimated.
  • Machinery and vehicles includes power generating and industrial machinery, computers, electric and electronic parts and equipment, road vehicles and parts, ships, airplanes and railway equipment.

Other manufactured articles include leather, rubber, wood, paper, textiles, metals, building fixtures and fittings, furniture, clothes, shoes and accessories, scientific instruments, clocks, watches and cameras.

Published by: Eurostat Press Office



Tel: +352-4301-33 444



For further information on data:

Gilberto GAMBINI

Tel: +352-4301-35 806


Eurostat News Releases on the internet: http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat

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