Monthly Archives: March 2023

Fujirebio and H.U. Group Holdings Launch Quantitative NfL Assays for Research Use Only

(IN BRIEF) H.U. Group Holdings Inc. and Fujirebio have announced the launch of Lumipulse G NfL CSF and Lumipulse G NfL Blood assays for the fully automated random-access LUMIPULSE G immunoassay systems. These assays can quantitatively measure Neurofilament light (NfL) … Read the full press release

Lenzing’s Carbon-Neutral Lyocell Fibers Provide Sustainable Solution for Flushable Wipes

(IN BRIEF) Austrian-based company Lenzing Group has launched upgraded lyocell shortcut fibers under the VEOCEL™ brand for use in flushable wipes. The fibers have high dispersibility, making them ideal for flushable wipes, and feature an upgraded finish that enhances the … Read the full press release

Alstom liefert fortschrittliche Cybersicherheitsmaßnahmen für das Eisenbahnprojekt in Hongkong

(IN KÜRZE) Alstom hat einen Vertrag über die Lieferung des Signalsystems für das Lantau-Erweiterungsprojekt in Hongkong abgeschlossen, das die Airport Express Line, die Tung Chung Line und das Siu Ho Wan Depot umfasst. Alstoms Lösung für das Projekt umfasst die … Read the full press release

Alstom to deliver advanced rail cybersecurity measures for Hong Kong rail project

(IN BRIEF) Alstom has secured a contract to supply the signalling system for Hong Kong’s Lantau Extension project, which includes the Airport Express Line, the Tung Chung Line, and the Siu Ho Wan Depot. Alstom’s solution for the project includes … Read the full press release

Metro de Málaga inaugura una nueva ampliación de la red de Metro con la tecnología de señalización CBTC de Alstom

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) La red de Metro de Málaga se ha extendido hasta el centro de la ciudad, siendo Alstom el socio seleccionado para desarrollar la tecnología de señalización, que se integra en el nuevo tramo. Esta ampliación incluye dos … Read the full press release

Metro de Málaga Inaugurates New Extension of Metro Network with Alstom’s CBTC Signalling Technology

(IN BRIEF) The Malaga Metro network has extended to the city center, with Alstom being the selected partner to develop the signalling technology, which is integrated into the new section. This extension includes two new stations, 1.7 km of lines, … Read the full press release

KUKA Welding Cell aiuta lo stabilimento tedesco a riportare la produzione in Germania

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Un impianto di zincatura di medie dimensioni nel sud della Germania ha investito nell’automazione, utilizzando una cella di saldatura compatta KUKA per riportare la produzione in Germania e risparmiare migliaia di chilometri di trasporto nel processo di … Read the full press release

KUKA Welding Cell Helps German Plant Bring Production Back to Germany

(IN BRIEF) A medium-sized galvanizing plant in southern Germany has invested in automation, using a compact KUKA welding cell to bring production back to Germany and save thousands of transport kilometers in the production process. The plant has integrated a … Read the full press release

JA Europe, Intel, Abodoo und andere Organisationen schließen sich dem ehrgeizigen Ziel des EIT an, bis 2025 eine Million Europäer in Deep Tech auszubilden

(IN KÜRZE) Das Europäische Institut für Innovation & Technology (EIT) hat neue Zusagen von Abodoo, dem Computer Vision Center Barcelona, Generation, Intel Corporation, JA Europe, der Tampere University of Applied Sciences und der Technischen Universität Cluj-Napoca bekannt gegeben, sich der … Read the full press release

JA Europe, Intel, Abodoo, and Other Organizations Join EIT’s Ambitious Goal to Train One Million Europeans in Deep Tech by 2025

(IN BRIEF) The European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) has announced new pledges from Abodoo, Computer Vision Center Barcelona, Generation, Intel Corporation, JA Europe, Tampere University of Applied Sciences, and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca to join the Deep … Read the full press release

Bloomberg und Junior Achievement Europe betreuen 2023 mit der EU-Initiative „Women in Finance“ noch mehr Studierende

(IN KÜRZE) Bloomberg hat seine EU-Initiative „Women in Finance“ ausgeweitet, die darauf abzielt, junge Frauen nach einem erfolgreichen ersten Jahr zu inspirieren und zu befähigen, Karrieren im Finanzbereich zu verfolgen. Die Initiative bietet spezialisierte Schulungen zu Kapitalmärkten und Mentoring durch … Read the full press release

Bloomberg and Junior Achievement Europe mentor even more students in 2023 with EU Women in Finance initiative

(IN BRIEF) Bloomberg has expanded its EU Women in Finance initiative, which aims to inspire and empower young women to pursue careers in finance, following a successful first year. The initiative offers specialized training on capital markets and mentoring from … Read the full press release

Airbus prueba las tecnologías Auto’Mate para vuelos autónomos en formación y reabastecimiento aire-aire

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Airbus Defence and Space y su filial, Airbus UpNext, han logrado con éxito la guía y el control autónomos en vuelo de un dron utilizando un A310 MRTT. Las tecnologías Auto’Mate se probaron en varios drones DT-25 … Read the full press release

Clearstream’s Collateral Mapper Enhances Transparency and Efficiency in Collateral Management

(IN BRIEF) Clearstream, a provider of post-trade infrastructure and services, has launched the Collateral Mapper, a data-based solution for collateral management optimization. The platform automates the process of summarizing complex reports on collateral usage, evaluating the collateral potential of an … Read the full press release

Volkswagen Financial Services diversifies portfolio with first auto ABS transaction in Sweden

(IN BRIEF) Volkswagen Financial Services has placed an auto ABS transaction in Swedish kronor, becoming the first company in the market to place an auto ABS transaction based on a securitized pool of leasing contracts. The transaction has a receivables … Read the full press release

Airbus tests Auto’Mate technologies for autonomous formation flight and air-to-air refueling

(IN BRIEF) Airbus Defence and Space and its subsidiary, Airbus UpNext, have successfully achieved in-flight autonomous guidance and control of a drone using an A310 MRTT. The Auto’Mate technologies were tested on several DT-25 target drones, and during almost six … Read the full press release

Parental Pressure and Social Media Drive Teens’ Compulsive Exercise, Finds Loughborough University Study

(IN BRIEF) Loughborough University research finds that young people’s exercise attitudes and habits are influenced by parents, peers, and social media. The ongoing research focuses on how social influences are linked with compulsive exercise in under-16s. The research team has … Read the full press release

BAE Systems partners with Plug Power to deliver emission-free hydrogen fuel cell buses for Rochester, NY transit fleet

(IN BRIEF) BAE Systems will supply its next-generation electric power and propulsion systems for three hydrogen fuel cell buses in Rochester, New York, to run emission-free. The company will provide its Gen3 electric drive system for ElDorado National (California)’s Axess® … Read the full press release

Volkswagen dealers gather in Hamburg for Brand Experience event to learn about brand’s future models and strategy

(IN BRIEF) Volkswagen has hosted a Brand Experience event in Hamburg where dealers from around the world have gathered to learn about the automaker’s future plans. During the event, attendees gained insights into Volkswagen’s upcoming line of models, which includes … Read the full press release

EBRD to Provide up to $150 Million for Kazakhstan’s Green Economy Financing Facility II

(IN BRIEF) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching a new financing facility to help Kazakhstan reduce energy consumption and promote the use of renewable energy sources. The EBRD is providing funds of up to $150m to … Read the full press release