Daily Archives: 12, April 2023

El memorando de entendimiento de MediaTek e Inmarsat cubre la innovación conjunta y el despliegue de dispositivos habilitados para satélites

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Inmarsat y MediaTek se han asociado para proporcionar servicios satelitales bidireccionales ultra confiables a varias industrias, incluidos teléfonos inteligentes, dispositivos IoT y automotriz, utilizando la tecnología 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) de MediaTek y la red satelital de … Read the full press release

MediaTek and Inmarsat’s MoU covers joint innovation and satellite-enabled device deployment

(IN BRIEF) Inmarsat and MediaTek have partnered to provide ultra-reliable, two-way satellite services to various industries, including smartphones, IoT devices, and automotive, using MediaTek’s 5G Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) technology and Inmarsat’s ELERA L-band satellite network. The collaboration will enable mobile … Read the full press release

Maxime Pech de Pluvinel tritt die Nachfolge von Elisabeth de Gaulle als Kommunikationsleiterin der Groupe BPCE an

(IN KÜRZE) Maxime Pech de Pluvinel wurde zum neuen Kommunikationsleiter der Groupe BPCE ernannt und tritt die Nachfolge von Elisabeth de Gaulle an, die diese Position 14 Jahre lang innehatte. Pech de Pluvinel ist Absolvent der französischen École Nationale d’Administration … Read the full press release

Maxime Pech de Pluvinel to succeed Elisabeth de Gaulle as Groupe BPCE Communications Head

(IN BRIEF) Maxime Pech de Pluvinel has been appointed as the new Head of Communications for Groupe BPCE, succeeding Elisabeth de Gaulle who held the position for 14 years. Pech de Pluvinel is a graduate of France’s École Nationale d’Administration … Read the full press release

Novo Nordisk et Aspect Biosystems collaborent pour créer des traitements modificateurs de la maladie pour le diabète et l’obésité

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Novo Nordisk a annoncé une collaboration avec Aspect Biosystems pour développer des thérapies tissulaires bio-imprimées pour le traitement du diabète et de l’obésité. La collaboration tirera parti de la technologie de bioimpression d’Aspect et de l’expertise de … Read the full press release

Novo Nordisk and Aspect Biosystems collaborate to create disease-modifying treatments for diabetes and obesity

(IN BRIEF) Novo Nordisk has announced a collaboration with Aspect Biosystems to develop bioprinted tissue therapeutics for diabetes and obesity treatment. The collaboration will leverage Aspect’s bioprinting technology and Novo Nordisk’s expertise in stem cell differentiation and cell therapy development … Read the full press release

Il fornitore di software per l’edilizia Nemetschek Group sostiene LiveCosts con un investimento iniziale

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il gruppo Nemetschek, un fornitore di software per il settore AEC/O, ha effettuato un investimento iniziale in LiveCosts, una start-up irlandese che semplifica il controllo dei costi nel settore delle costruzioni con un software di facile utilizzo … Read the full press release

Construction software provider Nemetschek Group backs LiveCosts with initial investment

(IN BRIEF) The Nemetschek Group, a software provider for the AEC/O industry, has made an initial investment in LiveCosts, an Irish start-up that simplifies cost control in the construction industry with easy-to-use software connecting the office to the field. The … Read the full press release

Gasum announces five teams for biogenic carbon dioxide utilization challenge

(IN BRIEF) Gasum, the Finnish state-owned energy company, has selected five teams to move forward in its open innovation competition, GasumHackathon, which was launched in January. The aim of the competition is to find solutions and partners to utilise the … Read the full press release

CTP leases two sustainable warehouse spaces to Valeo and Raben in Prague

(IN BRIEF) CTP, the largest listed industrial and logistics property developer, owner, and manager in Europe by gross lettable area (GLA), has leased two sustainable warehouse spaces in the Czech Republic to Valeo, a French global automotive supplier, and Raben, … Read the full press release

Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion remove medical collection debt under $500 from consumer credit reports

(IN BRIEF) Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion have announced that medical collection debt with an initial reported balance of under $500 has been removed from U.S. consumer credit reports. This change reflects a commitment made by the Nationwide Credit Reporting Agencies … Read the full press release

Capgemini ottimizza l’ambiente cloud per la costellazione di nanosatelliti JAPETUS

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Capgemini è stata selezionata da Prométhée, un operatore francese di NewSpace, per sviluppare il centro di missione per la sua prima costellazione europea, JAPETUS. La costellazione, sostenuta dal CNES, dal Ministero francese dell’Economia, delle Finanze e della … Read the full press release

University of St Andrews commits to gender equality in golf through The R&A Women in Golf Charter

(IN BRIEF) The University of St Andrews in Scotland has signed The R&A Women in Golf Charter, committing to gender equality and diversity in the golf industry. The charter, launched in 2018, promotes the recruitment, retention and progression of women … Read the full press release

Capgemini to optimize cloud environment for JAPETUS nanosatellite constellation

(IN BRIEF) Capgemini has been selected by Prométhée, a French NewSpace operator, to develop the mission center for its first European constellation, JAPETUS. The constellation, supported by CNES, the French Ministry of Economy, Finance, and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, and … Read the full press release

Skanska Norway’s new Business Unit President brings 20 years of industry experience

(IN BRIEF) Skanska has announced the appointment of Stein Ivar Hellestad as the new Business Unit President for Skanska Norway. Hellestad, who has been with Skanska Norway for over 13 years and has served as the Chief Financial Officer for … Read the full press release

Skanska divests Borås district court building to Vacse for SEK 320M

(IN BRIEF) Skanska has divested a new district court building in Borås, Sweden, to Vacse for SEK 320m. Skanska and Vacse jointly developed the property, which features 13 courtrooms across five floors and is expected to be environmentally certified according … Read the full press release

Skanska to construct Solitude buttress project for BHP Copper

(IN BRIEF) Skanska has won a contract worth USD 60M to construct the Solitude buttress main civil works project at the Solitude Closure Tailings site in Arizona, USA. The project aims to improve the stabilization of a historic tailings embankment … Read the full press release

Skanska Awarded Contract by Norwegian Road Authority for Motorway Construction

(IN BRIEF) Construction company Skanska has secured a contract worth NOK 378m (about SEK 390m) from the Norwegian Road Authority (NPRA) to build a new four-lane motorway and footpath and cycleways in Rogaland County, Norway. The project, which includes the … Read the full press release

AFRY concludes divestment of Russian unit to local management

(IN BRIEF) AFRY, a Swedish engineering consulting firm, has completed the divestment of its Russian subsidiary to local management. The divestment will not affect AFRY’s EBITA excluding items affecting comparability. The company had earlier communicated about the divestment, and it … Read the full press release

Electrolux Group’s Memphis manufacturing facility divestment deal fails to close as buyer defaults

(IN BRIEF) Electrolux has announced that the divestment of its Memphis manufacturing facility in Tennessee, USA, will not be completed as intended. The buyer failed to close the deal, and the company will now seek an alternative buyer. The agreement … Read the full press release