Daily Archives: 4, December 2012

Moscovici and Schäuble quizzed by Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee

4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — On Monday the finance ministers of France and Germany, Pierre Moscovici and Wolfgang Schäuble, visited the European Parliament’s Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee to explain their countries’ economic policies and the Eurozone crisis. Banking union, Greece and … Read the full press release

Lowering the threshold for M2M communication

How Ericsson is making it easier to roll out M2M services through its standardized, managed service, delivered over the cloud. 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication will account for a significant number of the 50 billion connections expected by 2020. … Read the full press release

Maritime Policy: Commission launches new strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Seas

Brussels, 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Commission has adopted a maritime strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Seas that will boost smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the region. The strategy rests on 4 pillars: a stronger blue economy, a healthier … Read the full press release

Dassault Systèmes Demonstrates its 3DEXPERIENCE Platform and Applications at the 9th China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition (Airshow China 2012)

Shanghai, 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Dassault Systèmes (Euronext Paris: #13065, DSY.PA), the 3DEXPERIENCE Company, world leader in 3D design software, 3D Digital Mock Up and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) solutions, participated in the Airshow China 2012 to showcase its latest 3DEXPERIENCE … Read the full press release

Отговор на Български Енергиен Холдинг ЕАД във връзка със започналата процедура за проучване за злоупотреба с монополно положение

4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Във връзка със започналата процедура за проучване за злоупотреба с монополно положение (Дело № COMP/39.767-БЕХ) „Български Енергиен Холдинг” ЕАД е упълномощен да заяви следното: От  м. юни тази година БЕХ и дъщерните му дружества са предприели всички … Read the full press release

UGent: 43% van de Vlamingen denkt dat onze ecologische voetafdruk oké is

4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — De ecologische voetafdruk van Belgen is gemiddeld 7,11 globale hectare (gha) per persoon. Dat is de op vijf na grootste afdruk ter wereld. Toch schat bijna 60% van de Vlamingen dit niet als problematisch in, blijkt uit … Read the full press release

GMES: good for environment, good for jobs!

Brussels, 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — GMES, Global Monitoring for Environment and Security, the European Commission’s earth observation programme will create 83 000 jobs in Europe by 2030. This is the result of a study presented by European Commission Vice-President Antonio Tajani today during … Read the full press release

District’s First Passive House – a New Model for Affordable, Green Housing

4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — After several years of planning, the District celebrates the completion of Empowerhouse, a new model for affordable, energy efficient and sustainable housing. Designed and constructed by students at Parsons The New School for Design, The Milano School … Read the full press release

Digital Agenda: Commission proposes rules to make government websites accessible for all

Brussels, 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Over 100 million EU citizens would find it easier to use online public services to look for a job, register a car, submit a tax declaration and apply for a passport or driving license thanks to new … Read the full press release

Ruszyła budowa bloku gazowo-parowego w Stalowej Woli

TAURON Polska Energia oraz Polskie Górnictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo rozpoczęły budowę największej w Polsce elektrociepłowni gazowej w Stalowej Woli. Uroczyste wmurowanie kamienia węgielnego pod inwestycję odbyło się 3 grudnia 2012 roku. 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — W Stalowej Woli powstaje nowoczesna jednostka gazowo-parowa … Read the full press release

Antitrust: Commission opens proceedings against Bulgarian Energy Holding

Brussels, 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Commission has opened formal proceedings to investigate whether Bulgarian Energy Holding may be abusing its dominant market position in the wholesale electricity market in Bulgaria. The Commission has concerns that Bulgarian Energy Holding might be … Read the full press release

Universität Freiburg – Wechsel in der Pressestelle

Nicolas Scherger / Fotograf: Thomas Kunz

Eva Opitz hat sich in den Ruhestand verabschiedet, Nicolas Scherger ist ihr Nachfolger 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Eva Opitz, stellvertretende Pressesprecherin der Universität Freiburg und Redaktionsleiterin der Universitätszeitung uni’leben, hat sich zum 1. Dezember 2012 in den Ruhestand verabschiedet. Ihr Nachfolger … Read the full press release

Advice needed for parents on risk of poisoning in toddlers, research says

4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — GPs and other primary care professionals need to warn parents about safely storing medicines and other hazardous household products in an effort to cut the number of poisonings among pre-school children, a study has said. The research, … Read the full press release

The Western Balkans Civil Society Forum urges media freedom

4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) hosted the fourth Western Balkans Civil Society Forum in Zagreb on 26 and 27 November 2012. The Forum welcomed the progress made by the countries of the region towards EU … Read the full press release

Barco fundamental research is pushing the technology frontier and shaping the cinema of the future

Kortrijk, Belgium, 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Global digital cinema technology leader Barco continually develops new technologies to further shape the cinema of the future and to improve the moviegoing experience. In close collaboration with both industrial and academic partners, Barco is … Read the full press release

EU-Japan Free Trade Agreement: Commissioner De Gucht welcomes Member States’ green light to start negotiations

Brussels, 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Remarks by EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht following the Foreign Affairs Council (Trade) I am delighted that the Council has today decided to give the Commission ‘the green light’ to start trade negotiations with Japan. We … Read the full press release

Ahlstrom updates 2012 outlook following the EGM approval to demerge the Label and Processing business

Ahlstrom Corporation STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE November 27, 2012 at 14.50 Not for distribution in or into Australia, Canada, the Hong Kong special administrative region of the People’s Republic of China, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa or the United States. 4-12-2012 … Read the full press release

Merck Sharp and Dohme Ltd. withdraws its marketing-authorisation application for Jenzyl (ridaforolimus)

4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Medicines Agency has been formally notified by Merck Sharp and Dohme Ltd. of its decision to withdraw its application for a centralised marketing authorisation for the medicine Jenzyl (ridaforolimus), 10-mg tablets. Jenzyl was intended to … Read the full press release

Council conclusions on Renewable Energy

3204th TRA SPORT, TELECOMMU ICATIO S and E ERGY Council meeting Brussels, 3 December 2012 4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The Council adopted the following conclusions: “THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION RECALLING that the objective to achieve a share of 20% of renewable energy sources (RES) … Read the full press release

African air traffic control to be upgraded following EUR 40m EIB support

4-12-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Air traffic control facilities across Africa will be upgraded to international standards, improve safety and reliability and ensure more efficient air transport using a EUR 40 million loan from Europe’s long-term lending institution, the European Investment Bank, … Read the full press release