Daily Archives: 8, February 2023

BEI e FEI sostengono lo sviluppo regionale e l’innovazione sostenibile nella Repubblica Ceca con un investimento di 1,85 miliardi di euro nel 2022

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il gruppo della Banca europea per gli investimenti, composto dalla Banca europea per gli investimenti e dal Fondo europeo per gli investimenti, ha investito 1,85 miliardi di euro nella Repubblica ceca nel 2022 per sostenere lo sviluppo … Read the full press release

EIB and EIF support regional development and sustainable innovation in Czech Republic with €1.85B investment in 2022

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Bank Group, consisting of the European Investment Bank and the European Investment Fund, invested €1.85 billion in the Czech Republic in 2022 to support regional development, improve sustainable development and innovation in small and medium … Read the full press release

Eni apoya la sostenibilidad y la inclusión en los Juegos de Invierno de Milán Cortina 2026

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 y Eni han firmado un acuerdo para apoyar los próximos Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos de Invierno en Milán Cortina 2026. Eni ve el deporte como una herramienta unificadora y está comprometida con la … Read the full press release

Eni Supports Sustainability and Inclusivity at Milan Cortina 2026 Winter Games

(IN BRIEF) Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and Eni have signed an agreement to support the upcoming Winter Olympics and Paralympics in Milan Cortina 2026. Eni sees sport as a unifying tool and is committed to sustainability and a fair transition … Read the full press release

Instituições financeiras se comprometem com mercados de carbono transparentes e seguros com a Carbonplace Investment

(NOTÍCIA EM BREVE) A Carbonplace, uma rede de transações de crédito de carbono, levantou US$ 45 milhões em financiamento de suas instituições financeiras fundadoras e se estabeleceu como uma entidade autônoma. O investimento será usado para dimensionar a plataforma, expandir … Read the full press release

Financial Institutions Commit to Transparent and Secure Carbon Markets with Carbonplace Investment

(IN BRIEF) Carbonplace, a carbon credit transaction network, has raised $45 million in funding from its founding financial institutions and established itself as a standalone entity. The investment will be used to scale the platform, expand its services, and partner … Read the full press release

Eleganza, creatività e “Art de Vivre francese” evidenziate dal look e dai pittogrammi di Parigi 2024

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Parigi 2024 ha svelato il look dei Giochi e i pittogrammi delle discipline olimpiche e paralimpiche, mettendo in mostra l’eleganza, la creatività e l’”art de vivre francese” dei Giochi. I 62 pittogrammi, presentati sotto forma di stemmi, … Read the full press release

Elegance, Creativity, and “French Art de Vivre” Highlighted by Paris 2024 Look and Pictograms

(IN BRIEF) Paris 2024 unveiled the Look of the Games and the pictograms of Olympic and Paralympic disciplines, showcasing the elegance, creativity, and “French art de vivre” of the Games. The 62 pictograms, presented in the form of coats of … Read the full press release

El profesor Jonathan Dawes aporta su experiencia a EPSRC como vicepresidente ejecutivo

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Jonathan Dawes, profesor de Matemáticas Aplicadas en la Universidad de Bath, ha sido nombrado nuevo presidente ejecutivo adjunto del Consejo de Investigación de Ingeniería y Ciencias Físicas (EPSRC) por UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). Aporta una gran … Read the full press release

Professor Jonathan Dawes brings expertise to EPSRC as deputy executive chair

(IN BRIEF) Jonathan Dawes, a Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Bath, has been appointed as the new Deputy Executive Chair of the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC) by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI). He brings … Read the full press release

L’UKRI lance un centre d’incubation d’entreprises biotechnologiques pour stimuler les start-ups

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) UK Research and Innovation a lancé le Biotech Business Incubation Centre (Bio BIC) dans le nord-ouest de l’Angleterre pour soutenir les petites entreprises de biotechnologie. Bio BIC, une collaboration entre le Conseil de recherche en biotechnologie et … Read the full press release

UKRI Launches Biotech Business Incubation Centre to Boost Start-ups

(IN BRIEF) UK Research and Innovation has launched the Biotech Business Incubation Centre (Bio BIC) in the north-west of England to support small biotech businesses. Bio BIC, a collaboration between the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Science … Read the full press release

Sebastiaan Bergen Henegouwen, co-founder of Modern Media Hub, on working with Cap Expand Partners for the successful execution of our management buy-out transaction

Sebastiaan Bergen Henegouwen, co-founder of Modern Media Hub

(IN BRIEF) Sebastiaan Bergen Henegouwen, co-founder of Modern Media Hub, discusses the successful execution of a management buy-out transaction with the help of Cap Expand Partners. The Belgian firm, known for providing cross-border financing solutions, played a crucial role in … Read the full press release

Die STARK-Gruppe gehört zu den besten 1 % der Unternehmen in der globalen Bewertung von EcoVadis

(IN KÜRZE) Die STARK Group wurde von EcoVadis für ihre nachhaltigen Geschäftspraktiken mit Platin ausgezeichnet und gehört damit zu den besten 1 % aller bewerteten Unternehmen. Die Platin-Bewertung basierte auf einer umfassenden Bewertung der Leistung der STARK-Gruppe in Bereichen wie … Read the full press release

STARK Group Ranks Among Top 1% of Companies in EcoVadis’ Global Assessment

(IN BRIEF) STARK Group has received a platinum rating from EcoVadis for its sustainable business practices, ranking it in the top 1% of all companies assessed. The platinum rating was based on a comprehensive evaluation of STARK Group’s performance in … Read the full press release

Avanzando en la movilidad eléctrica: MAHLE moderniza el túnel de viento de Stuttgart con un sistema de carga rápida para vehículos eléctricos

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) MAHLE ha mejorado sus instalaciones en Stuttgart con un sistema de carga rápida de corriente continua para vehículos eléctricos. El sistema permite a la empresa probar los efectos de la carga rápida de las baterías de iones … Read the full press release

Advancing E-Mobility: MAHLE Modernizes Stuttgart Wind Tunnel with Fast Charging System for Electric Vehicles

(IN BRIEF) MAHLE has upgraded its facility in Stuttgart with a direct current fast charging system for electric vehicles. The system allows the company to test the effects of fast charging on Li-ion batteries in a variety of climatic conditions, … Read the full press release

Evonik présente son engagement envers le développement durable lors du principal salon chinois des cosmétiques

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Evonik, une division des sciences de la vie axée sur la durabilité, présentera ses produits et solutions innovants et respectueux de l’environnement à l’exposition PCHi 2023 à Guangzhou, en Chine. L’événement, qui se déroule du 15 au … Read the full press release

Evonik Showcases Commitment to Sustainability at China’s Leading Cosmetics Exhibition

(IN BRIEF) Evonik, a life sciences division focused on sustainability, will showcase its innovative and environmentally friendly products and solutions at the PCHi 2023 expo in Guangzhou, China. The event, which runs from February 15th to 17th, will feature Evonik’s … Read the full press release

Sergio van Luijk, Managing Partner at Cap Expand, on assisting Modern Media Hub in raising capital to accelerate growth

Sergio van Luijk, Managing Partner at Cap Expand

(IN BRIEF) Sergio van Luijk, Managing Partner at Cap Expand, announced that his company was proud to assist Modern Media Hub in raising capital to accelerate growth. Cap Expand is a renowned industry leader in providing tailored M&A and financing … Read the full press release