Portugal Telecom’s SmarCloudPT offering honored with Best Cloud Service Product Award by EuroCloud Europe Awards 2013

Lisbon, Portugal, 25-10-2013 — /EuropaWire/ —  The SmarCloudPT offering was honored by the EuroCloud Europe Awards 2013 with the Best Cloud Service Product Award, after the private servers offering have been awarded at national level.

“SmartCloudPT represents an innovative approach in the IT market, leveraging a revamped and extended cloud portfolio with self-provisioning features that meet customers’ needs.” This is how the jury of EuroCloud Europe defines PT’s offer and justifies the distinction awarded to the company. The SmartCloudPT offering is thus distinguished as the best in Europe.

As to the self-provisioning portal, the organization adds that “customers can get information about the services and test them.” And they conclude by saying that “SmartCloudPT is easy to use, quite effective and has a high availability through a modern infrastructure, safeguarding data security”.


EuroCloud Europe’s distinction is an important recognition of PT’s IT commitment, particularly in the provision of cloud computing, through investment in infrastructure such as the PT Data Center in Covilhã and in next-generation networks.

The winners were announced in the EuroCloud Congress, held in Luxembourg on October 15, attended by 300 professionals from 23 nationalities. João Dolores, head of PT’s Business Cloud Unit, attended the event on behalf of the company.

PT’s private servers offer had already been distinguished by EuroCloud Portugal with the Best Cloud Service Product Award in September 2013. Read the news here.

Find out more about the SmartCloudPT portal.


Foto by EuroCloud/photoetage João Dolores received the Best Cloud Service Product Award on behalf of PT granted at the EuroCloud Europe Awards 2013

Foto by EuroCloud/photoetage
João Dolores received the Best Cloud Service Product Award on behalf of PT granted at the EuroCloud Europe Awards 2013

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