Daily Archives: 7, May 2013

MAN Diesel & Turbo signed major maintenance agreement with German shipowner Rörd Braren

Cooperation spurs EMC maintenance growth; new, internal cooperation that pools after-sales resources key to success 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — MAN Diesel & Turbo has signed a significant maintenance agreement with German shipowner Rörd Braren. The EMC (Engine Management Concept) agreement covers … Read the full press release

£72,000 grant to University of Leicester Professor Jacqui Shaw for pancreatic cancer research project

University of Leicester Professor in study for early detection of disease 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — National charity Pancreatic Cancer UK has today announced the award of a £72,000 grant to Professor Jacqui Shaw and colleagues at the University of Leicester as … Read the full press release

La Banque centrale du Luxembourg: Enquête De Conjoncture Auprès Des Consommateurs

La confiance des consommateurs progresse légèrement en avril 2013 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — L’indicateur de confiance des consommateurs établi par la Banque centrale du Luxembourg après correction des variations saisonnières a légèrement progressé en avril, tout en demeurant significativement en-dessous de … Read the full press release

EU economy expected to stabilise in the first half of 2013

Spring 2013 forecast: The EU economy – slowly recovering from a protracted recession Brussels, 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Following the recession that marked 2012, the EU economy is expected to stabilise in the first half of 2013. GDP growth is projected to … Read the full press release

ЕБРР Финансирует Повышение Энергоэффективности Жилья В России

Банк запускает программу кредитования в размере 100 миллионов долларов США 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — ЕБРР запустил первую всероссийскую программу кредитования владельцев жилья «RuSEFF Теплая Жизнь» с целью повышения энергоэффективности зданий. На сегодняшний день Россия входит в число наиболее энергоемких экономик в … Read the full press release

NATO Secretary General Rasmussen: Europe must stop the cuts in defence spending

7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — “Soft power alone is no power at all,” NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen told foreign affairs, security and defence MEPs and national MPs on Monday. Speaking in favour of “holding the line on defence spending” in … Read the full press release

Wizz Air Hungary received its first Airbus Sharklet equipped A320

Blagnac, 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Wizz Air Hungary, the largest Central and Eastern European low cost – low fare airline, has taken delivery of its first A320 aircraft equipped with Sharklet fuel saving wing tip devices. The carrier becomes one of … Read the full press release

La Banque centrale du Luxembourg: Réserves Obligatoires – Évolution Mensuelle

7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — La Banque centrale du Luxembourg (BCL) fait savoir que le montant de l’exigence de réserve, pour la période de maintenance du 8 mai au 11 juin 2013, s’élève à 3 870 millions d’euros. Les réserves à déposer … Read the full press release

Progress on 2013 annual budget paves way to start long-term budget negotiations on the Multiannual Financial Framework

7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the President of the European Commission met in Brussels on 6 May to discuss budgetary matters. They agreed on key points … Read the full press release

Syngenta: EU Member States again fail to agree restriction on key crop protection technology

Basel, Switzerland, 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Syngenta acknowledged that European Union (EU) Member States for the second time failed to agree on the European Commission’s proposal for a ban on neonicotinoid pesticides. The latest decision should compel the Commission to return to … Read the full press release

Canon Europa N.V. decided to reopen its public takeover bid for I.R.I.S. Group SA

London, 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Reference is made to the joint press release of Canon and I.R.I.S. Group SA of 26 March 2013 announcing that Canon’s public takeover bid for all shares, warrants and stock options of I.R.I.S. Group SA was … Read the full press release

Europe on Track, Spanish youth media project, awarded first prize at the 2013 Charlemagne Youth Prize ceremony in Aachen University

Aachen, 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Europe on Track, a Spanish youth media project, was awarded first prize at the 2013 Charlemagne Youth Prize ceremony on 7 May in Aachen University. The second prize went to the photo contest Discover Europe from Poland … Read the full press release

Bank Austria PMI for April: Industry still in holding pattern, start of recovery delayed

• Bank Austria’s Purchasing Managers’ Index at 47.8 points in April, once again below the growth threshold, modest downwards trend since January continues • Lack of demand stimulus results in lower production and adjustments to headcounts in April • Industrial … Read the full press release

Legal Affairs Committee to reform EU audit services to win back investors’ confidence

7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Obliging companies to switch auditors regularly and prohibiting auditors from supplying certain non-auditing services are among the changes voted by the Legal Affairs Committee on Thursday to a draft law to open up the EU audit services … Read the full press release

European Central Bank details of refinancing operations with settlement in the period from 10 July 2013 to 8 July 2014

7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) has today decided to continue conducting its main refinancing operations (MROs) as fixed rate tender procedures with full allotment for as long as necessary, and at least until … Read the full press release

Windenergie in Österreich: Energiepark Bruck erhält EIB-Darlehen

7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Die Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) stellt ein Darlehen über insgesamt 140 Mio. Euro für die Finanzierung von Windparks in Niederösterreich zur Verfügung. Eine erste Tranche in Höhe von 28 Mio. Euro unterzeichneten in Bruck heute Wilhelm Molterer, Vizepräsident … Read the full press release

Inmarsat-2 F1, the first Astrium Eurostar satellite, retired after spending 22.5 years in geostationary orbit

Inmarsat-2 F1 satellite retired after more than 22.5 years of successful operation in geostationary orbit, far outliving its projected life-span of 10 years First of the Astrium Eurostar satellites – 54 launched into orbit and 12 under construction Astrium’s Eurostar … Read the full press release

EBRD USD100m lending programme to make russian homes more energy efficient

Moscow, 7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The EBRD today launched the first nationwide lending programme offering Russian householders loans to make their homes more energy efficient in a country that is one of the world’s most intensive energy users. The USD 100 million … Read the full press release

Tour operator in the German town of Wain extends its fleet with four Setra touring coaches

Milestone coach is a TopClass 400 double-decker S 431 DT 75th Setra coach helps rejuvenate “Fromm Reisen” fleet Family-run company has relied on vehicles from the Ulm-based brand since 1965  7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The touring coaches operated by the German … Read the full press release

Terence Watson has been appointed as the new President of Alstom UK

7-5-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Terence Watson, who will also retain his current role as Managing Director of Transport for Alstom in the UK & Ireland, has been appointed as the new UK President for the engineering firm.  “These are exciting times for … Read the full press release