Palette Life Sciences provides valuable information regarding vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) to paediatric urologists in France, Germany, Italy and Spain (PRESS RELEASE) SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. / STOCKHOLM, 27-Oct-2020 — /EuropaWire/ — Palette Life Sciences, a fully integrated global life sciences company … Read the full press release →
Posted in Education, France, Germany, Healthcare, Internet & Online, Italy, News, Pharma & Biotech, Spain, Sweden
Tagged Barrigel®, CE-Mark, Chelsea & Westminster, colorectal conditions, Deflux, Deflux Learning Center, Deflux®, dextranomer, Dr. Marie-Klaire Farrugia, Dx, educational resources, healthcare community, healthcare providers, Imperial College Hospitals, interventional oncology, Lidbree ™, life sciences, medical solutions, microspheres, NASHA®, online resources, online resources for healthcare providers, pae, paediatric, paediatric urinary condition, Palette Life Sciences, physicians, polysaccharides, Q-Med, radiotherapy, Rich Low, Solesta®, urine reflux, urogynaecology disorders, urology, UTI, vesicoureteral reflux, VUR