Daily Archives: 1, March 2023

Stark Group entre sur le marché britannique avec une acquisition accélérée de Saint-Gobain Building Distribution UK Ltd.

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) STARK GROUP A / S a terminé la séparation accélérée de Saint-Gobain Building Distribution UK Ltd., acquérant plus de 600 succursales de marchands, spécialistes et de distribution de constructeurs de constructeurs, ainsi qu’un important importateur et distributeur … Read the full press release

STARK Group Enters UK Market with Accelerated Acquisition of Saint-Gobain Building Distribution UK Ltd.

(IN BRIEF) STARK Group A/S has completed the accelerated separation of Saint-Gobain Building Distribution UK Ltd., acquiring more than 600 builders’ merchant, specialist, and distribution branches, and a major timber importer and distributor. The acquisition was initially planned to close … Read the full press release

BayWa r.e. para triplicar el volumen de negocios del proyecto con los ingresos de la venta comercial de energía solar

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) BayWa r.e. AG, una subsidiaria de BayWa Group, planea vender su negocio internacional de comercialización de energía solar Solar Trade como parte de una realineación estratégica, centrándose ahora en el negocio de proyectos internacionales y la expansión … Read the full press release

BayWa r.e. to Triple Project Business Volume with Solar Trade Sale Proceeds

(IN BRIEF) BayWa r.e. AG, a subsidiary of the BayWa Group, plans to sell its international solar trading business Solar Trade as part of a strategic realignment, with the focus now on international project business and expansion as an independent … Read the full press release

Inflexion investit dans le fournisseur de logiciels de gestion de trésorerie basé à Helsinki Nomentia

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Inflexion a acquis une participation majoritaire dans le fournisseur européen de logiciels de trésorerie et de gestion de trésorerie Nomentia auprès de PSG Equity et Verdane. Nomentia, basée à Helsinki, propose une suite complète de solutions au … Read the full press release

Inflexion Invests in Helsinki-Based Cash Management Software Provider Nomentia

(IN BRIEF) Inflexion has acquired a majority stake in European treasury and cash management software provider Nomentia from PSG Equity and Verdane. Helsinki-based Nomentia delivers a comprehensive suite of solutions to the cash and treasury management sector, including bank connectivity, … Read the full press release

ONG AVSI e Intesa Sanpaolo collaborano per sostenere i rifugiati ucraini in Polonia

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) L’organizzazione non governativa AVSI, in collaborazione con AVSI Polska e con il sostegno di Intesa Sanpaolo, ha formato e collocato con successo 150 donne ucraine in posizioni permanenti nel mercato del lavoro polacco, un anno dopo lo … Read the full press release

NGO AVSI and Intesa Sanpaolo Partner to Support Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

(IN BRIEF) Non-governmental organization AVSI, in partnership with AVSI Polska and supported by Intesa Sanpaolo, has successfully trained and placed 150 Ukrainian women in permanent positions on the Polish job market, a year after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. … Read the full press release

bp pulse und die Urban Hubs von APCOA zur Unterstützung der urbanen E-Mobilitätsinfrastruktur in ganz Europa

(IN KÜRZE) bp pulse und die APCOA Parking Group haben eine europaweite Vereinbarung getroffen, um über 100 Schnellladestationen für Elektrofahrzeuge in ganz Europa zu schaffen. Die Vereinbarung umfasst den Einsatz von ultraschnellen Ladestationen auf APCOA-Parkplätzen, bekannt als Urban Hubs, in … Read the full press release

bp pulse and APCOA’s Urban Hubs to Support Urban E-Mobility Infrastructure Throughout Europe

(IN BRIEF) bp pulse and APCOA Parking Group have entered into a pan-European agreement to create over 100 EV fast charging hubs across Europe. The agreement involves the deployment of ultra-fast charging stations at APCOA car parks, known as Urban … Read the full press release

