Monthly Archives: March 2023

Grupa Azoty Police partners with Ultra Safe Nuclear to promote decarbonisation of industrial processes

(IN BRIEF) Grupa Azoty Police, Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation, and West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin have signed an agreement to develop a nuclear energy research facility based on Ultra Safe Nuclear’s Micro-Modular Reactor (MMR) technology. The first stage … Read the full press release

Michelin-backed joint venture to create large-scale tire recycling group in Europe

(IN BRIEF) Scandinavian Enviro Systems and Antin Infrastructure Partners have formed a joint venture with Michelin to create the world’s first large-scale tire recycling group. The joint venture will use Enviro’s patented technology for extracting carbon black and pyrolysis oil … Read the full press release

Saab recibe pedidos de cancelación de municiones y armas antiblindaje por valor de 350 millones de coronas suecas de la OTAN

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Saab ha firmado acuerdos marco con la Agencia de Adquisiciones y Apoyo de la OTAN (NSPA) para el sistema de armas Carl-Gustaf® M4 y el arma antiblindaje AT4. La NSPA también ha realizado pedidos de cancelación por … Read the full press release

Saab receives SEK 350m call-off orders for ammunition and anti-armour weapons from NATO

(IN BRIEF) Saab has signed framework agreements with NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) for the Carl-Gustaf® M4 weapon system and the AT4 anti-armour weapon. The NSPA has also placed call-off orders worth around SEK 350 million for Carl-Gustaf ammunition … Read the full press release

Ecopost e Borealis agiscono contro i rifiuti di plastica e il degrado ambientale in Kenya

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Ecopost, un’azienda keniota che ricicla i rifiuti di plastica per creare alternative ecologiche per recinzioni, segnaletica e materiali da costruzione, ha collaborato con Borealis per aumentare il riciclaggio dei rifiuti in Kenya e promuovere un’economia circolare. Borealis … Read the full press release

Ecopost and Borealis Take Action Against Plastic Waste and Environmental Degradation in Kenya

(IN BRIEF) Ecopost, a Kenyan company that recycles plastic waste to create eco-friendly alternatives for fencing, signage, and building materials, has partnered with Borealis to boost waste recycling in Kenya and promote a circular economy. Borealis will fund Ecopost’s activities, … Read the full press release

Holcim adquiere productor líder de membranas líquidas para techos e impermeabilización en Argentina

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Holcim, una empresa global de materiales de construcción, adquirió Quimexur, un productor líder de membranas líquidas para aplicaciones de techado e impermeabilización en Argentina. La adquisición está en línea con la estrategia de Holcim de convertirse en … Read the full press release

Holcim Acquires Leading Producer of Liquid Membranes for Roofing and Waterproofing in Argentina

(IN BRIEF) Holcim, a global building materials company, has acquired Quimexur, a leading producer of liquid membranes for roofing and waterproofing applications in Argentina. The acquisition is in line with Holcim’s strategy to become a leader in roofing and waterproofing … Read the full press release

Vattenfall reste attaché aux objectifs climatiques malgré la forte augmentation des prix de l’électricité

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Vattenfall, une entreprise énergétique de premier plan, a connu une année difficile en 2022 en raison de la guerre en Ukraine, qui a entraîné une augmentation significative des prix de l’électricité dans toute l’Europe. Malgré cela, Vattenfall … Read the full press release

Vattenfall Remains Committed to Climate Goals Despite Sharp Increase in Electricity Prices

(IN BRIEF) Vattenfall, a leading energy company, faced a challenging year in 2022 due to the war in Ukraine, which resulted in a significant increase in electricity prices across Europe. Despite this, Vattenfall continued to focus on supporting its customers … Read the full press release

Metallpulverproduktion von Outokumpu zur Unterstützung der Kreislaufwirtschaft und der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie

