Daily Archives: 25, April 2023

EPI nähert sich der Entwicklung einer paneuropäischen digitalen Geldbörse und Zahlungslösung

(IN KÜRZE) Die European Payments Initiative (EPI), die von 14 europäischen Banken, darunter ING, unterstützt wird, erwirbt Currence iDEAL und den Technologieanbieter für Konto-zu-Konto-Zahlungen Payconiq International, um eine europaweite Zahlungslösung zu entwickeln. EPI plant, das derzeitige Flickwerk von Zahlungslösungen auf … Read the full press release

EPI Moves Closer to Developing Pan-European Digital Wallet and Payment Solution

(IN BRIEF) The European Payments Initiative (EPI), supported by 14 European banks including ING, is acquiring Currence iDEAL and account-to-account payments technology provider Payconiq International to develop a pan-European payment solution. EPI plans to replace the current country-level patchwork of … Read the full press release

RWE annonce des fournisseurs privilégiés pour le plus grand parc éolien offshore du Danemark, Thor

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) RWE a annoncé les fournisseurs privilégiés pour tous les principaux composants de Thor, le plus grand parc éolien offshore du Danemark, qui devrait avoir une capacité de plus de 1 000 MW. Le projet sera construit en … Read the full press release

Digi Communications N.V. announces the conclusion of two Facilities Agreements by the Company’s Romanian subsidiary

(IN BRIEF) Digi Communications N.V., a European telecommunications company, has announced that its Romanian subsidiary, RCS & RDS S.A., has concluded two export credit facilities agreements with ING Bank N.V. The agreements amount to EUR 132,682,761.21 and will be used … Read the full press release

RWE Announces Preferred Suppliers for Denmark’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm, Thor

(IN BRIEF) RWE has announced the preferred suppliers for all main components of Thor, Denmark’s largest offshore wind farm, which is planned to have a capacity of over 1,000 MW. The project will be built in the North Sea and … Read the full press release

L’impresa digitale di BASF “Tracingo” per aiutare le aziende di logistica a raggiungere maggiore efficienza e trasparenza

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) BASF, THIELMANN e NXTGN hanno firmato un accordo di sviluppo congiunto per sviluppare un prodotto chiamato “Tracingo” che traccerà i contenitori per rinfuse intermedie (IBC) utilizzando sensori IoT e segnali acustici. Il prodotto sarà integrato nella piattaforma … Read the full press release

BASF’s Digital Venture “Tracingo” to Help Logistics Companies Achieve Greater Efficiency and Transparency

(IN BRIEF) BASF, THIELMANN, and NXTGN have signed a Joint Development Agreement to develop a product called “Tracingo” that will track intermediate bulk containers (IBC) using IoT sensors and acoustic signals. The product will be integrated into NXTGN’s “ibc.digital” platform, … Read the full press release

European offshore renewable industry leaders call for urgent action to address challenges at North Sea Summit

(IN BRIEF) The North Sea Summit brought together national and European politicians and the European offshore renewable industry to discuss ways to strengthen the European offshore sector’s leading position and contribute to a more sustainable energy system. Attendees signed a … Read the full press release

Paris 2024’s Olympic Games Opening Ceremony to Take Place Along Seine

(IN BRIEF) Paris 2024 has partnered with 42 river companies to provide boats for athletes of Olympic delegations to parade along the Seine River during the Opening Ceremony. A total of 116 Parisian and regional boats will be used, with … Read the full press release

Les banques européennes unissent leurs forces pour assurer la souveraineté des paiements avec EPI

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) L’Initiative européenne de paiement (EPI) a acquis le système de paiement néerlandais Currence iDEAL et le fournisseur de solutions de paiement luxembourgeois PQI, sous réserve de l’approbation des autorités nationales et européennes. Les actionnaires d’EPI sont des … Read the full press release

European Banks Join Forces to Ensure Payment Sovereignty with EPI

(IN BRIEF) The European Payments Initiative (EPI) has acquired Dutch payment scheme Currence iDEAL and Luxembourg-based payment solutions provider PQI, subject to approval by national and European authorities. EPI’s shareholders are European banks and acquirers who have joined forces to … Read the full press release

El software de vanguardia de SAP para acelerar la transformación digital de Henkel

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Henkel y SAP han unido fuerzas para impulsar la co-innovación digital con el fin de acelerar la transformación digital de Henkel. Esta asociación implica la implementación del software SAP S/4HANA y la transición completa a la nube, … Read the full press release

SAP’s cutting-edge software to Accelerate Henkel’s Digital Transformation

(IN BRIEF) Henkel and SAP have joined forces to drive digital co-innovation in order to accelerate Henkel’s digital transformation. This partnership involves implementing SAP S/4HANA software and transitioning fully to the cloud, allowing Henkel to access the latest digital innovations … Read the full press release

TopHat va ouvrir la plus grande usine de logements modulaires d’Europe avec un investissement de 20 millions de livres sterling d’Aviva Capital Partners

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Aviva Capital Partners (ACP) investit 20 millions de livres sterling dans TopHat, une entreprise qui fabrique des maisons modulaires à faible émission de carbone en utilisant des méthodes de construction modernes (MMC). Le financement par actions soutiendra … Read the full press release

TopHat to open Europe’s largest modular housing factory with £20m investment from Aviva Capital Partners

(IN BRIEF) Aviva Capital Partners (ACP) is investing £20 million into TopHat, a business that manufactures low carbon modular homes using Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). The equity funding will support TopHat’s new factory in Corby, capable of manufacturing 4,000 … Read the full press release

Siemens équipe le Zero Carbon Building Systems Lab de l’ETH Zurich avec des technologies de construction numériques de pointe

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Siemens, dans le cadre de son partenariat avec l’ETH Zurich, a équipé le laboratoire Zero Carbon Building Systems (ZCBS) des technologies de construction numérique de son portefeuille Siemens Xcelerator. Le laboratoire permet la recherche expérimentale et les … Read the full press release

Scania Top Team competition crowns Germany as the winner out of 8,000 service technicians

(IN BRIEF) Team Germany emerged as the winner in the eleventh international Top Team World Final, beating 11 other teams from different countries. The competition aims to highlight the importance of service personnel, who are vital for Scania’s success. With … Read the full press release

Siemens equips ETH Zurich’s Zero Carbon Building Systems Lab with cutting-edge digital building technologies

(IN BRIEF) Siemens, as part of its partnership with ETH Zurich, has equipped the Zero Carbon Building Systems (ZCBS) Lab with digital building technologies from its Siemens Xcelerator portfolio. The lab allows for experimental research and system testing on a … Read the full press release

Arkema accelerates deployment of climate fresk to raise awareness among employees

(IN BRIEF) Chemicals company Arkema is set to roll out its Climate fresk workshops to more employees. The workshops, which have already been held with over 1,000 employees, aim to increase awareness of climate change, its causes and effects, and … Read the full press release

Barclays partners with British Gas to offer energy-efficient home solutions

(IN BRIEF) Barclays has announced a strategic partnership with British Gas aimed at promoting energy efficiency for homes. The partnership will offer a 50% discount on a Hive Thermostat Mini for Barclays UK residential mortgage customers. The partnership is a … Read the full press release