Tag Archives: docetaxel

Nuovi progressi nel trattamento del cancro alla prostata: Darolutamide sta per essere approvato nell’UE

Non destinato ai media statunitensi e britannici (NOTIZIA IN BREVE) Il comitato per i medicinali per uso umano dell’Agenzia europea per i medicinali ha raccomandato l’autorizzazione all’immissione in commercio nell’Unione europea di darolutamide, un inibitore orale del recettore degli androgeni, … Read the full press release

New Advancement in Prostate Cancer Treatment: Darolutamide Set to be Approved in EU

Not intended for U.S. and UK Media (IN BRIEF) The European Medicines Agency’s Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use has recommended darolutamide, an oral androgen receptor inhibitor, for marketing authorization in the European Union as a treatment for patients … Read the full press release

University of Warwick research shows prostate cancer patients who received the chemotherapy drug docetaxel with standard hormone therapy lived ten months longer on average

New research led by the University of Warwick shows newly diagnosed advanced prostate cancer patients who received the chemotherapy drug docetaxel with standard hormone therapy lived ten months longer on average, compared to those who received standard therapy alone. COVENTRY, … Read the full press release