Monthly Archives: October 2017

Kapsch TrafficCom to install network of 120 permanent traffic counting stations in Madrid

EcoTrafiX™ will be used to obtain precise data on the real mobility status in the city, thanks to the use of artificial vision cameras and Big Data techniques. The total project investment is 1.9 million Euros Vienna/Madrid, 16-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — … Read the full press release

Kapsch unveils the future of transport ticketing at the American Public Transportation Association’s (APTA) EXPO in Atlanta

VIENNA/ ATLANTA, GA, U.S.A., Country, 16-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — According to the motto “Forward to the future of transport ticketing,” Kapsch will present its recent solutions for Public Transport Operators (PTO) from October 9 to 11, 2017 at the American Public … Read the full press release

Kapsch TrafficCom to implement nationwide tolling system in Bulgaria for trucks over 3.5 tons

VIENNA, 16-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Kapsch TrafficCom, a listed company, has been awarded the contract to implement a nationwide tolling system in Bulgaria for trucks over 3.5 tons, including technical configuration and provision of technical support. The contract also extends to … Read the full press release

Ströer to acquire majority shareholding in the Hamburg-based start-up Yieldlove

COLOGNE, 16-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Today (10.10.2017), Ströer signed the purchase agreement to acquire a majority shareholding in the Hamburg-based start-up Yieldlove, a German optimisation platform for the programmatic marketing of digital web inventories. With the acquisition of Yieldlove, Ströer is … Read the full press release

Agro Innovation Lab (AIL) selected the six best start-ups for this year’s acceleration programme

The six best start-ups for 2017 have been decided MUNICH, 16-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Agro Innovation Lab (AIL), a joint innovation platform of BayWa AG and RWA Raiffeisen Ware Austria AG, has selected the six best start-ups for this year’s acceleration … Read the full press release

European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) published Guidelines on Insurance-Based Investment Products (IBIPs)

The Guidelines apply to “execution-only” sales of insurance-based investment products (IBIPs) such as telephone and online sales The Guidelines ensure the appropriate use of “execution-only” sales by defining the types of products to be sold “execution-only” The Guidelines seek to … Read the full press release

Luxembourg and Switzerland: 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Duchy’s first diplomatic representation in Switzerland

BERN, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Luxembourg and Switzerland have close, long-standing relations. To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Grand Duchy’s first diplomatic representation in Switzerland, the foreign minister of Luxembourg, Jean Asselborn, visited Bern on 10 October … Read the full press release

Survey on diversity and coexistence in Switzerland – Federal Statistical Office

Attitudes of the Swiss population: between openness and distance towards certain population groups Neuchâtel, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — In 2016, 36% of the population said they might feel uncomfortable in the presence of people perceived to be different, due to, for … Read the full press release

Empa and ETH Zürich to make a battery out of waste graphite and scrap metal

Dübendorf, St. Gallen and Thun, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Lithium ion batteries are flammable and the price of the raw material is rising. Are there alternatives? Yes: Empa and ETH Zürich researchers have discovered promising approaches as to how we might … Read the full press release

Ambassadors appointments and staff changes at several Swiss representations abroad

BERN, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — A number of staff changes have been announced for 2018 for several Swiss representations abroad. The changes will take place as part of the usual transfer rotation and on the basis of appointments made by the … Read the full press release

Schweiz und Asiatischen Entwicklungsbank (AsDB) beigetreten: 50 Jahre erfolgreiche Partnerschaft

BERN, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — 1967 ist die Schweiz der Asiatischen Entwicklungsbank (AsDB) beigetreten. Als Höhepunkt der entsprechenden Feierlichkeiten findet am 19. Oktober 2017 um 16:45 an der Universität St. Gallen eine Veranstaltung mit dem Vizepräsidenten der AsDB und weiteren hochrangigen … Read the full press release

Neocom: Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) fordert einen schnellen und flächendeckenden Ausbau des Breitbandnetzes in Deutschland

