(IN BRIEF) Netmore Group, a global IoT networks operator, has partnered with Zenze, a supply chain management solutions provider, to offer affordable wireless infrastructure for tracking and monitoring cargo across ports, terminals, warehouses, and more. The collaboration leverages Netmore’s managed … Read the full press release →
Posted in Denmark, Infrastructure & Utilities, International Trade, Sweden, Technology, Telecom, Transportation & Logistics
Tagged analytics, Asset Tracking, cargo, cargo monitoring, Cargo Visibility Network, cargo visibility services, CVN, data, data services, distribution centers, dry cargo, Internet of Things, IoT, IoT network, IoT networks, logistics, LoRaWAN, Netmore, Netmore Group, Ove Anebygd, Polar Structure, port logistics, port operations, ports, refrigerated cargo, SECURITY, Stephan Piworus, supply chain, supply chain digitalization, Supply Chain Management, surveillance, terminals, tracking, warehouses, wireless infrastructure, Zenze