(IN KÜRZE) Outokumpu, ein weltweit führendes Unternehmen für nachhaltigen Edelstahl, steigt ab April 2023 in seinem Werk in Krefeld, Deutschland, in das Metallpulverproduktionsgeschäft ein. Der Schwerpunkt des Unternehmens liegt auf der Herstellung von Metallpulvern, die für fortschrittliche Fertigungstechnologien wie Additive … Read the full press release

Outokumpu’s Metal Powder Production to Support Circular Economy and Sustainability Strategy

(IN BRIEF) Outokumpu, a global leader in sustainable stainless steel, is entering the metal powder production business at its mill in Krefeld, Germany, starting in April 2023. The company’s focus is on producing metal powders suited for advanced manufacturing technologies, … Read the full press release

EPH-eigenes Kraftwerk Leipheim geht ans Netz, um auf Wasserstoff umzusteigen

(IN KÜRZE) Das Kraftwerk Leipheim bei Ulm in Deutschland hat mit der erstmaligen Netzanbindung nach erfolgreicher Zündung einer Gasturbine einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht. Das Projekt, das von LEAG verwaltet wird und sich im Besitz von Energetický a průmyslový holding („EPH“) … Read the full press release

EPH-Owned Leipheim Power Plant Connects to Grid, Designed to Switch to Hydrogen

(IN BRIEF) The Leipheim power plant, located near Ulm in Germany, has achieved a significant milestone by connecting to the grid for the first time after the successful ignition of a gas turbine. The project, managed by LEAG and owned … Read the full press release

Les apprentis du groupe Lindner reçoivent le prix de l’État bavarois pour l’excellence académique

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Cinq anciens apprentis du groupe Lindner, Christian Fink, Angelina Nachtmann, Christina Nachtmann, Annalena Gröger et Julia Pongratz, ont reçu le prix d’État bavarois pour leurs excellents résultats scolaires. Ils sont diplômés des écoles professionnelles d’Eggenfelden et de … Read the full press release

Lindner Group Apprentices Awarded Bavarian State Prize for Academic Excellence

(IN BRIEF) Five former apprentices from Lindner Group, Christian Fink, Angelina Nachtmann, Christina Nachtmann, Annalena Gröger, and Julia Pongratz, have received the Bavarian State Prize for their excellent academic achievements. They graduated from the Eggenfelden and Passau vocational schools and … Read the full press release

Umweltfreundliche Verpackungsalternative: Cristal® Transparentpapiere von Ahlstrom bestehen die chemische Sicherheitsbewertung

(IN KÜRZE) Ahlstrom hat bekannt gegeben, dass seine Cristal®-Transparentverpackungspapiere die strengen Bewertungskriterien des SAFER™-Programms von ChemFORWARD zur Sicherheit von Mensch und Umwelt erfüllt haben. Dieses Programm bewertet Produkte auf ihre Nachhaltigkeit und Sicherheit, und die Auszeichnung wird nur an Produkte … Read the full press release

Eco-Friendly Packaging Alternative: Ahlstrom’s Cristal® Transparent Papers Pass Chemical Safety Evaluation

(IN BRIEF) Ahlstrom has announced that its Cristal® Transparent Packaging Papers have met ChemFORWARD’s SAFER™ program’s rigorous evaluation criteria of human and environmental safety. This program evaluates products for their sustainability and safety, and the designation is given only to … Read the full press release

Stora Enso dévoile une nouvelle structure de rapport et améliore la transparence

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Stora Enso a annoncé des modifications de son information sectorielle à compter du 1er janvier 2023. La société a retraité les chiffres comparatifs de son information sectorielle en 2021 et 2022, et les nouveaux segments de reporting … Read the full press release

Stora Enso Unveils New Reporting Structure, Enhances Transparency

(IN BRIEF) Stora Enso has announced changes to its segment reporting effective from January 1, 2023. The company has restated comparative figures for its segment reporting in 2021 and 2022, and the new reporting segments include Packaging Materials, Packaging Solutions, … Read the full press release