BERLIN, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Zum Auftakt des Neocom-Kongresses für den Multichannel-Handel fordert der Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) einen schnellen und flächendeckenden Ausbau des Breitbandnetzes in Deutschland. „Die Digitalisierung des Einzelhandels steht und fällt mit einer leistungsfähigen Internetanbindung. Mit langsamen Verbindungen lassen … Read the full press release

Handelsverband HDE: Ladesäulen für Elektroautos: Praktikable Vorgaben für Ausbau gefordert

BERLIN, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Der Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) warnt in einem aktuellen Brief an das Bundeswirtschaftsministerium vor zu ehrgeizigen Vorgaben aus Brüssel beim Aufbau eines Ladenetzes für Elektroautos auf Einzelhandelsparkplätzen. Hintergrund ist das EU-Verfahren zur Änderung der Gebäudeeffizienzrichtlinie. Die EU … Read the full press release

Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE): Netzneutralität wahren

BERLIN, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Vor dem Hintergrund einer aktuellen Entscheidung der Bundesnetzagentur zum sogenannten Zero-Rating zur bevorzugten Übertragung des Datenvolumens von Telekom-Partnern warnt der Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE). „Die Bundesnetzagentur muss für faire Wettbewerbsbedingungen im Internet sorgen. Schlupflöcher, die ausgenutzt werden … Read the full press release

Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) und der Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv) fordern die Kosten für die Energiewende endlich fairer zu verteilen

BERLIN, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Aktuelle Prognosen zeigen, dass die Verbraucher auch im nächsten Jahr nicht mit einer spürbaren Entlastung beim Strompreis rechnen können. Grund dafür ist die wohl nur leicht sinkende Ökostrom-Umlage. Der Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) und der Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband … Read the full press release

Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE): Textilwirtschaft in den letzten Jahren nachweisbare Fortschritte beim Aufbau nachhaltiger Lieferketten erreicht

BERLIN, 12-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Zum dritten Jahrestag des Textilbündnisses zieht der Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE) eine positive Zwischenbilanz. Trotz oft langwieriger Abstimmungsprozesse zwischen Politik, NGOs und Wirtschaft hat die Textilwirtschaft in den letzten Jahren nachweisbare Fortschritte beim Aufbau nachhaltiger Lieferketten erreicht … Read the full press release

Medtronic to open Innovation Center at the Singapore-Sichuan Hi-Tech Innovation Park

Facilitating Clinical Training for Physicians and Advancing Local Healthcare Efficiency in Central and Western China DUBLIN, Ireland and CHENGDU, Sichuan, 11-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Medtronic plc (NYSE:MDT) today announced the groundbreaking of its Chengdu Innovation Center at the Singapore-Sichuan Hi-Tech Innovation … Read the full press release

Medtronic: U.S. FDA approval for the Endurant(TM) II/IIs stent graft system

New Indication Expands Treatment Options for AAA Patients with Hostile Neck Anatomy DUBLIN, 11-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced that it has received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for the Endurant(TM) II/IIs stent graft … Read the full press release

Ageas reports the purchase of 40,000 Ageas shares on NYSE Euronext Brussels, 02-10-2017 – 06-10-2017

BRUSSELS, 11-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — Further to the initiation of the share buy-back programme announced on 9 August 2017, Ageas reports the purchase of 40,000 Ageas shares on NYSE Euronext Brussels in the period from 02-10-2017 until 06-10-2017. Date Number ofShares Total amount(EUR) Average price(EUR) … Read the full press release

CVC Capital Partners: Anish Mehta appointed CEO of the international women’s health assets portfolio acquired from Teva

LUXEMBOURG, 11-Oct-2017 — /EuropaWire/ — CVC Capital Partners (“CVC”) today announced that former Allergan executive Anish Mehta will be appointed as CEO of the international women’s health assets portfolio which CVC Fund VI agreed to acquire from Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd … Read the full press release