Daily Archives: 25, July 2013

Insurance-linked investments pioneer LGT ILS signed three substantial new mandates worth over $400M from large European pension funds in H1 2013

Pfaeffikon, Switzerland, 25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — LGT’s Insurance-Linked Strategies team has won three large mandates worth USD 400 million from institutional investors. LGT is pleased to announce that in the first half of 2013 its Insurance-Linked Strategies (ILS) team has been awarded … Read the full press release

DZ BANK AG: Willkommen SEPA

Entwarnung für Privatkunden Großer Nachholbedarf für Unternehmen Auch Vereine sind von SEPA-Einführung betroffen 25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Am 1. Februar 2014 ist es soweit: Für alle Überweisungen und Lastschriften in Europa gelten dann einheitliche Regeln, die unter dem Namen SEPA von … Read the full press release

REWE International AG beteiligt Kunden an Photovoltaik-Anlagen

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — REWE International AG, Österreichs größter Lebensmittel- und Drogeriefachhändler, setzt in Sachen Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit neue Maßstäbe. In einem gemeinsam mit GLOBAL 2000 entwickelten Projekt laden die Handelsunternehmen BILLA und MERKUR Kunden ein, sich an Photovoltaik-Anlagen zu beteiligen. … Read the full press release

Britain’s largest high street WiFi provider The Cloud launched location-based vouchers to its WiFi app FastConnect

Krispy Kreme, Orchid Pub Group and Spirit Pub Group amongst first brands to run offers through The Cloud’s WiFi app, FastConnect 25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The Cloud, Britain’s largest high street WiFi provider and part of BSkyB, has added location-based voucher … Read the full press release

Caixa Geral de Depósitos, S.A.(CGD) ratings confirmed by rating agency Fitch

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The rating agency Fitch has confirmed on 10 July 2013 its ratings for Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), namely the support-driven Long-term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at ‘BB+’ and Support Ratings at ‘3’. The Outlook on CGD’s … Read the full press release

Pearson’s outsourced training solutions business TQ Education and Training awarded 5-year contract to develop and operate 3 vocational colleges in Saudi Arabia

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — TQ Education and Training, a Pearson business that provides outsourced training solutions, has been awarded a five-year contract to develop and operate three vocational colleges in Saudi Arabia, providing high quality vocational skills and qualifications for more … Read the full press release

Danske Bank’s Standard & Poor’s rating outlook changed from positive to stable, bank’s rating remains unchanged at A-/A-2

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Standard & Poor’s (S&P) has revised its ratings of a number of Nordic financial groups. In this connection, Danske Bank’s rating outlook has been changed from positive to stable. The Bank’s rating remains unchanged at A-/A-2. The … Read the full press release

The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to finance its Georg Forster Research Fellowships with additional €7M from EU’s Marie Curie Co-funding of Regional, National and International Programmes

BMZ-sponsored fellowship programme is co-financed by the EU 25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation has attracted approximately 7 million EUR in European Union (EU) funding, which it will use to finance additional measures to make the Foundation’s Georg … Read the full press release

Cornell University, INSEAD and WIPO released the Global Innovation Index 2013 as Switzerland ranks #1

Geneva, 25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The United States rejoined the five most-innovative nations and the United Kingdom moved up to the third spot while Switzerland retained its place atop the rankings in the Global Innovation Index 2013, published by Cornell University, … Read the full press release

Rusatom Overseas announced it joined the UK’s trade association for the civil nuclear industry the Nuclear Industry Association (NIA)

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Rusatom Overseas has joined the Nuclear Industry Association (NIA), the trade association for the UK’s civil nuclear industry. The NIA represents more than 260 companies across the UK’s civil nuclear supply chain. It has two key roles: … Read the full press release

Vietnam representative delegation headed by Tran Van Tung visited National Research Nuclear University MEPHI Russia

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — On the 22nd of July a representative delegation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam headed by Deputy Minister of Science and Technologies Tran Van Tung paid a visit to the National Research Nuclear University MEPHI. The foreign guests’ … Read the full press release

CaixaBank’s new comprehensive bill management service ReciBox includes all the latest developments in online banking, mobile banking and data analysis

ReciBox includes all the latest developments in online banking, mobile banking and data analysis, to help customers manage their bills in a simple and convenient manner. It is exclusively available to customers of the multiEstrella loyalty program. 25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ … Read the full press release

Eesti Pank: Estonia issued cards involved in fradulent transactions were 0.002% of all EU card transactions

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The report published last week by the European Central Bank on card fraud showed that card payments have become more secure due to technological advances and that the share of card transactions that are fraudulent has fallen … Read the full press release

HP Autonomy and Workforce Management Software Group, Inc. partner to integrate first-class workforce management into Autonomy Qfiniti platform

PALO ALTO, Calif., 25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — HP Autonomy today announced it has partnered with the Workforce Management Software Group, Inc., (WFMSG), developer and provider of the Community workforce management solution, to help HP Autonomy Qfiniti customers improve contact center efficiency and performance … Read the full press release

CEP President Marc Cerón travelled to Brussels over discussions in the field of probation with the European Commission

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The European Commission is keen to hear what is happening in the field of probation from CEP, for this reason President Marc Cerón travelled to Brussels to meet with Mr. Telmo Baltazar. He is Member of the … Read the full press release

Samaritans Chief Executive Catherine Johnstone issued statement regarding UNITE the Union

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ —  Catherine Johnstone, Chief Executive of Samaritans, said: “We are very disappointed that Unite have come out today and announced that Samaritans has ‘de-recognised the Union’. “It is surprising to us that this statement has been issued, … Read the full press release

UK’s leading public service provider Amey awarded two-year Total Facilities Management service contract extension to the Home Office and Ministry of Justice across London

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Amey, one of the UK’s leading public service providers, has been awarded a two-year contract extension to the Total Facilities Management service it provides to the Home Office and Ministry of Justice across London, the south and … Read the full press release

Decisions made on Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena’s extraordinary and ordinary shareholders’ meeting

Amendments to the Articles of Association approved:- removal of share ownership ceiling of 4%; – introduction of a maximum limit of two consecutive terms after the first mandate for members of the Board of Directors with the exception of the outgoing Managing … Read the full press release

Lagardère’s subsidiary SPORTFIVE declared The Orange Africa Cup of Nations, SOUTH AFRICA 2013 great success in terms media coverage

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — The Orange Africa Cup of Nations, SOUTH AFRICA 2013, which ran from January 19th until February 11th, was a great success in terms media coverage. The number of hours of international coverage on partner TV channels rose … Read the full press release

Deutsche Börse names Liquidnet as the Block Agent for its new block trading service to launch on Xetra MidPoint 29 July 2013

25-7-2013 — /EuropaWire/ — Xetra/FWB: Deutsche Börse will launch a new block trading service on Xetra MidPoint on 29 July and named Liquidnet, the global institutional trading network as the Block Agent for this new service. This new block trading model provides … Read the full press release