Daily Archives: 27, May 2013

Bang & Olufsen announced the all-new surround sound speaker system The BeoLab 14

Bang & Olufsen announces the launch of an all-new surround sound speaker system that combines compact aesthetics and outstanding acoustic innovation to deliver the thrill of high-end surround performance without filling up the home with boxy black speakers. The new … Read the full press release

Bekaert launched Dramix® production line in its Lipetsk plant in Russia

27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Bekaert inaugurated a new production line at the company’s Lipetsk plant in Russia. Bekaert adds the production of Dramix® steel fibers to serve infrastructure and construction markets in Russia and the wider CIS. Dramix® is a Bekaert … Read the full press release

Lenzing Group announced Q1 2013 results, unchanged guidance for the entire year 2013

Difficult Market Environment in the First Quarter of 2013 as Expected Weak fiber selling prices, Lenzing counteracts trend with cost savings EBITDA of EUR 64.5 mn above expectations 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The ongoing difficult market environment for man-made cellulose fibers … Read the full press release

Cecilia Malmström at “We are the Others” conference in Berlin: The rise of right-wing extremism in Europe

Cecilia Malmström – EU Commissioner for Home Affairs ‘We are the Others’ conference Berlin, 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, First I would like to thank the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung for organising this conference on a very important subject. For … Read the full press release

voestalpine AG statement on Deutsche Bahn press release regarding the German rail cartel

27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Dr. Wolfgang Eder, Chairman of the Management Board and CEO of voestalpine AG, made the following statement regarding the agreement with Deutsche Bahn: “We are very pleased that, after very intense negotiations, agreement with Deutsche Bahn has … Read the full press release

Audition publique sur la surveillance financière dans l’UE

Michel BARNIER – Membre de la Commission européenne, chargé du Marché intérieur et des Services Bruxelles, 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Monsieur le Gouverneur, Madame la Présidente, Messieurs les députés, Mesdames et Messieurs, Je voudrais tout d’abord vous remercier pour votre participation à … Read the full press release

EBRD lends €2m to Mobiasbanca for energy efficiency in Moldova

27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is further boosting energy efficiency in Moldova with a new €2 million loan to Mobiasbancă – Groupe Société Générale. The EBRD financing will be on-lent to individual households, groups … Read the full press release

BAWAG P.S.K. 0%-Kredit-Aktion zur Auto-Finanzierung auf Grund des großen Erfolges verlängert

Bereits 350 neue Kfz zinsenfrei finanziert – Verlängerung der Aktion bis 31.5.2013  27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Die von der BAWAG P.S.K. mit Anfang Februar 2013 gestartete zinsenfreie Kredit-Aktion für den Neuerwerb von Privat-PKWs ist ein voller Erfolg. Bis Ende April 2013 … Read the full press release

La BEI prête 400 millions d’EUR au Groupe Renault

27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — La Banque européenne d’investissement (BEI) annonce qu’elle vient d’accorder un prêt de 400 millions d’euros au Groupe Renault afin de contribuer à la recherche et au développement d’une nouvelle génération de véhicules écologiques et financièrement accessibles, un … Read the full press release

Middle East and North Africa (MENA) SME Facility established to expand access to finance for small businesses

Amman, Jordan, 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, the European Investment Bank (EIB), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), and the European Commission through the  Neighborhood Investment Facility (NIF) are working together to provide funding for … Read the full press release

Achmea and De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar invest in University of Twente spin-off company Ostendum

Health insurers Achmea and De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar are to participate in Ostendum, a MESA+ spin-off company that is developing lab-on-a-chip applications 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Health insurers Achmea and De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar are to participate in Ostendum, a company that is developing … Read the full press release

Viviane Reding and Neelie Kroes Statement on International Missing Children’s Day 25 May

Brussels, 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Ahead of International Missing Children’s Day (25 May), European Commission Vice-President Viviane Reding, the EU’s Justice Commissioner said: “As every year, the European Commission is supporting International Missing Children Day to make sure we remember children who … Read the full press release

Dassault Falcon undertakes “Rightsized Pricing” spare parts pricing overhaul

Geneva, Switzerland, 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Spare parts service has always been at the forefront of Dassault Falcon’s efforts to provide top quality customer support.  These efforts have long focused on ensuring the ready availability and timely shipment of parts, and the … Read the full press release

EU-wide restrictions on pesticides harmful to Europe’s honeybee population enter into force on 1 December, 2013

Brussels, 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — A restriction on the use of three pesticides belonging to the neonicotinoid family was today adopted by the Commission. These pesticides (clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam) were identified as being harmful to Europe’s honeybee population. This restriction will … Read the full press release

SABCA to attend the Paris Air Show, Le Bourget, June 17- 23, 2013

27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — SABCA and its composite subsidiary SABCA Limburg will be at the Paris Air Show, from June 17th until June 23rd, 2013 SABCA Team will present its latest developments in design, manufacturing, testing and support of major Complex Metallic and Composite Structures, as well as … Read the full press release

EU, US, Canada agreed to join forces on Atlantic Ocean research

Brussels, 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Union, the United States and Canada today agreed to join forces on Atlantic Ocean research. The agreement focuses on aligning the ocean observation efforts of the three partners. The goals are to better understand the Atlantic … Read the full press release

Bayer CropScience to introduce its new Bayer SeedGrowth™ brand at the 2013 ISF World Seed Congress in Athens

Bayer SeedGrowth™: the fully integrated system for on-seed applications from a single source Around 100 years of experience in the seed treatment business / In-house competence in Products, Coatings, Equipment and Services / New customer-centric website www.seedgrowth.bayer.com launched Monheim, 27-5-2013 … Read the full press release

EC approves Munksjö AB / Ahlstrom Corporation merger

Brussels, 27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Following an in-depth investigation (see IP/12/1338), the European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the proposed merger of Munksjö AB of Sweden and the label and processing paper business of Ahlstrom Corporation of Finland in the … Read the full press release

RoSPA Awards for Alstom UK Thermal Services and Transport teams

27-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — UK Thermal Services and Transport have had their approach to occupational safety and health recognised in an awards scheme run by the safety charity, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA). Thermal Services were awarded the Order … Read the full press release

Henkel: Professioneller Partner rund ums Haus

Die Freiluftsaison ist eine arbeitsintensive Zeit für jeden gestandenen Do-it-yourselfer. Rund ums Haus werden kleinere und größere Mängel sichtbar, die behoben werden sollen. Geht es um Montagelösungen, wie zum Beispiel das sichere Anbringen einer neuen Hausnummer, empfiehlt sich Pattex Montagekleber … Read the full press release