Daily Archives: 11, April 2023

Arkema arbeitet mit Prossergy und Enercat zusammen, um ein innovatives Verfahren zur Emissionsreduzierung zu entwickeln

(IN KÜRZE) Arkemas Lacq/Mourenx-Plattform in Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Frankreich, hat ein neues innovatives Verfahren in Betrieb genommen, das seine Treibhausgasemissionen um 28 % reduzieren wird. Die Plattform ist auf die Chemie von Spezialschwefelderivaten spezialisiert und verfügt über eine Anlage, deren Herstellungsprozess Stickoxide … Read the full press release

Arkema partners with Prossergy and Enercat to develop innovative process for emissions reduction

(IN BRIEF) Arkema’s Lacq/Mourenx platform in Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France, has commissioned a new innovative process that will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 28%. The platform specializes in the chemistry of specialty sulfur derivatives and has a unit whose manufacturing process … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies per ottimizzare il portafoglio con la vendita delle linee di prodotti Cray Valley

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) TotalEnergies ha accettato di vendere tre linee di prodotti, tra cui quattro siti produttivi negli Stati Uniti e l’affiliata Cray Valley Italia, a Pacific Avenue Capital Partners. Le linee di prodotti da acquisire sono Wingtack, PolyBD e … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies to optimize portfolio with sale of Cray Valley’s product lines

(IN BRIEF) TotalEnergies has agreed to sell three product lines, including four production sites in the United States and the Cray Valley Italy affiliate, to Pacific Avenue Capital Partners. The product lines to be acquired are Wingtack, PolyBD, and Dymalink, … Read the full press release

I prodotti e il servizio di alta qualità di BASF guadagnano il premio Fornitore dell’anno da General Motors

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) BASF è stata riconosciuta come Fornitore dell’anno 2022 da General Motors (GM) in occasione del suo 31° evento annuale Fornitore dell’anno. Il premio riconosce i fornitori globali che superano i requisiti di GM e forniscono tecnologie innovative … Read the full press release

BASF’s high-quality products and service earn Supplier of the Year award from General Motors

(IN BRIEF) BASF has been recognized as a 2022 Supplier of the Year by General Motors (GM) at its 31st annual Supplier of the Year event. The award recognizes global suppliers that exceed GM’s requirements and provide innovative technologies at … Read the full press release

Skoda 420: El coche de 90 años que cambió la industria del automóvil

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Skoda está celebrando el 90 aniversario del lanzamiento de su automóvil popular progresivo, el Skoda 420. El automóvil se lanzó en abril de 1933 y fue el primero en utilizar un concepto con un marco de chasis … Read the full press release

Skoda 420: The 90-year-old car that changed the automobile industry

(IN BRIEF) Skoda is celebrating the 90th anniversary of the launch of its progressive people’s car, the Skoda 420. The car was launched in April 1933 and was the first to use a concept with a backbone chassis frame and … Read the full press release

FCA nimmt am Greenwashing TechSprint von GFIN teil, um sich mit Nachhaltigkeitsansprüchen bei Finanzdienstleistungen zu befassen

(IN KÜRZE) Das Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) veranstaltet seinen allerersten Greenwashing TechSprint, und die Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) gehört zu den 13 teilnehmenden internationalen Regulierungsbehörden. Der TechSprint zielt darauf ab, ein Tool oder eine Lösung zu entwickeln, um die … Read the full press release

FCA joins GFIN’s Greenwashing TechSprint to address sustainability claims in financial services

(IN BRIEF) The Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) is hosting its first-ever Greenwashing TechSprint, and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is among the 13 international regulators participating. The TechSprint aims to develop a tool or solution to effectively tackle the … Read the full press release

Allianz Trade unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit des Risikomanagements angesichts des prognostizierten Anstiegs der weltweiten Insolvenzen

(IN KÜRZE) Allianz Trade, der weltweit führende Warenkreditversicherer, hat seinen Global Insolvency Report veröffentlicht, der einen Anstieg der weltweiten Insolvenzen um +21 % im Jahr 2023 und einen weiteren Anstieg um +4 % im Jahr 2024 prognostiziert. Der Bericht warnt … Read the full press release

Allianz Trade Highlights Need for Risk Management in Light of Forecasted Increase in Global Insolvencies

(IN BRIEF) Allianz Trade, the world’s leading trade credit insurer, has released its Global Insolvency Report, predicting a +21% increase in global insolvencies in 2023 and a further +4% rise in 2024. The report warns that prolonged pressure on profitability, … Read the full press release

Fondo europeo per gli investimenti e Norrlandsfonden firmano l’accordo di garanzia InvestEU per migliorare l’accesso delle PMI ai finanziamenti nella Svezia settentrionale

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il Fondo europeo per gli investimenti (FEI) e Norrlandsfonden, un’agenzia pubblica svedese per gli investimenti, hanno firmato un accordo di garanzia sostenuto dal programma InvestEU dell’Unione europea per migliorare l’accesso ai finanziamenti per le PMI e le … Read the full press release

European Investment Fund and Norrlandsfonden Sign InvestEU Guarantee Agreement to Improve SME Access to Finance in Northern Sweden

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Norrlandsfonden, a Swedish public investment agency, have signed a guarantee agreement supported by the European Union’s InvestEU programme to improve access to finance for SMEs and small mid-caps in Northern Sweden. Over … Read the full press release

Der irische Minister Paschal Donohoe vertritt die Eurozone bei Treffen des IWF und der Weltbank zu nachhaltiger Entwicklung und Finanzstabilität

(IN KÜRZE) Paschal Donohoe, Präsident der Eurogruppe und irischer Minister für öffentliche Ausgaben, Umsetzung nationaler Entwicklungspläne und Reformen, nimmt an der Frühjahrstagung des Internationalen Währungsfonds und der Weltbankgruppe in Washington D.C. teil, um die Eurozone zu vertreten. Er wird an … Read the full press release

Irish Minister Paschal Donohoe to Represent Euro Area at IMF and World Bank Meetings on Sustainable Development and Financial Stability

(IN BRIEF) Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup and Irish Minister for Public Expenditure, National Development Plan Delivery, and Reform, is attending the Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group in Washington D.C. to represent the … Read the full press release

L’Université de Glasgow va tirer parti de l’IA et de la science des données pour un impact social positif dans le cadre du réseau Turing

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) L’Université de Glasgow a été nommée membre fondateur du Turing University Network, un nouveau réseau de 36 universités britanniques créé par l’Alan Turing Institute pour tirer parti de la science des données et de l’intelligence artificielle (IA) … Read the full press release

University of Glasgow to Leverage AI and Data Science for Positive Social Impact as Part of Turing Network

(IN BRIEF) The University of Glasgow has been named as a founding member of the Turing University Network, a new network of 36 UK universities created by The Alan Turing Institute to leverage data science and artificial intelligence (AI) for … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ fournira un précipitateur électrostatique pour une papeterie suédoise

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Le groupe technologique ANDRITZ a remporté une commande de Billerud AB, un fabricant suédois de pâte à papier et de papier, pour la fourniture d’un système de traitement des gaz de combustion pour son usine de Gruvön. … Read the full press release

ANDRITZ to Provide Electrostatic Precipitator for Swedish Paper Mill

(IN BRIEF) Technology group ANDRITZ has won an order from Billerud AB, a Swedish pulp and paper manufacturer, to supply a flue gas treatment system for its Gruvön mill. The new system will enable the mill to increase the capacity … Read the full press release