Daily Archives: 19, July 2013

The European Commission announced it cleared the acquisition of US based MEI Group by Crane Co. subject to divestments in Canada and Germany

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed acquisition of MEI Group by Crane Co., both of the United States. MEI and Crane both manufacture various unattended payment systems. The clearance is conditional … Read the full press release

Bertelsmann and Pearson announce they completed Random House – Penguin Group merger forming new entity Penguin Random House

Contract Signing Follows Final Negotiation Between Shareholders Markus Dohle To Serve As CEO Bertelsmann Appoints Five Board Of Directors Members, Pearson Four All Territorial Regulatory Approvals Received Without Conditions  19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Bertelsmann and Pearson today signed the final contracts … Read the full press release

ECTAA welcomes EU Vice President Reding’s long awaited proposal for a revision of the Package Travel Directive

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Since 2009 the European Commission has been working on the revision of the Package Travel Directive. This legislation is no longer adapted to the market of today and the wide-spread use of the internet. There are now … Read the full press release

ENTEGA vor Ort im Monat August: Energieberatung in der Region

DARMSTADT (ac), 19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Im Monat August finden die nächsten Termine der Energieberatung des Energiedienstleisters ENTEGA statt. Die genauen Termine entnehmen Sie bitte der beigefügten Auflistung. Die Energieberater informieren, welche Folgen die Klimakrise für unsere Erde und für die … Read the full press release

Voith announced its PM 5 installation at Stora Enso Narew in Poland successfully started operation

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — At the beginning of 2013, the PM 5 supplied by Voith at Stora Enso Narew in Ostroleka, Poland, successfully went into operation. Along with installation and start-up, various services such as Mill Consulting and Total Roll Management … Read the full press release

Voith to supply its innovative lubrication system for suction roll sealing strips to Oji Papéis Especiais in Brazil

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Voith has a new order to supply its innovative lubrication system for suction roll sealing strips – HydroSeal – to Oji Papéis Especiais. The HydroSeal system prevents sheet rewetting and drastically reduces water consumption. Operating in Piracicaba, … Read the full press release

ETNO commissioned study of The Boston Consulting Group details how EU telecom regulation reform could deliver €750 Billion in GDP growth and 5.5 Million Jobs

Telecoms Regulation Reform Could Deliver EU Countries up to €750 Billion in GDP growth and 5.5 Million Jobs BRUSSELS, 19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — With significant reform of the current patchwork system of regulations governing telecommunications in the European Union there could … Read the full press release

El centro de competencia de Business Intelligence de MAPFRE, primero del mundo en ser certificado técnicamente por IBM

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — El Director General de Tecnología y Procesos de MAPFRE, Jose Manuel Inchausti, ha recibido hoy de manos de Marta Martínez, Presidenta de IBM España, Portugal, Grecia e Israel, una placa y un diploma que acreditan a MAPFRE, … Read the full press release

MIDDLESEA ASSIST alcanza un acuerdo en Malta con el importador exclusivo de Toyota e Hino motors

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — MIDDLESEA ASSIST ha firmado un acuerdo en Malta con la firma Michael Debono Limited, importador exclusivo de vehículos Toyota e HINO en el país, para proveer a sus usuarios de Extensión de Garantía de 3 a 5 … Read the full press release

HeidelbergCement’s Liberian subsidiary Cemenco expanded its cement mill capacity in Monrovia, Liberia

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — In Liberia, HeidelbergCement has successfully commissioned a new cement mill at its cement grinding plant in the capital city of Monrovia. The investment in the new mill, which has an annual capacity of 0.5 million tonnes, amounted … Read the full press release

FrieslandCampina to reduce Friso products range prices in China

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — FrieslandCampina Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. announces today it is fully cooperating with the Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly Bureau under China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) as part of an anti-trust investigation. FrieslandCampina supports the NDRC’s objective … Read the full press release

FrieslandCampina Investments Holding B.V. purchased a 7.5 percent interest in New Zealand milk processor Synlait Milk Ltd

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ —  FrieslandCampina Investments Holding B.V.(1), a subsidiary of Royal FrieslandCampina N.V., has purchased a 7.5 percent interest in Synlait Milk Ltd. The dairy company is located in New Zealand’s South Island, near Christchurch. Completion of this transaction … Read the full press release

Roche’s new medicine Erivedge received conditional EU approval for treatment of people with disfiguring and potentially life-threatening form of skin cancer

Erivedge is a new medicine that helps people with a disfiguring and potentially life-threatening form of skin cancer 19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Roche (SIX: RO, ROG; OTCQX: RHHBY) announced today that the European Commission has granted conditional approval to Erivedge (vismodegib) … Read the full press release

Saint-Gobain issued update on the Verallia North America acquisition following complaint filed by the US Federal Trade Commission

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — On January 17, 2013, Compagnie de Saint-Gobain has accepted the purchase offer of Ardagh on Verallia North America for an enterprise value of $1,694 million (around €1,275 million), representing 6.5 times 2012 EBITDA (around $261 million). The … Read the full press release

Saint-Gobain starts production at its first plasterboard plant in Russia

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Already present in the habitat and construction markets in Russia through its Industrial Mortars and Insulation businesses, Saint-Gobain has just started production at its first plasterboard plant in the country. The new site – which also contains … Read the full press release

Lafarge sold its North American Gypsum division to an affiliate of Lone Star Funds

Paris, 19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Lafarge announces the sale of its subsidiary’s North American Gypsum assets at an enterprise value of 700 million US dollars (533 million euros) to an affiliate of Lone Star Funds. Lafarge North America’s Gypsum division manufactures gypsum … Read the full press release

World’s leading building materials company Lafarge announced changes in the Group’s Executive Committee

Paris, 19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — EVOLUTION OF LAFARGE’S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE STARTING SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 Eric Olsen*, currently Executive Vice-President Organization and Human Resources, is appointed Executive VicePresident Operations, taking over for Jean-Carlos Angulo, who has decided to retire. Sonia Artinian, currently Country … Read the full press release

The Wolverine star Hugh Jackman arrived in Audi R8 at the premiere of the film in London

The stars of The Wolverine, distributed by 20th Century Fox, were joined by a very special guest – the Audi R8 – at the premiere of the film in London’s Leicester Square last night (16 July 2013). The smart occasion … Read the full press release

Audi announced it won numerous awards in June and July 2013

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Awards for Audi in June and July 2013 Audi R8 is “best of the best” at the “red dot award” 2013 Audi was a triple-prize winner at this year’s “red dot award: product design 2013”. Not only … Read the full press release

Seine Aval Véhicules Électriques participants presented review of the project and outlook for the future

19-7-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Between March 2011 and December 2012, 65 Renault-Nissan electric vehicles were driven in the Seine Aval area and 130 charging stations installed as part of SAVE (Seine Aval Véhicules Électriques), France’s biggest ever trial of all-electric mobility, … Read the full press release