Equinor erwirbt Beteiligung an fünf Entdeckungen in der Nordsee

(IN KÜRZE) Equinor hat zugestimmt, von Wellesley Petroleum eine Kapitalbeteiligung an fünf Entdeckungen in der Nordsee auf dem norwegischen Festlandsockel zu erwerben. Die Entdeckungen befinden sich in den Gebieten Troll, Fram und Kvitebjørn, wo Equinor seit 2019 sieben Entdeckungen gemacht … Read the full press release

Equinor Acquires Equity Interest in Five North Sea Discoveries

(IN BRIEF) Equinor has agreed to acquire an equity interest in five discoveries in the North Sea on the Norwegian continental shelf from Wellesley Petroleum. The discoveries are located in the Troll, Fram, and Kvitebjørn area, where Equinor has made … Read the full press release

ING lance un programme de rachat d’actions pour soutenir les plans de rémunération en actions

ING Repurchases Nearly 1.7 Million Shares, Demonstrating Progress in Buyback Initiative

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) ING a annoncé un programme de rachat d’actions, en vertu duquel elle prévoit de racheter des actions ordinaires d’ING Groep N.V. pour un montant maximum de 50 millions d’euros afin de respecter les obligations découlant des plans … Read the full press release

ING Launches Share Repurchase Programme to Support Share-Based Compensation Plans

ING Repurchases Nearly 1.7 Million Shares, Demonstrating Progress in Buyback Initiative

(IN BRIEF) ING has announced a share repurchase programme, under which it plans to repurchase ordinary shares of ING Groep N.V. for up to €50 million to meet obligations under share-based compensation plans. The programme is expected to start on … Read the full press release

Deutsche Telekom est la première au monde à utiliser la norme mondiale pour le transfert d’eSIM

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Deutsche Telekom s’est associé à Google pour développer une norme mondiale de transfert d’eSIM entre appareils mobiles. Deutsche Telekom est la première entreprise de communication mobile à utiliser cette norme pour transférer des eSIM, permettant aux clients … Read the full press release

Deutsche Telekom First in the World to Use Global Standard for Transferring eSIMs

(IN BRIEF) Deutsche Telekom has partnered with Google to develop a global standard for transferring eSIMs between mobile devices. Deutsche Telekom is the first mobile communications company to use this standard for transferring eSIMs, allowing customers to transfer their mobile … Read the full press release

El BERD proporciona 199,96 millones de dólares para mejorar la eficiencia del riego en el valle de Fergana de Uzbekistán

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) El Banco Europeo para la Reconstrucción y el Desarrollo (BERD) otorga un préstamo soberano de hasta 199,96 millones de dólares a Uzbekistán para mejorar el sistema de riego en el valle de Fergana, densamente poblado. Los fondos … Read the full press release

EBRD Provides $199.96m to Improve Irrigation Efficiency in Uzbekistan’s Fergana Valley

(IN BRIEF) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a sovereign loan of up to $199.96 million to Uzbekistan to upgrade the irrigation system in the heavily populated Fergana Valley. The funds will be used to modernize … Read the full press release

Der EIF und der dänische Export- und Investitionsfonds garantieren 30,9 Millionen Euro an neuen Krediten für dänische Unternehmen

(IN KÜRZE) Der Europäische Investitionsfonds (EIF) und der dänische Export- und Investitionsfonds haben eine Vereinbarung zur Bereitstellung einer Nachhaltigkeitsgarantie für neue Darlehen zur Unterstützung dänischer Unternehmen unterzeichnet. Die durch das InvestEU-Programm abgesicherte Garantie wird es dem dänischen Staatsfonds ermöglichen, Darlehen … Read the full press release

EIF and Denmark’s Export and Investment Fund Guarantee €30.9m in New Loans for Danish Businesses

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Fund (EIF) and Denmark’s Export and Investment Fund have signed an agreement to provide a sustainability guarantee for new loans to support Danish businesses. The guarantee, backed by the InvestEU program, will enable the Danish … Read the full press release