Daily Archives: 6, February 2013

NAC sells one Boeing 737-500, MSN 25738 to LeKi Aviation

6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Nordic Aviation Capital is pleased to confirm that it has sold one Boeing 737-500, MSN 25738 to LeKi Aviation for partout. Nordic Aviation Capital A/S is a global aircraft leasing company dedicated to the worldwide sale, purchasing … Read the full press release

Statement by the spokesperson of EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on Bulgaria’s announcement regarding the outcome of the Burgas attack investigation

Brussels, 6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The spokesperson of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement today: “The High Representative takes note of the results of … Read the full press release

Payment specialist Nets selects Telenor for telecom services in five European countries

6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Telenor has entered an agreement with Nets, a European provider of payments, card and information services to supply them with telecom and data services in five European countries for the next three years. Telenor’s ability to provide … Read the full press release

State aid: Commission approves UK Green Deal for energy-efficiency measures

Brussels, 6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Commission has found that the public support of £600 million (approximately €700 million) to be granted by the UK in the context of its “Green Deal” policy is in line with EU state aid rules. … Read the full press release

Neste Oil appoints Sam Holmberg Vice President of Traffic Services, Finland at Oil Retail

Neste Oil appoints Sam Holmberg Director of Traffic Services, Finland at Oil Retail 6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Sam Holmberg (M.Sc. (Eng.), 43) has been appointed Vice President, Traffic Services, Finland in Neste Oil’s Oil Retail business area as of 11 February … Read the full press release

Fraunhofer: Instrumentengriff mit integrierter Elektronik erleichtert Operationen

6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Chirurgen müssen mit absoluter Präzision operieren, das Führen der Instrumente erfordert viel Feingefühl. Ein neuer vulkanisierter Griff, an den sich chirurgische Werkzeuge wie Schraubenzieher und Spreizer befestigen lassen, soll Mediziner künftig bei OPs unterstützen. Forscher des Fraunhofer-Instituts … Read the full press release

MEPs approve fresh €40 million for banana producers in the EU outermost regions

6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Banana growers in the EU’s outermost regions will get a one-off payment of up to €40 million in financial 2013 to offset their lack of competitiveness and changing EU market conditions. MEPs approved on Tuesday the informal … Read the full press release

Meeting of the FATF Plenary, Paris 20-22 February 2013

6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The 36 members of the Financial Action Task Group (FATF) and representatives from the FATF-Style Regional Bodies will meet in Paris, under the presidency of Mr. Bjørn S. Aamo of Norway, for the second Plenary under the Norwegian Presidency. … Read the full press release

Neste Shipping to improve its operational efficiency and start statutory employer-employee negotiations

Neste Shipping to improve its operational efficiency and start statutory employer-employee negotiations 6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Neste Oil’s shipping subsidiary, Neste Shipping Oy, is to start an efficiency improvement program aimed at improving its profitability and securing the continuity of its … Read the full press release

European Commission strengthens the protection of the euro by means of criminal law

Strasbourg, 6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Commission has today proposed to crack down on criminals who counterfeit euro notes and coins. Counterfeiting of the euro is estimated to have cost at least €500 million since the currency was introduced in 2002. … Read the full press release

Telenor: Large mobile services contract signed with Federation of Norwegian Agricultural Co-operatives

Telenor has won the contract to supply mobile services to AgriKjøp. The agreement is worth NOK 180 million over three years. 6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — AgriKjøp is a joint purchasing organisation for the companies in the Federation of Norwegian Agricultural Co-operatives, … Read the full press release

Vivendi: the Create Joy program celebrates its fifth birthday at Olympia, Paris on 12th February

6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Vivendi has invited around two thousand people to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the Vivendi Create Joy Fund, the group’s citizenship program, on February 12 at the Paris world-famous Olympia theatre, where the Beatles played in 1964. During … Read the full press release

NAC delivers one ATR 72-500 MSN 533 to Carpatair SA

Nordic Aviation Capital is pleased to confirm that it has leased one ATR 72-500, MSN 533 to Carpatair SA. 6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Nordic Aviation Capital A/S is a global aircraft leasing company dedicated to the worldwide sale, purchasing and financing … Read the full press release

Small firms: MEPs call for new rules to ease borrowing and cash flow

6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Small firms need bank loans tailored to their needs, alternative forms of venture capital, clearer rules on cooperation with lenders, and prompter payments from other firms, said MEPs on Tuesday, in a report calling for legislation to … Read the full press release

Switzerland saw another drop in electricity consumption in 2012

6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Electricity consumption in the Swiss control area has fallen for the second year in a row. Reported consumption in the area for 2012 was 63,242 GWh. This figure is provisional and may change. It refers to all … Read the full press release

Thales opens Centre of Excellence for Radar and Integrated Sensors in Singapore

The official opening of Thales’ Centre of Excellence (CoE) for Radar and Integrated Sensors in Singapore was held today and was inaugurated by Her Excellency Mrs Lilianne Ploumen, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, the Netherlands. 6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ … Read the full press release

Proposal to protect the euro and other currencies against counterfeiting

Strasbourg, 6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Questions and Answers: Why do we need to protect the euro and other currencies? Counterfeiting of the euro and other currencies remains a concern throughout the European Union. The euro is particularly susceptible to counterfeiting on a transnational scale. … Read the full press release

Alpiq sees serious gaps in the 2050 energy strategy

6-2-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Alpiq acknowledges the fact that Switzerland’s energy system needs to be comprehensively transformed until 2050, and assumes that the Swiss people will be allowed to vote on this transformation at a given point in time. Alpiq further … Read the full press release