Monthly Archives: December 2014

Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) awarded Airbus Defence and Space and Luciad for their app to optimize the usage of airspace named CAPS (Collaborative Airspace Provision Service)

Prize offered by the Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR) for an application to optimize the usage of airspace Toulouse, France, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Airbus Defence and Space in close cooperation with Luciad won the 2014 award for the … Read the full press release

Airbus: Hawaiian Airlines finalized its order for six A330-800neo aircraft

Toulouse, France, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Following a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed in July of this year, Hawaiian Airlines has finalized an order for six A330-800neo aircraft. The agreement adds yet another name to the growing list of launch … Read the full press release

Destatis: Herbst­aus­saaten zur Ernte 2015: Mehr Wei­zen und Gerste, weni­ger Raps

WIESBADEN, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Im Herbst 2014 haben die Landwirte in Deutschland auf 5,56 Millionen Hektar Ackerland Wintergetreide für die kommende Ernte 2015 ausgesät. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) mitteilt, liegt die Aussaatfläche von Wintergetreide für die Ernte 2015 damit … Read the full press release

Destatis: Farmers in Germany sowed winter grain on 5.56 million hectares of land for the next harvest of 2015 during autumn 2014

WIESBADEN, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — In autumn 2014, farmers in Germany sowed winter grain on 5.56 million hectares of land for the next harvest of 2015. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reports that the area cultivated with winter grain for the 2015 … Read the full press release

Destatis: Im Jahr 2014 beziehen 12 % der Unternehmen in Deutschland von externen Anbietern über das Internet kostenpflichtige IT-Dienste, auch bekannt als Cloud Computing

WIESBADEN, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Im Jahr 2014 beziehen 12 % der Unternehmen in Deutschland von externen Anbietern über das Internet kostenpflichtige IT-Dienste, auch bekannt als Cloud Computing. Wie das Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis) weiter mitteilt, ist die Nutzung von Cloud Computing in … Read the full press release

Destatis reports 12% of enterprises in Germany bought cloud computing services in 2014

WIESBADEN, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — In 2014, 12% of enterprises in Germany have bought IT services from external providers over the internet, which are also known as cloud computing services. The Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) also reports that the use of cloud … Read the full press release

Rolls-Royce Power Systems apprentices won award in the Federal Foreign Languages Competition with their short film “Apprenticeship pays – and why don’t we use it”

Film “Apprenticeship pays – and why don’t we use it” receives award Involvement promoted social and inter-cultural skills FRIEDRICHSHAFEN/AIKEN(USA),  22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — For the first time ever, four apprentices from Rolls-RoycePower Systems have won an award in the Federal Foreign … Read the full press release

Le Groupe BPCE a signé aujourd’hui un protocole d’accord avec la BEI portant sur le financement de réseaux de très haut débit en France

PARIS, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — La BEI met en place une enveloppe de financement dédiée d’un montant total de 750 millions d’euros dont le Groupe BPCE bénéficie à hauteur de 200 millions d’euros pour financer les investissements de ses clients … Read the full press release

REWE Group’s company REWE Digital acquired leading technology e-commerce solutions provider commercetools GmbH

Intensification of digital activities through advanced web shop technology COLOGNE, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — REWE Digital, a company of REWE Group, has acquired commercetools, a leading technology provider of e-commerce solutions, which is known for its high-performance cloud software. Commercetools … Read the full press release

Scania opens new priming painting shop at its cab manufacturing facility in Oskarshamn, Sweden

A new priming painting shop is now being put into service at Scania’s cab manufacturing facility in Oskarshamn, Sweden. With the new paint shop, the technical capacity in Scania’s European production structure will increase from 60,000 to 80,000 truck cabs … Read the full press release

Intelligentes Energiemanagement: Viessmann und RWE starten Pilotprojekt

Intelligente Steuerung für effiziente Blockheizkraftwerke Strom selber machen, dann wenn er gebraucht wird Dortmund, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Die Strompreise für Endkunden steigen, die Energiepreise an der Börse fallen – dadurch wird die Eigenerzeugung von Strom zunehmend interessanter. Anlagenbetreiber können … Read the full press release

Prudential research: Pensioners plan to spend a total of £4.2 billion on gifts and entertaining this Christmas

• 5.8 million pensioners will host their friends and families on Christmas Day • Average retiree expects to spend nearly £400 on Christmas gifts and entertaining guests LONDON, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Many people will be rockin’ around the Christmas … Read the full press release

Deutsche Post DHL awarded with the Green Freight Europe (GFE) label for reporting and reducing CO2 emissions

Mention recognizes significant steps in reporting and reducing emissions BONN, 22-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — As one of the first companies, Deutsche Post DHL, the leading postal and logistics group, has been awarded with the Green Freight Europe (GFE) label. The … Read the full press release

ZF Friedrichshafen AG announced it increased its sales in 2014 to more than €18 billion

Technology company increases sales in 2014 to more than €18 billion Planned acquisition of TRW Automotive and upcoming integration of the company are key topics ZF will celebrate its centennial in 2015 Stuttgart/Friedrichshafen, 19-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — ZF Friedrichshafen AG’s economic … Read the full press release

The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz welcomed the conclusion of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Georgia and the European Union

BRUSSELS, 19-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Internal Policies and EU Institutions “I warmly welcome today’s conclusion of the Association Agreement between the Republic of Georgia and the European Union. I would like to congratulate the people of Georgia on what is … Read the full press release

The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz gave speech to the European Council on investment, tax fraud, Budget 2015 and Ukraine

BRUSSELS, 19-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Speeches Internal Policies and EU Institutions Investment Plan Ladies and gentlemen, We have come together in Brussels today to discuss the Investment Plan for Europe that was launched in the European Parliament on the 26th of November. … Read the full press release

OSCE Presence in Albania, Minister Bledar Çuçi and EBRD launch new initiative to support anti-corruption measures in Albania

LONDON, 19-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The OSCE Presence in Albania, in co-operation with the Minister of State for Local Issues/National Co-ordinator against Corruption, Bledar Çuçi, launched in Tirana today a new initiative to support anti-corruption measures in Albania. The € … Read the full press release

EBRD launches integrated approach to modernise municipal infrastructure facilities in Kyzylorda, southern Kazakhstan

EBRD and three municipal infrastructure companies in Kazakhstan launch investment programmes to ensure sustainable development  LONDON, 19-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is launching an integrated approach to modernise municipal infrastructure facilities in Kyzylorda, … Read the full press release

EU Council: extra time given to member states to pay exceptionally high additional contributions to the EU budget

Brussels, 19-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Member states that have to pay exceptionally high additional contributions to the EU budget as a result of the annual revision of their VAT and GNI data may request to defer their contributions until 1 September of … Read the full press release

EU Council imposed substantial additional sanctions on investment, services and trade with Crimea and Sevastopol

Brussels, 19-12-2014 — /EuropaWire/ — Crimea and Sevastopol. This is to reinforce the EU’s policy of not recognising their illegal annexation by Russia and follows a conclusion by the Foreign Affairs Council of 17 November. From 20 December, investment in Crimea … Read the full press release