EuropaWire employs and leverages some of today's most sophisticated and precise targeting options available online to reach out to the audience within Europe/EU that might be most interested in and can potentially engage with your PR message / news announcement. Through EuropaWire's advanced press release targeting and submission online form you can easily and flexibly figure out pricing/targeting/reach and start your press release distribution campaign via EuropaWire with full control over the PR distribution budget you want to employ, the countries/audiences/markets (either the entire Europe/EU or any individual European country) you want to target and have your PR message delivered to as well as the PR reach and reads you want to achieve based on your PR goals and objectives.
Please select the European countries you want your press release delivered to as well as PR distribution budget for each of the countries you want to target. You need to target at least one country in order for your PR distribution campaign to start via EuropaWire. You must also choose the "Don't Target" option to explicitly exclude each country you do not want to target with your press release. All fields marked with * or outlined in red are mandatory. Countries are listed by their gross domestic product at market or official government exchange rates (nominal GDP) as first in the list appear the EU countries followed by other European countries.
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