Daily Archives: 28, December 2012

Meeting between Eni and GazpromExport

Eni has been present in Russia since 2007 and currently produces 19,000 boepd from the Samburskoye field. San Donato Milanese (Milan), 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Eni and GazpromExport held today in Moscow a working session on their gas contracts. The parties will meet again … Read the full press release

Only For Children Pharmaceuticals withdraws its marketing authorisation application for Loulla (mercaptopurine)

28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Medicines Agency has been formally notified by Only For Children Pharmaceuticals of its decision to withdraw its application for a centralised marketing authorisation for the medicine Loulla (mercaptopurine), 10 mg/ml, tablets and solution for oral … Read the full press release

Alpiq successfully concludes purchase contract with IWB in respect of a 15 per cent participation in the Nant de Drance pumped storage power station

The transfer of 15 percent of the share capital in the Nant de Drance SA project company from Alpiq to IWB has been successfully finalised between the partners. 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — On 18 September 2012 Alpiq AG (Alpiq) and IWB … Read the full press release

Citizens will be able to stand as candidates in another EU country more easily under new EU rules

Brussels, 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Today, the EU Council of Ministers has adopted a European Commission proposal to make it easier for EU citizens living in another Member State to stand as candidates in the 2014 European Parliament elections. This follows an … Read the full press release

Eni’s CEO Paolo Scaroni meets Rafael Ramírez, Minister of Petroleum and Mines of Venezuela

The meeting was focused on the progress of the activities development for which contracts to build platforms and laying pipelines in the sea are in progress of assignment. Caracas (Venezuela), 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The Minister of Petroleum and Mines of … Read the full press release

€270m committed to support employment, SMEs and infrastructure in the poorest districts

28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Aware of the social and democratic ramifications of Tunisia’s development priorities, the Board of Directors of the European Investment Bank (EIB) has decided to commit €270m in favour of employment, particularly of young people, small and medium-sized … Read the full press release

BENETTON GROUP S.p.A. 2012 Calendar of Company events

Ponzano, 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The Company announces the annual calendar of events relating to the approval of the financial results by the Board of Directors and the Annual General Meeting in 2012 financial year. Board of Directors’ meetings January Tuesday 31 … Read the full press release

State aid: crisis-related aid aside, Scoreboard shows continued trend towards less and better targeted aid

Brussels, 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Commission’s 2012 State Aid Scoreboard revealed that the volume of national support to the financial sector actually taken by banks between October 2008 and 31 December 2011 amounted to around €1.6 trillion (13 % of EU GDP). … Read the full press release


Madrid, 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — TALGO ha presentado hoy el tren “AVRIL” (Alta Velocidad Rueda Independiente Ligero) en el marco de la Feria Innotrans que se celebra en Berlín. Que mejor marco para presentar este “Tren tan avanzado”! La presentación del  AVRIL … Read the full press release

Ernennung von Philippe Durr zum Geschäftsleiter von Romande Energie Commerce

Die Verwaltungsräte der Gruppe Romande Energie Holding SA und der Romande Energie Commerce SA haben Philippe Durr zum Geschäftsleiter von Romande Energie Commerce ernannt. Er wird auch Einsitz in die Geschäftsleitung der Gruppe nehmen und seine neuen Funktionen am 7. … Read the full press release

The Board of Directors of JV ALSTOM-Atomenergomash has decided on the site for manufacture of equipment to the ARABELLE technology

28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — On the 20th of December a routine meeting of the Board of Director of JV ALSTOM-Atomenergomash (AAEM) was held in Moscow. At the meeting, the implementation issues of the joint project on localization of the turbine island equipment manufacture to … Read the full press release

Eni signs Heads of Agreement with Anadarko for the development of common natural gas reservoirs in Mozambique

Furthermore, the two companies will jointly plan and construct common onshore LNG liquefaction facilities in the Cabo Delgado Province of northern Mozambique. San Donato Milanese (Milan), 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Eni has today signed a Heads of Agreement (HOA) with Anadarko … Read the full press release

Commission authorises Spain to extend existing temporary restrictions on Romanian workers

Brussels, 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Commission has approved a request from the Spanish authorities made on 13 December 2012 to extend the temporary restriction on access for Romanian workers to the Spanish labour market until 31 December 2013 due to … Read the full press release

From COLORS, with LOVE

The magazine “that talks about the rest of the world” donates UNHATE DOVE to Tripoli, Libya. UNHATE DOVE is one of the first monuments to peace after the Arab Spring, which began in Tunisia in December 2010. Tripoli, Libya, 28-12-2012 … Read the full press release

European Commission appoints new Head of the Regional Office in Barcelona

Brussels, 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Ferran Tarradellas Espuny will take up office as Head of the European Commission Regional Office in Barcelona on 1 January 2013. Mr. Tarradellas joined the European Commission in 2000 initially working as a media contact in the … Read the full press release


Madrid, 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — La Ministra de Fomento, Dña. Ana Pastor ha visitado hoy el tren “AVRIL” de Alta Velocidad que TALGO presenta en Berlín, en la Feria de  Innotrans 2012, acompañada por Carlos de Palacio, Presidente y José Mª Oriol, Consejero Delegado. … Read the full press release

Alpiq sells its Romande Energie shares

28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — As part of the current restructuring programme, Alpiq has decided to sell its shares in Romande Energie Holding SA (referred to below as REH; stock symbol HREN; ISIN CH0025607331). Today, Alpiq and REH signed an agreement under … Read the full press release


Athens, 28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Eurobank Ergasias SA (“Eurobank”) today announces the completion of the sale of its Turkish operations (“the Transaction”) to Burgan Bank (“Burgan”), following approvals from all competent authorities. Under the terms of the Transaction, which was announced on … Read the full press release

Axpo Konzern – Gesamtleistung und Ergebnis gesteigert – Konzern effizienter und flexibler aufgestellt

Der Axpo Konzern hat im Geschäftsjahr 2011/12 ein Betriebsergebnis (EBIT) von 329 Mio. CHF und ein konsolidiertes Unternehmensergebnis von 282 Mio. CHF erzielt. Damit wurden die entsprechenden Vorjahreswerte (139 Mio. CHF bzw. 45 Mio. CHF) deutlich übertroffen. Allerdings spielten einmal … Read the full press release

Talgo receives EUR 50 million EIB loan for RDI projects

28-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a EUR 50 million loan with leading European rail company Talgo to help finance its research, development and innovation activity in the area of new high speed train platforms. The … Read the full press release