Daily Archives: 20, November 2012

EIB celebrating the 4th Microfinance Award

4th European Microfinance Award Programme Presentation of three finalists of the 4th European Microfinance ASKI, from The Philippines; Banco FIE, from Bolivia and Kompanion from the Kyrgyz Republic. here with Her Royal Highness The Grand Duchess of Luxembourg and Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Chairman of Yunus Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh Luxembourg 11/15/2012

20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — During European Microfinance Week, held 14-16 November 2012 in Luxembourg, the 4th European Microfinance Award was presented to the Philippine organization Alay Sa Kaunlaran Inc. (ASKI) for their efforts to support the local Philippine agricultural sector. The European … Read the full press release

BMW Art & Culture celebrates its 10-year partnership with Paris Photo and presents an exhibition of works by Alexandra Catiere. BMW will be at the Grand Palais exhibition from November 14 to 18, 2012.

Lauréate Résidence BMW 2011 au Musée Niépce_Alexandra Catiere ©Alexandra Catiere (02/2012)

Paris, 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — In collaboration with the Nicéphore Niépce Museum, BMW Art & Culture is proud to present “Ici, par-delà les brumes” (Here, beyond the mist), an exhibition of works by Alexandra Catiere, who was selected as winner of the 2011 … Read the full press release

Nieuwe technologie voor een efficiëntere behandeling ziekte van Pompe en andere stofwisselingsziekten

20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — VIB-onderzoekers van de UGent en de Vrije Universiteit Brussel hebben samen met het bedrijf Oxyrane een nieuwe technologie ontwikkeld voor de productie van een efficiëntere en mogelijks ook goedkopere therapie voor stofwisselingsziekten zoals de ziekte van Pompe. Oxyrane … Read the full press release

University celebrates 60 Knowledge Transfer Partnerships with business

20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Companies from across the region recently attended an event at The University of Nottingham to celebrate the work of the 60 businesses that have benefitted from taking part in the Knowledge Transfer Partnership scheme. The Knowledge Transfer Partnership … Read the full press release

Belgium: EIB lends Aquafin EUR 200 million for wastewater treatment and water protection schemes in flemish region

20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Investment Bank (EIB) and Aquafin N.V. have signed the first EUR 50 million instalment of a EUR 200 million 30-year loan for financing projects involving the additional sanitation of various discharge locations, the construction of wastewater … Read the full press release

Sanofi Donates $500,000 to Hurricane Sandy Immediate and Long-Term Relief Efforts

Response Includes Contribution to Three New Jersey Area Organizations Bridgewater, New Jersey, 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Sanofi today announced that, through its Sanofi Foundation for North America, it is contributing $500,000 in cash, for disaster relief efforts to help assist the victims of … Read the full press release

The world needs EU Aid volunteers!

Kristalina Georgieva — European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response Workshop on “Best Practices on the assistance of volunteers in Civil Protection and Humanitarian Interventions” Cyprus, 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Dear Minister, Dear Colleagues, 1. Cyprus at the heart of HA … Read the full press release

car2go eröffnet Shop in Stuttgart

– Shop-Eröffnung in der Stephanstraße 25 – Registrierung ab sofort kostenlos möglich – Betriebsstart Ende November 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Ende November wird car2go mit einer Flotte von 300 batterieelektrischen Fahrzeugen in Stuttgart starten. Kunden können sich ab sofort im neu eröffneten … Read the full press release

Union bancaire, intégration économique et budgétaire: vers une Europe forte, partenaire stratégique solide pour la Russie

Michel BARNIER — Membre de la Commission européenne, chargé du Marché intérieur et des Services Conférence de l’Association des entreprises européennes en Fédération de Russie (AEB) Moscou, 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Mesdames et Messieurs, Permettez-moi tout d’abord de remercier l’AEB, le Président de son … Read the full press release

SPIE gaat voor duurzame samenwerking met Greenbridge

20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — SPIE Belgium tekende zopas een partnership voor minstens 4 jaar met Greenbridge, het West-Vlaams wetenschapspark van de Universiteit Gent gelegen in de Oostendse achterhaven. Het is een broedplaats voor innovatie waar hoogtechnologische ondernemingen werken rond (ver)nieuwe(nde) energietechnologieën. Voor … Read the full press release

European Medicines Agency recommends new advice to surgeons on safer use of fibrin sealants Evicel and Quixil

New measures to minimise the risk of gas embolism during spray application 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) has recommended a number of risk-minimisation measures for the fibrin sealants Evicel and Quixil … Read the full press release

Greenland’s viking settlers gorged on seals

Archaeologists dig up skeletons of Norse settlers in 2010 at the Norse farm Ø64, Igaliku Fjord, Østerbygden, Greenland. Photo: Jette Arneborg

20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Greenland’s viking settlers, the Norse, disappeared suddenly and mysteriously from Greenland about 500 years ago. Natural disasters, climate change and the inability to adapt have all been proposed as theories to explain their disappearance. But now a Danish-Canadian … Read the full press release

EDPS: responsibility in the Cloud should not be up in the air

Brussels, 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Today, the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) adopted his opinion on the Commission Communication on “Unleashing the potential of Cloud Computing in Europe” in which the Commission proposes key actions and policy steps to speed up the use of cloud computing services … Read the full press release

BP Makes Trinidad Gas Discovery

20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — BP Trinidad & Tobago (bpTT) today announced that it has discovered an estimated 1 trillion cubic feet (tcf) of gas offshore Trinidad, doubling the estimated gas in place of the Savonette gas field, to 2tcf.BPTT made the announcement … Read the full press release

Environment: EU aiming to be at the forefront of efforts to reduce marine litter

Brussels, 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Marine litter is a serious threat to the coastal and marine environment around the globe. Marine habitats are contaminated with man-made garbage and other waste, posing growing environmental, economic, health and aesthetic problems. The European Commission is … Read the full press release

New Husqvarna Nuda 900 ABS and Nuda 900R ABS price list

New Nuda 900 ABS and Nuda 900 R ABS (09/2012)

Biandronno, 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — As presented at the last Intermot Fair in Cologne, the new Husqvarna Nuda 900 ABS and Nuda 900 R ABS will be available on the market as of November 2012. The Nuda 900 comes standard with ABS … Read the full press release

Health spending in Europe in 2010 fell for the first time in decades, says a joint Commission/OECD Report

Brussels, 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Health spending per person and as a percentage of GDP fell across the European Union in 2010. This is one of the many findings in the “Health at a Glance: Europe 2012”, a new joint report by the … Read the full press release

Cassidian CyberSecurity joins Fondation Télécom as a strategic partner

Paris,  20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — On 5 November Cassidian CyberSecurity, a subsidiary of Cassidian (EADS Group) and Fondation Télécom signed a strategic partnership agreement. The cyber security specialist will participate in the development and support of Fondation Télécom’s programmes, thus taking an … Read the full press release

European Antibiotic Awareness Day 2012: Key Facts on the Fight Against Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

Brussels, 20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — The European Antibiotic Awareness Day is an annual European public health initiative that takes place on 18 November. Ahead of this event, the European Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) today released the latest data on antibiotic resistance and consumption in the … Read the full press release

Call for global monitoring of infectious diseases in dogs and cats

20-11-2012 — /europawire.eu/ — Most emerging infectious diseases of humans come from animals. International health agencies monitor these diseases, but they do so only for humans and livestock, not for companion dogs and cats. A new study recommends a global system is … Read the full press release