Monthly Archives: March 2023

Banco BPI associa-se ao Fundo Europeu de Investimento para oferecer crédito sustentável às PME portuguesas

(NOTÍCIA EM BREVE) O Banco BPI e o Fundo Europeu de Investimento (FEI) assinaram um acordo para conceder até 155 milhões de euros em empréstimos a pequenas e médias empresas (PME) portuguesas. O acordo, apoiado pelo programa InvestEU, visa melhorar … Read the full press release

Banco BPI joins forces with European Investment Fund to offer sustainable loans to Portuguese SMEs

(IN BRIEF) Banco BPI and the European Investment Fund (EIF) have signed an agreement to provide up to €155 million in loans to Portuguese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The agreement, supported by the InvestEU programme, aims to improve access … Read the full press release

DNV rafforza il business della sicurezza informatica in Norvegia con la nomina di Anette Roll Richardsen

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) DNV, una società globale di garanzia della qualità e gestione del rischio, ha nominato Anette Roll Richardsen Direttore della sua attività di sicurezza informatica in Norvegia. Richardsen guiderà un team di esperti di sicurezza IT e tecnologia … Read the full press release

DNV strengthens cyber security business in Norway with appointment of Anette Roll Richardsen

(IN BRIEF) DNV, a global quality assurance and risk management company, has appointed Anette Roll Richardsen as the Director of its Cyber Security business in Norway. Richardsen will lead a team of IT and operational technology security experts as DNV … Read the full press release

COSCO y SHI reciben las primeras aprobaciones de tipo DNV del mundo para sistemas de recopilación de datos

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) COSCO y Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) han recibido las primeras aprobaciones de tipo D-INF(S) de DNV en el mundo para sus sistemas de recopilación de datos. Las reglas D-INF(S) brindan pautas para el diseño, la construcción y … Read the full press release

COSCO and SHI receive world’s first DNV type approvals for data collection systems

(IN BRIEF) COSCO and Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) have received DNV’s world-first D-INF(S) type approvals for their data collection systems. The D-INF(S) rules provide guidelines for the design, construction, and maintenance of a ship’s data infrastructure to improve connectivity, data … Read the full press release

STARK erweitert das 24/7-Konzept auf Aalborg, Jütland

(IN KÜRZE) Der Baustoffhändler STARK hat seine zweite 24/7-Filiale in Aalborg, Jütland, eröffnet. Dieser neue Standort wird es den Kunden ermöglichen, jederzeit auf Baumaterialien und Werkzeuge zuzugreifen, was eine größere Flexibilität und Bequemlichkeit für Handwerker bietet, die an engen Bauterminen … Read the full press release

STARK Expands 24/7 Concept to Aalborg, Jutland

(IN BRIEF) Builders’ merchant STARK has launched its second 24/7 branch, located in Aalborg, Jutland. This new location will allow customers to access building materials and tools at any time, providing greater flexibility and convenience for craftsmen working on tight … Read the full press release

El campus Streatham de Exeter obtendrá el nuevo edificio Al Qasimi con el compromiso filantrópico de Su Alteza el Jeque Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) La Universidad de Exeter recibió una promesa filantrópica de Su Alteza el Jeque Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, el Gobernante de Sharjah, para cofinanciar la construcción de un nuevo desarrollo en el campus Streatham de Exeter. … Read the full press release

Exeter’s Streatham Campus to Get New Al Qasimi Building with Philanthropic Pledge from His Highness Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi

(IN BRIEF) The University of Exeter has received a philanthropic pledge from His Highness Sheikh Dr Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, the Ruler of Sharjah, to co-fund the construction of a new development on Exeter’s Streatham campus. The proposed Al … Read the full press release

CUPRA kooperiert mit ROSALÍA für eine neue Kampagne zur Feier von Kreativität und Innovation

