Daily Archives: 27, January 2023

Digi Communications N.V. announces the release of the Financial Calendar for 2023

Digi Communications N.V. announces the release of the Financial Calendar for 2023

(PRESS RELEASE) BUCHAREST, Romania, 27-Jan-2022 — /EuropaWire/ — Digi Communications N.V. (“Digi” or the “Company”) would like to inform its investors and the market that the Financial Calendar for 2023 is available on the official website: www.digi-communications.ro (Investor Relations Section/Financial … Read the full press release

Bekaert hält nach Aktienrückkauf- und Liquiditätsvereinbarungen 7,75% der ausstehenden Aktien

(IN KÜRZE) Bekaert, ein Weltmarkt- und Technologieführer in den Bereichen Stahldrahtumwandlung und Beschichtungstechnologien, gab eine Aktualisierung seines Aktienrückkaufprogramms und der Liquiditätsvereinbarung bekannt. Das Unternehmen hatte zuvor ein 120-Millionen-Euro-Programm zum Rückkauf eigener Aktien angekündigt, das in vier Tranchen zu je 30 … Read the full press release

Bekaert Holds 7.75% of Outstanding Shares Following Share Buyback and Liquidity Agreement Transactions

(IN BRIEF) Bekaert, a world market and technology leader in steel wire transformation and coating technologies, announced an update on its Share Buyback Program and the Liquidity Agreement. The company had previously announced a €120 million program to buy back … Read the full press release

Nuovi progressi nel trattamento del cancro alla prostata: Darolutamide sta per essere approvato nell’UE

Non destinato ai media statunitensi e britannici (NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il comitato per i medicinali per uso umano dell’Agenzia europea per i medicinali ha raccomandato l’autorizzazione all’immissione in commercio nell’Unione europea di darolutamide, un inibitore orale del recettore degli androgeni, … Read the full press release

New Advancement in Prostate Cancer Treatment: Darolutamide Set to be Approved in EU

Not intended for U.S. and UK Media (IN BRIEF) The European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has recommended darolutamide, an oral androgen receptor inhibitor, for marketing authorization in the European Union as a treatment for patients … Read the full press release

Wood nomme un nouveau président exécutif de Business Sustainability & Assurance

(ACTUALITÉ EN BREF) Wood, une entreprise leader du secteur, a annoncé des changements au sein de son équipe de direction exécutive (ELT) pour soutenir la réalisation de la stratégie et des ambitions de croissance récemment lancées par l’entreprise. Mike Collins … Read the full press release

Wood Appoints New Executive President of Business Sustainability & Assurance

(IN BRIEF) Wood, a leading company in the industry, announced changes to its Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to support the delivery of the company’s recently launched strategy and growth ambitions. Mike Collins will take on a new role as Executive … Read the full press release

38% da Área Restante da Floresta Amazônica Afetada por Distúrbio Humano

(NOTÍCIA EM BREVE) Um novo estudo liderado por uma equipe internacional de cientistas de instituições como a Universidade de Campinas, no Brasil, o Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental da Amazônia e a Universidade de East Anglia e Lancaster University, no Reino … Read the full press release

38% of Remaining Amazon Forest Area Affected by Human Disturbance

(IN BRIEF) A new study led by an international team of scientists from institutions including Brazil’s University of Campinas, the Amazon Environmental Research Institute and the University of East Anglia and Lancaster University in the UK, found that over a … Read the full press release

Alfabetización global y salud mental: un nuevo estudio de la UEA revela una tendencia inquietante

(NOTICIA EN BREVE) Un nuevo estudio de la Universidad de East Anglia descubrió que las personas con bajo nivel de alfabetización tienen más probabilidades de sufrir problemas de salud mental como soledad, depresión y ansiedad. El estudio, que es el … Read the full press release

Global Literacy and Mental Health: New Study from UEA Reveals a Disturbing Trend

(IN BRIEF) A new study from the University of East Anglia has found that people with poor literacy are more likely to suffer from mental health issues such as loneliness, depression, and anxiety. The study, which is the first to … Read the full press release

Dritte Erweiterung der Handelsfinanzierungsfazilität der EIB für Griechenland erreicht 550 Millionen US-Dollar

(IN KÜRZE) Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) und die HSBC Bank haben eine neue Handelsfinanzierungspartnerschaft im Wert von 200 Millionen Euro in Athen angekündigt. Die Initiative wird Handels- und Exportfinanzierungsdienstleistungen unterstützen, die von teilnehmenden griechischen Banken für lokale Unternehmen bereitgestellt werden, … Read the full press release

Third Expansion of EIB’s Trade Finance Facility for Greece Reaches $550 Million

(IN BRIEF) The European Investment Bank (EIB) and HSBC Bank have announced a new EUR 200 million trade finance partnership in Athens. The initiative will support trade and export finance services provided by participating Greek banks to local companies, addressing … Read the full press release

Volkswagen spinge per l’accessibilità alla mobilità elettrica con 25.000 punti di ricarica entro il 2023

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il Gruppo Volkswagen ha annunciato l’intenzione di installare fino a 25.000 punti di ricarica ad alta potenza in tutto il mondo entro la fine del 2023, con l’aiuto dei partner. La società ha già collegato alla rete … Read the full press release

Volkswagen Pushes for Electric Mobility Accessibility with 25,000 Charging Points by 2023

(IN BRIEF) The Volkswagen Group announced plans to install up to 25,000 high-power charging points around the world by the end of 2023, with the help of partners. The company has already connected 15,000 fast-charging points to the network in … Read the full press release

Stahlgigant ArcelorMittal führt 120-Millionen-Dollar-Spendenrunde für die MOE-Plattform von Boston Metal an

(IN KÜRZE) Das Stahlunternehmen ArcelorMittal hat im Rahmen einer 120-Millionen-Dollar-Finanzierungsrunde der Serie C 36 Millionen US-Dollar in Boston Metal investiert. Die Investition ist die bisher größte Einzelinvestition des Unternehmens über seinen XCarb® Innovation Fund, der auf Technologien abzielt, die das … Read the full press release

Steel Giant ArcelorMittal Leads $120 Million Fundraising Round for Boston Metal’s MOE Platform

(IN BRIEF) ArcelorMittal, the steel company, has invested $36 million in Boston Metal as part of a $120 million Series C fundraising round. The investment is the largest single initial investment to date by the company through its XCarb® Innovation … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies EP Canada rafforza la posizione nelle sabbie bituminose canadesi con una nuova acquisizione

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) TotalEnergies EP Canada Ltd, una sussidiaria di TotalEnergies, ha annunciato di aver acquisito un’ulteriore partecipazione del 6,65% nella Fort Hills Energy Limited Partnership e negli accordi di vendita e logistica associati, da Teck Resources Limited, per un … Read the full press release

TotalEnergies EP Canada strengthens position in Canadian oil sands with new acquisition

(IN BRIEF) TotalEnergies EP Canada Ltd, a subsidiary of TotalEnergies, has announced that it has acquired an additional 6.65% interest in the Fort Hills Energy Limited Partnership, and associated sales and logistics agreements, from Teck Resources Limited, for a consideration … Read the full press release

PKN ORLEN annuncia la partnership con la Scuderia AlphaTauri per la stagione 2023 di Formula 1

(NOTIZIA IN BREVE) PKN ORLEN, azienda polacca, ha annunciato la sua collaborazione con il team italiano Scuderia AlphaTauri nel paddock di Formula 1 per la stagione 2023. Il logo del marchio ORLEN sarà ben visibile sull’auto, sulle tute e su … Read the full press release