Daily Archives: 15, January 2013

Geburtstagsfeier mit Bürgermeisterin: car2go erweitert Flotte und Geschäftsgebiet

Vizebürgermeisterin Vassilakou zu Gast bei car2go 100 neue Fahrzeuge für Wien ab Mitte Februar Geschäftsgebietserweiterung um ein Drittel auf 120 km² WIEN, 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — car2go, Pionier und Marktführer im Bereich der voll-flexiblen Auto-Kurzzeitmieten, hat vor kurzem seinen ersten Geburtstag in … Read the full press release

Record number of visitors attend Eni’s “Cupid and Psyche” exhibition

Over 225 thousand visitors admire the Masterpieces of Canova and François Gérard San Donato Milanese (Milan), 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — More than 225,000 visitors attended the traditional exhibition organized by Eni at the Palazzo Marino, in collaboration with the Louvre Museum … Read the full press release

Débat sur les agences de notation de crédit

Michel BARNIER — Membre de la Commission européenne, chargé du Marché intérieur et des Services Session plénière du Parlement europén Strasbourg, 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Mesdames et Messieurs les Députés, Monsieur le rapporteur, Madame le Ministre ; Nous allons franchir ensemble une étape supplémentaire, … Read the full press release

Shell Technology Center Houston relaunches after expansion and renovation

Shell today relaunched Shell Technology Center Houston, which has undergone extensive modernization and expansion to become one of the largest industrial technology centers in the world. 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The center is the largest of Shell’s three technology hubs with … Read the full press release

FLSmidth wins large coal project in Mozambique

Company Announcement to the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority No. 01-2013, 11 January 2013 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — FLSmidth has won a contract worth approximately USD 112m (DKK 658m) from Vale, its long-term Brazilian customer, to supply Material Handling and Mineral Processing equipment … Read the full press release

Allianz: Dealing successfully with demographic change

Politicians, business experts and academics in discussion at the 2nd Berlin Demography Forum Berlin, 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The second Berlin Demography Forum, which is taking place today and tomorrow at the ESMT European School of Management and Technology, focuses on … Read the full press release

Statement by the spokesperson of EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on fighting in the Kachin State in Myanmar

Brussels, 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The spokesperson of Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the Commission, issued the following statement today: “The High Representative is deeply concerned about the continuous fighting … Read the full press release

7 milliards de nouveaux crédits en 2013: les Banques Populaires s’engagent à soutenir l’investissement des entreprises

Les Banques Populaires s’engagent à distribuer 7 milliards d’euros de crédits en 2013 auprès des Entreprises et des Professionnels (artisans, commerçants, professions libérales et agriculteurs) pour financer 100 000 nouveaux projets. Paris, 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Les directeurs généraux des Banques Populaires … Read the full press release

Speech – Plenary Debate with the Chancellor of Austria, Werner Faymann: “The Future of the European Union”

José Manuel Durão Barroso – President of the European Commission European Parliament plenary session/Strasbourg Strasbourg, 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Mr. President, Mr Chancellor, Honourable members, Let me very briefly use the opportunity to congratulate the European Parliament and Chancellor Faymann for holding … Read the full press release

BNP Paribas Wealth Management renforce sa stratégie d’investissement

15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — BNP Paribas Wealth Management renforce son dispositif de stratégie d’investissement afin de de répondre au besoin d’information accru de ses clients privés. En effet, face aux évolutions très rapides et complexes des places financières, la communication de … Read the full press release

Denmark: EIB supports R&D activities of FLSmidth with EUR 125m loan

15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Investment Bank (EIB) has granted a loan of EUR 125m for the global research, development and innovation programme of Danish engineering company FLSmidth. The financing is dedicated to supporting R&D activities for the cement and … Read the full press release

Erfolgreicher Start in die Motorsportsaison 2013 für AMG Kundensport: SLS AMG GT3 wiederholt Vorjahreserfolg beim 24 Stunden-Rennen von Dubai

Zweiter Gesamtsieg in Folge für AMG Kundenteam Abu Dhabi by Black Falcon Fünfmal Jones auf Platz fünf: Bestes Ergebnis für AMG Kundenteam Preci-Spark mit Gesamtplatz fünf und zweitem Platz in der Klasse AMG Kundenteam De Lorenzi bei erstem 24-Stunden-Einsatz mit … Read the full press release

EU must act to combat biopiracy, say MEPs

15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The EU must combat the “biopiracy” of multinationals that exploit plants with medicinal properties and traditional remedies originating from developing countries but fail to share the profits with indigenous peoples, say MEPs in a resolution adopted by … Read the full press release

Banque Populaire – Résultats de la 9e enquête annuelle de la franchise

Banque Populaire – Fédération française de la franchise – CSA – L’Express  En 2012, la franchise met le cap sur Internet et les réseaux sociaux et reste confiante face à la crise. Paris, 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Depuis bientôt 10 … Read the full press release

New European Union assistance for the Palestinian people

Brussels, 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Union has decided to bring forward the first part of its 2013 assistance package for the Palestinian people to the beginning of the year in order to ensure that the support to the Palestinian Authority … Read the full press release

Livret A: la Banque de France recommande un taux de 1,75%

15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Aux termes du règlement du CRBF n° 86-13 du 14 mai 1986 modifié, la Banque de France est chargée d’effectuer, les 15 janvier et 15 juillet de chaque année, le calcul du taux du livret A et … Read the full press release

Eni signs mid-term agreement for the sale of LNG to Japan and South Korea

Agreement to sell 28 LNG cargoes over the period 2013-2017 San Donato Milanese (Milan), 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Eni has signed a tripartite agreement with Korea Gas Corporation and Chubu Electric Power Company for the sale of 28 cargoes of LNG … Read the full press release

Mali: France must get European backing, says Parliament

MEPs saluted France’s military engagement in Mali and urged EU member states to show real solidarity with Paris in Tuesday’s urgent debate with EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. They also deplored the lack of a European response to the … Read the full press release

Statement by President Barroso on the Cyprus Presidency of the Council

José Manuel Durão Barroso – President of the European Commission European Parliament plenary session/Strasbourg Strasbourg, 15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — Mr. President, President Christofias, Honourable members, I want to start by thanking and also congratulating President Christofias, and through him all the … Read the full press release

Rosneft Agrees Heads of Terms for Long-Term Contracts with Glencore and Vitol

15-1-2013 — /europawire.eu/ — On 21 December 2012 Rosneft agreed heads of terms for long-term crude supply contracts with Glencore International plc (‘Glencore’) and Vitol, two of the world’s leading trading companies. Under the heads of terms, Rosneft plans to sign … Read the full press release