(IN KÜRZE) Die spanische Automarke CUPRA hat mit der Singer-Songwriterin ROSALÍA zusammengearbeitet, um eine neue Kampagne mit den Werten und der Vision der Marke zu starten. Die Kampagne umfasst ein Video von ROSALÍAs viralem Hit „Abcdefg“ aus ihrem Grammy-prämierten Album … Read the full press release

CUPRA Teams Up with ROSALÍA for New Campaign Celebrating Creativity and Innovation

(IN BRIEF) Spanish car brand CUPRA has collaborated with singer-songwriter ROSALÍA to launch a new campaign featuring the brand’s values and vision. The campaign includes a video of ROSALÍA’s viral hit “Abcdefg” from her Grammy-award winning album MOTOMAMI, featuring CUPRA … Read the full press release

Siemens lancia il convertitore di frequenza Sinamics G220 con tecnologia Clean Power e funzionalità Digital Twin

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Siemens ha annunciato il lancio di Sinamics G220, un nuovo convertitore di frequenza ad alte prestazioni con tecnologia di alimentazione pulita che riduce le armoniche fino al 97% senza la necessità di induttanze aggiuntive. È il primo … Read the full press release

Siemens Launches Sinamics G220 Frequency Converter with Clean Power Technology and Digital Twin Capability

(IN BRIEF) Siemens has announced the launch of Sinamics G220, a new high-performance frequency converter with clean power technology that reduces harmonics by up to 97 percent without the need for additional chokes. It is the first Sinamics drive to … Read the full press release

Mitsubishi Corporation s’associe à Solidaridad pour distribuer des foyers économes en énergie aux producteurs de cacao nigérians

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Mitsubishi Corporation et Solidaridad se sont associés pour introduire des foyers économes en énergie pour les petits producteurs de cacao dans les États nigérians d’Ondo et de Cross River. La plupart des ménages ruraux du Nigéria utilisent … Read the full press release

Mitsubishi Corporation Partners with Solidaridad to Distribute Energy-Efficient Cookstoves to Nigerian Cocoa Farmers

(IN BRIEF) Mitsubishi Corporation and Solidaridad have partnered to introduce energy-efficient cookstoves to smallholder cocoa farmers in Nigeria’s Ondo and Cross River states. Most rural households in Nigeria use traditional cookstoves made from mud or metal scraps, which require large … Read the full press release


The GRETE fibre: regenerated from paper-grade wood pulp

AN INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION OF HIGH-PROFILE EXPERTS DEFINED READY-TO-UPSCALE GREEN CHEMICALS AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE WOOD-TO-TEXTILE VALUE CHAIN (IN BRIEF)The GRETE project, an international collaboration of experts aimed at reducing the environmental footprint of the textile industry, presented their achievements to … Read the full press release

Outokumpu schließt Aktienrückkaufprogramm im Wert von 100 Mio. EUR ab

(IN KÜRZE) Der finnische Edelstahlhersteller Outokumpu hat den Abschluss seines Aktienrückkaufprogramms bekannt gegeben, das im November 2022 begann und im März 2023 endete, nachdem er insgesamt 19.836.205 eigene Aktien zu einem Durchschnittspreis von etwa 5,04 € je Aktie zurückgekauft hatte … Read the full press release

Outokumpu Completes EUR 100m Share Buyback Program

(IN BRIEF) Finnish stainless steel producer, Outokumpu, has announced the completion of its share buyback program, which began in November 2022 and ended in March 2023, having repurchased a total of 19,836,205 of its own shares at an average price … Read the full press release

27. März 2023: Outokumpu Oyj hat im Rahmen seines Aktienrückkaufprogramms 221.714 eigene Aktien zurückgekauft

(PRESSEMITTEILUNG) HELSINKI, 27-Mar-2023 — /EuropaWire/ —  Outokumpu (HEL: OUT1V), der größte Produzent von Edelstahl in Europa, hat den Rückkauf von 221.714 eigenen Aktien im Rahmen seines Aktienrückkaufprogramms angekündigt. Die am 24. März 2023 durchgeführten Transaktionen (ISIN FI0009002422) lauten wie folgt: … Read the full press release